Send an Email after an Artisan command execution - laravel-5.1

I need to send an email right after an artisan command is execute to get confirmed whether its executed correctly or not. What i'am thinking right now is send it inside the handle function in the command class as,
public function handle()
// command logic
//send an email
I found that this is so embarassing because there are lot of command registered in the app.
My question is about: Is there any global place that i can handle this case, both success and failed(due to an Exception)?
P.S. I saw that there is a method called reportException in ConsoleKernel class so i think i can override that function in Kernel class to send the mail when there is a failure, correct me if i'am wrong.


Is there a method in quickfix for returning execution report acknowledgement message?

I have initiator and acceptor applications in Java. I'm using FIX 4.2 protocol.
I'm sending Execution Reports via acceptor and getting them with initiator. There's no problem in here. What I need is, return an execution report acknowledgement message(type: BN) for the acceptor. In FIX 4.2 standarts there are no BN messages. I will probably add those fields to datadictionary myself.
I checked user manual of quickfix. There are some example methods for sending messages.
void sendOrderCancelRequest() throws SessionNotFound
quickfix.fix41.OrderCancelRequest message = new quickfix.fix41.OrderCancelRequest(
new OrigClOrdID("123"),
new ClOrdID("321"),
new Symbol("LNUX"),
new Side(Side.BUY));
message.set(new Text("Cancel My Order!"));
Session.sendToTarget(message, "TW", "TARGET");
Should i write a method like above and call it inside of onMessage method? How can I response these messages?
QF does not automatically do this for you.
You will need to implement your own logic to create the ack message and send it.
And yes, you are correct that you will need to add BN and its fields to your DataDictionary. I would then recommend that you re-generate the QF/j source and rebuild the library so that you can have proper BN message/field classes. (The QF/j documentation should be able to guide you with this.)

Bazel overwriting test logs and BuildEventProtocol via BuildEventService

I am playing around with implementing a server of the BuildEventService so that I can have bazel export its BuildEventProtocol messages to it. I'm trying to figure out how to read the logs for a test run without race conditions, and in particular this seems very difficult due to bazel reusing the same path on the local machine for multiple runs and the default asynchronous nature of BES.
As part of the event stream I get the following:
EventStream event:
stream_id {
build_id: "a4a34ca2-fc4b-483d-b4ab-b4546bdb2c4e"
component: TOOL
invocation_id: "b09c0b08-b096-4673-9521-4980506207f7"
sequence_number: 11
event {
event_time {
seconds: 1504560960
nanos: 778000000
bazel_event {
[] {
id {
test_summary {
label: "//libraries:types-test"
configuration {
id: "fe35dfece8e09ba054305e51187b3316"
test_summary {
total_run_count: 1
failed {
uri: "file:///private/var/tmp/_bazel_endobson/f851d7f6c7010ae7d7a3db153bed36de/execroot/yaspl/bazel-out/darwin_x86_64-fastbuild/testlogs/libraries/types-test/test.log"
overall_status: FAILED
I would like to read the file in the uri:
but it seems that every time I run the test I get the same uri. Thus I want to read it before the next test run recreates it. But bazel by default does the uploading asynchronously, so it seems there is nothing preventing another run of bazel of starting up and recreating the file even before the BES server receives this stream message.
How can I avoid this race and still read these files?
It depends on whether you are in control of the Bazel client. If so then yes you can avoid the race. Else you can't.
You can specify a different --output_base on each invocation of
Bazel (The output base is the path prefix
/private/var/tmp/_bazel_endobson/f851d7f6c7010ae7d7a3db153bed36de in
your example). However, that --output_base is a startup option and
thus requires a Bazel server restart when it's changed. That would
work but it's slow and you need to specify the different
--output_base before the invocation, which might be fine if you invoke Bazel programmatically.
You can specify --bes_best_effort=false in which case the BES upload
is synchronous i.e. Bazel waits for the upload to finish. If the
upload fails, the build also fails.
You could wrap the bazel client in a shell script and additionally to uploading to your BES service, also write the BEP to a file and then at the end of the invocation parse the file for test.log files and upload these before giving control back to the user.

Firefox native messaging through webextension

Created a webextension for firefox (currently using Nightly 52), that uses native messaging to launch a java program on Linux (Ubuntu 14, 32x).
The webextension loads, reads the .json file and reads the path which points to a script that starts the java program. The JSON and the path are correct as when I use:
var native = browser.runtime.connectNative("passwordmanager");
console.log("" +; //outputs passwordmanager.
native.onDisconnect.addListener(function(m) { console.log("Disconnected"); });
The above code prints the name of the native port and also prints "Disconnected". So I m guessing the native app is terminating for some reason.
The application is only skeleton right now, that just does sysout and reads sysin and works correctly if Launch it directly through the shell script.
While debugging the webextension, I am not able to step into the call to connectNative, as it just steps-over that call instead of doing step-in. So kind of out of options whats' going wrong.
Please let me know if anyone is able to create a native messaging app based on FF webextension and any pointers on what I might be doing wrong.
This solution here shows you how to detect onConnect and onFail. It should help you out to figure out your real problem.
So I don't think you can do proper error handling with connectNative from the JS side alone. You can do somewhat error handling if you get the exe side involved, but you can't get a string for "error reason" when an error occurs. The error is only logged to console.
First make sure to set your deeloper prefs, so messages show in your browser console. You can use this addon - - or read that addon description it gives you the MDN page with the prefs to set.
Then this is how you can do some sort of error handling (without error reason) (pseudo-code - i might need a .bind in the callbcks):
function connectNative(aAppName, onConnect, onFail) {
var listener = function(payload) {
if (!connected) {
connected = true;
} else {
// process messages
var failedConnect = function() {
onFail('failed for unattainable reason - however see browser console as it got logged there');
var connected = false;
var port = chrome.runtime.connectNative(aAppName);
return port;
Now in your exe, as soon as it starts up, make it write to stdout something. That will trigger the onConnect.

Jenkins API: User.hasPermission always returns true

I'm developing my first plugin for Jenkins that will add some additional permissions to Jenkins' matrix based security authorization.
I'm developing the plugin in NetBeans 8.1. The plugin can build and deploy to Jenkins 1.625.3 and I can see my permission show up in the matrix table.
The plugin has a class that extends the RunListener<AbstractBuild> extension point. I override the setUpEnvironment method and in this method I'm trying to see if the user that caused the build has my new permissions.
Unfortunately, every time I call User.get(username).hasPermission(permission), the result is true. I've simplified the testing by creating two users:
adminuser: has the Administer permission
devuser: currently just have overall read and no other checkboxes checked.
If I put a debug break in my setUpEnvironment method, and add the following watch, the result is true:
Intuitively, I look at the code above and think hasPermission is based on the User returned by the get method. However, I'm starting to suspect that it doesn't matter that hasPermission is called on the user object, the security principle is some system user with uber access.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Matrix Screenshot
Debug Watches
The problem with is that User.hasPermission(Permission p) calls ACL.hasPermission(Permission p) which in fact runs:
return hasPermission(Jenkins.getAuthentication(),p);
Therefore permissions are not checked for loaded User but for current User used to execute this code.
If you run below code from Script Console:
println instance.getAuthorizationStrategy().
hasPermission("devuser", hudson.model.Hudson.ADMINISTER)
println instance.getAuthorizationStrategy().getACL(User.get("devuser")).
hasPermission(User.get("devuser").impersonate(), hudson.model.Hudson.ADMINISTER)
println instance.getAuthorizationStrategy().getACL(User.get("devuser")).
hasPermission(User.get("devuser").impersonate(), hudson.model.Hudson.ADMINISTER)
println instance.getAuthorizationStrategy().getACL(User.get("devuser")).
println instance.getAuthorizationStrategy().getACL(User.current()).
it will return:
As a "workaround" try to obtain authorization strategy directly from Jenkins object and execute hasPermission(...) method from it:
def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()
instance.getAuthorizationStrategy().hasPermission("devuser", Jenkins.ADMINISTER)

Symfony mailer: Swift_TransportException between message sending

On a current project which I'm currently working, i have a symfony task that runs some mass data insertion to database and runs it for at least half an hour.
When the task starts a mail notification is sent correctly, the problem is that at the of the task execution we can't send another mail to notify about the end of processing.
The mailer factory is currently configured with the spool delivery strategy but, in this specific situation, we desire to fire a notification immediately, using the sendNextImmediately() method.
I'm are getting the exception:
Expected response code 250 but got code "451", with message "451 4.4.2 Timeout - closing connection. 74sm1186065wem.17
and the flowing error on php log file:
Warning: fwrite(): SSL: Broken pipe in /var/www/project/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/vendor/swiftmailer/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php on line 209
Can anyone give some help?
Is there any way that i can perhaps refresh symfony mailer to establish a new connection?
Doing a Symfony2 project, I ran across this failure too. We were using a permanently running php script, which produced the error.
We figured out that following code does the job:
private function sendEmailMessage($renderedTemplate, $subject, $toEmail)
$mailer = $this->getContainer()->get('mailer');
/* #var $mailer \Swift_Mailer */
$sendException = null;
/* #var $message \Swift_Message */
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
//throw $sendException;
For Symfony1 Users
My guess was that the connection was being hold for too long (with no activity at all), causing an ssl connection timeout.
For now, the problem can be solved by stopping the Swift_Transport instance and starting it again explicitly, just before sending the second message.
Here is the code:
I had exactly the same problem and above solutions were very helpful, but there is one thing I had to do differently: order.
It didn't worked for me if I tried to stop Transport before sending message (connection timeout was already hanging). Also You don't need to run getRealtimeTransport()->start() - it will be started automatically.
