Magnolia EE license auto deploy - docker

I am trying to build an automatic deploy system for Magnolia 5.4 EE. For this, I exported the license config node /config/modules/enterprise/license to a file config.modules.enterprise.license.xml and attached this to the mgnl-bootstrap/my-module-directory of my module.
In this bootstrap-directory, other xml configuration files are present and are entered as expected into the configuration database. However, after deploy Magnolia still asks me to enter the license key - everything else works fine, my product is deployed, etc.
I tried to find information in the Magnolia documentation, but to no avail. Anyone here who was able to automatically deploy a Magnolia EE?

It should work if you add a dependency to enterprise magnolia module in your my-module descriptor file. This way the enterprise module will be installed before your module, and you just add a new node to its config.
Another option is to add the license import file to WEB-INF/bootstrap/common, the difference here is that everything in that folder gets bootstrapped after all modules are started.


How to set dependency-mapping binding in gradle bootBuildImage (Spring-boot 2.7.1, native)

I am using spring-boot 2.7.1 with native configuration as the guide follows in the link.
Spring native official doc
My problem is that when running bootBuildImage, the buildpack [""] is trying to download external dependency paketo-buildpacks/bellsoft-liberica from which is not allowed by company firewall.
I then researched that you can configure dependeny-mapping bindings towards these dependencies within required buildpack, at-least using this pack cli guide.
But when using purely pack-cli the gradle bootBuildImage gets a bit irrelevant and then I have to use some external tool to fix the native docker container and image. And I would like to only use the bootBuildImage to map these dependency-bindings.
I found this binding function within Gradle bootBuildImage docs. but I am not sure what string it expects, if the path should be similar to pack-cli config or not, can't find any relevant info.
The provided image show the bootBuildImage config
bootBuildImage {
builder = ''
runImage = ''
buildpacks = ['']
environment = [
"BP_NATIVE_IMAGE" : "true",
The dependency-mapping config contains 2 files:
The type file contains:
echo "dependency-mapping" >> type
The sha256 (bellsoft-liberica) file 3dea0f7a9312c738d22b5e399b6ce9abe13b45b2bc2c04346beb941a94e8a932 contains:
'echo "" >> 3dea0f7a9312c738d22b5e399b6ce9abe13b45b2bc2c04346beb941a94e8a932'
And yes I'm aware that this is the exact same url, but this is just to test that the binding config is correctly setup. Because if ok it should fail on untrusted certificate when downloading instead.
Currently the build fails with:
Caused by: org.springframework.boot.buildpack.platform.docker.transport.DockerEngineException: Docker API call to 'localhost/v1.24/containers/create' failed with status code 400 "Bad Request"
at org.springframework.boot.buildpack.platform.docker.transport.HttpClientTransport.execute(
at org.springframework.boot.buildpack.platform.docker.transport.HttpClientTransport.execute(
at org.springframework.boot.buildpack.platform.docker.DockerApi$ContainerApi.createContainer(
at org.springframework.boot.buildpack.platform.docker.DockerApi$ContainerApi.create(
at org.springframework.boot.gradle.tasks.bundling.BootBuildImage.buildImage(
Which i assume is caused by invalid binding config. But I can't find what is should be.
Paketo configuration (binding)
Dependency mapping bindings can be tricky. There are a number of things that have to be just right, or the buildpacks won't pick up the binding and won't map dependencies.
While there are talks of how we can change this in buildpacks to make swapping out dependencies easier, the short-term solution is to use binding-tool.
You can run bt dm -b paketo-buildpacks/bellsoft-liberica and it will go download the dependencies from the specified buildpack and generate the binding files for you.
It will by default download dependencies and write the bindings to $PWD/bindings but you can change that. For example, I like to put my dependencies in my home directory so I can share them across apps. Ex: SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT=~/.bt/bindings bt dm ..., or export SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT=~/.bt/bindings (or whatever command you run to set an env variable in your shell).
Once you have the bindings created, you just need to point your app to them. How you set the property differs between Maven & Gradle, but the value of the property is the same. It should be <local-path>:<container-path>.
The local path should be the full or relative path to where you created the bindings with bt dm. The container path should almost always be /platform/bindings. This maps your full set of bindings locally to the full set of bindings that the buildpacks will consume. In other words, put all of your bindings into the same directory locally, map that to /platform/bindings and the buildpacks will see everything.
For example with Gradle: binding("bindings/:/platform/bindings").
You can adjust the container path by setting SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT in the container as well, but it doesn't offer a lot of advantage.
You can also set multiple entries for bindings, so long as the paths are unique. So you could set binding("/home/user/.bt/bindings/foo:/platform/bindings/foo") and also binding("bindings/bar:/platform/bindings/bar"). That would let you take bindings from two different locations locally and map them into the /platform/bindings directory so both would be visible to buildpacks. This gives you more fine-grained control but as you can see becomes pretty verbose.
Details on configuring Maven and configuring Gradle for buildpacks can be found at those links.

Generating updater.exe via Advanced Installer command line

I am trying to sign all executables + dll files in my application, within an Azure Pipeline, using Azure signtool for that. (doing basically the described here) - on the result of running dotnet publish.
Exception is updater.exe, because it is generated by Advanced Installer API or some other proprietary way. Signing the updater.exe file that lies inside Advanced Installer installation folder /x86/updater.exe - does not help (it will work, but the updater.exe that is deployed when installing the MSI is not signed, meaning it is generated during processing of the .AIP file, which happens after running dotnet publish)
Is there a way the updater.exe AI generates (with the custom icon, etc) to be created using command line API ? How ?
The question has already been answered in the forums here:

Physical Path in Beanstalk

I'm totally newbie in Beanstalk. I'm developing a web application in which a sealed and black-box plugin is used. That plugin needs a physical path with full permission to use for cache.
Any solution?
You can use the .ebextensions files in the main project that will, for example, create a directory and change the access rights to it. It is not clear from your question how you install the plugin (e.g. is it a service that is loaded after the web application is installed or is it part of the web application).
Execute a command in the .ebextensions file such as in:
How to grant permission to users for a directory using command line in Windows?
You'll find a introduction into container customization in
Be careful about the format of the files (ie. spaces, no tabs, the best is to edit it in a separate text editor). Experiment with simple commands first, so that you get the hang of how the commands are executed.
Note: The ebextensions commands are executed for each deployment, so your script should check if the directory exists already and only create it if it doesn't. Otherwise the execution will fail as you try to create a directory that exists already. In a second step you can add the permissions.

Grails application that copies and unzippes files from remote server to another remote server using SSH

I'm new in JAVA\Grails\Groovy. Just began to create simple apps.
I've got a task to create grails app that:
1) shows a list of source zip files on a remote server, that is available by FTP and SSH
2) shows a list of destination remote servers with predefined target folders, that are available only by SSH
3) after choosing source zip and dest server it copies zip to target server\folder and unzippes. Progress bar must be shown.
4) performs some additional commands, such as ls or something like that
All configurations must by either in config files or in the database.
No information should be hardcoded in app.
Please help me to choose approach, plugin or framework.
Any help would be appreciated
I've used JSch a lot for SCP file transfer and remote exec using SSH and works very well. You could use it directly like you would in a Java app, by adding a dependency for the jar in BuildConfig.groovy
compile 'com.jcraft:jsch:0.1.51'
but the most trivial Google search I could manage that included "Grails" and "SSH" tells me that there's this plugin which looks great, and this plugin which also looks great, and this blog post which looks great, and also this plugin which uses a different library but also looks great.
Those options cover the ssh and scp/sftp parts, and you can use the JDK support for Zip files, e.g. and the other related classes in that package, to unzip the files. The rest is pretty straightforward, but if you need more help ask more questions (one question per question).

Highcharts Export Server Configuration Settings

Highcharts (Highcharts), just released an update to their offering with a bundled export server. This is to enable you to generate charts serverside and include them automatically in emails/pdfs/etc.
Their instructions on how to prepare this is: Github instructions
I'm running XAMPP on Mountain Lion. I have successfully built the war package and opened the demo page.
I am now preparing a war for the production environment (centOS 6). The production site is running the Yii framework.
What I do not understand, the variables that need to be configured: = weburl = weburl = weburl
In a MVC framework environment (such as yii) what should these url's be?
2.After the war is created, the github tutorial says to upload this file. But, what other files are required? The entire exporting-server directory? If so, where on the server should these files be placed? Is the file location the url path that should be referenced in the weburl variables?
Greater clarification on how to setup/deploy the export server would be much appreciated.
The created .war file should be uploaded to an Java application server, such as Tomcat, Jboss, TC-server, Glassfish, etc.
It's not suitable to run in a PHP environment.
