iOS app submit for review fails 'UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities' - ios

I am getting an error when attempting to submit my new app version for review through iTunes Connect. This is the error I am getting:
The app's Info.plist can't contain values for the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key that would prevent this app from opening on any iOS device that was supported by previous versions. For more information, see Understanding the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities Key.
In every build previously released of this app, I have listed the following attribute under "UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities" in the plist file:
In this latest build I have included some features dependent on location so I have increased the required capabilities to:
armv7, location-services, gps
This now causes my build to throw the above error message on submission. Has anyone dealt with this problem before?
Currently, I have attempted bumping the version and tried removing 'armv7' from the required capabilities.

Device Compatibility for iTunes submissions.
Here is the relevant section:
Important: All device requirement changes must be made when you submit
an update to your binary. You are permitted only to expand your device
requirements. Submitting an update to your binary to restrict your
device requirements is not permitted. You are unable to restrict
device requirements because this action will keep customers who have
previously downloaded your app from running new updates.
So the short answer is, you cannot do that. If you absolutely must have those flags, then you will need to create a new app for it.

The issue here is, that devices where the app was installed previously and don't support these capabilities "won't" be able to update the app, and that's why you get this error
So I don't think you will be able to put them there.

I originally asked the question, but I am commenting because I was able to submit the app for review by removing the 'gps' device capability.


iOS - Missing CFBundleIconName in Xcode 9.2

I am uploading build to release app using Xcode 9.2 built with iOS 11 SDK. Binary is archived and uploaded successfully, but I get the following email back.
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for
"". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Missing Info.plist value - A value for the Info.plist key
CFBundleIconName is missing in the bundle ''. Apps that provide icons
in the asset catalog must also provide this Info.plist key. For more
information see Once these
issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected
The App Store team
I found a solution.
Missing CFBundleIconName in Xcode9 iOS11 app release
But i need little bit more. I don't want to use *.xcassets file for app icon. I want to use image in xCode project folder for app icon.
Is it possible in xCode 9.2? if yes then how?
Haven't seen this listed on any of the other posts but this was my issue.
Make sure to check the target membership of your assets directory! If you do not correctly link the membership here, you will get this same super-generic error(Apple should do something about the error messages).
The target membership should correlate directly to targets for which you are using the icons. For example, I use this single directory for both my main app, and watch app assets, you must specify this by selecting the appropriate member.
There is a direct option not to use app icon from Assets

Trying to re-upload app compilation to iTunes Connect

Alright, I'm trying to upload my first app to the App Store, at first it got rejected due to a simple bug, But I can't figure out how to re upload the fixed version to iTunes Connect. When I try to send it through Xcode ou Application Loader, I get the following error:
The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken.
The app's version is 1.0, the build number is 1. I can't figure out how to replace the older rejected compilation with the new one. Every time I try sending a new compilation, I get this error. I already tried changing the app's version and bundle numbers. I also can't make a new version or even delete the app from iTunes Connect.
I'm using Xcode 9.
I probably rejected the rejected build, so the app's status is "ready to send" again, like in the beginning.
The error you have mentioned, does not seem to be about the version, but rather the app name. Its been asked and answered already
For versioning :
Read the Technical note on Version Numbers and Build Numbers.
Specifically :
For every new build you submit, you will need to invent a new build
number whose value is greater than the last build number you used (for
that same version).
You you will have to bump your build number.
Turns out it was the app's name (Display name)! Looks like that if you compile it with a different display name than what's on iTunes Connect, it will get you that error!

Invalid Binary issue while uploading iMessage Sticker App using XCode 8

I have created a StickerExtensionPack. Apparently, Apple is treating a sticker extension pack as just another app that needs to go in the Sticker Category, fair enough.
However, when I uploaded the binary, I was sent back an email saying that the binary is invalid, because of the following reason:
Invalid Messages Application Support - The MessagesApplicationSupport
folder is missing and you have LSApplicationLaunchProhibited set to
true in your Info.plist. Either rebuild your application using the
current public (GM) version of Xcode or remove the
LSApplicationLaunchProhibited key from your Info.plist and resubmit
your application. Invalid iMessage App - The bundle contains an
invalid implementation of iMessage support. Add
MessagesApplicationSupport/MessagesApplicationStub next to your
Payload directory in your IPA.
MessagesApplicationSupport/MessagesApplicationStub must match the
binary at and have no post processing applied to
I'm doing a simple sticker pack. I'm on XCode and can not find LSApplicationLaunchProhibited anywhere in the info.plist within the my files!
Any guidelines on how to resolve this will be helpful. Thanks.
Try these steps:
turn off Bitcode from "Yes" to "No"
Change the version to CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = 1.10.11.
You don't need to recreate your project, just change the version. I reran the build and it's currently "in review" in iTunes without any errors.
So far, the only way I have been able to work around this issue is to repeatedly delete and recreate the project until iTunes Connect accepts a build. And really, I'm not even sure if the project recreation is actually helping - it could be entirely random - as it still only works about 50% of the time and turning off Bitcode, as mentioned by the OP, did not help.
At least two out of the three sticker packs I am currently working on have had this problem (with Xcode 8.0 and 8.1), so it's befuddling how this cannot be more widespread. I have to assume it's something specific that's causing it, but I am not sure what. So I guess until a proper solution is found: try, try again.

Send for Review iOS app [duplicate]

After submitting my app through Xcode, I see my app with no icon and it says "Uploaded" in the prerelease tab. What should I do? It's been two hours. I validated and submitted without any issues through Xcode. Here's what I see:
It's been about another 2 hours and I still see:
Update #2:
It's been another 24 hours and nothing!
Update #3:
I've contacted iTunes Connect Support addressing this issue and they said they would give me a call after they get in touch with the engineers. Here is what they said through email:
I will follow up with you as soon as I have an update. Thank you for
your assistance and continued patience.
Final Update! SOLVED!
After a drastic 5 days of just getting this app to review, they've finally fixed the issue. It seemed to be an issue with the server. The best help I can give to those stuck is to try to send another build or contact iTunes Connect Support(it's faster to call then to email). Also, if you get your app sent to review, don't forget to request an expedited review from Apple, to make the review process faster (not every one is guaranteed). Thanks so much for all of your support!
Wait more. It will be processed eventually.
Apple may have issues with their validation servers or could have a very long pending apps queue. Just be patient.
Edit: (from MGame's experience)
If after a few hours, your build still hasn't started being processed, give a phone call to Apple. It seems that in some rare case your app could get stuck in their servers and they have to manually resolve the issue.
Please check your email inbox.This may be the issue
"Dear developer, We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "App Name". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected: Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '76x76' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0. Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '167x167' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions supporting iPad Pro. Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0. Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
I have the same trouble. I tried the following:
Increase the second build number
Resubmit binary
Then my app process was completed immediately.
I have added myself as App Manager and Got email that i need to add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in info.plist. For more Details see this answer.
But as i am writing this answer also working for people. It says just don't put xcode in background and let it run in foreground while you are uploading.
After waiting for a week without seeing builds, I've try Application Loader from Xcode 8.1beta.
Export -> Save for iOS App Store Deployment -> Save a folder with IPA in my desktop
Xcode -> Open developer tools -> Application Loader -> choose IPA file from desktop
Now I can see my builds..
Another simple thing to try is to update the itunes Connect Form of the app version.
In my case, the builds only appeared after I've put something in the first field ("What's new in this release") and saved the changes.
Add missing items in info.plist,such as icon files, privacy usage description, requirements etc. it works for me
Wait for sometime. You can see the build. In my case it happened like that.

iTunes Connect "Address Sanitizer Detected" email after uploading

I am having issues uploading my app to iTunes Connect for Testflight testing. I don't receive any errors when uploading the build through Xcode 7.0, but after my build attempts to processes on iTunes Connect I get the following automated email from Apple:
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "MY_APP". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Address Sanitizer Detected - The executable ${executablePath} links in the Address Sanitizer. Please remove Address Sanitizer usage before submitting to the App Store.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
The App Store team
I've ensured that "Enable Address Sanitizer" is unchecked for all of my build schemes. I cleaned the build folder and attempted to upload a clean build, but am still having the same issue. I don't see anything in the build settings related to Address Sanitizer.
Is there something else I need to do to remove Address Sanitizer?
we hit this same problem and our team spent the last 48 hours trying to isolate it. Turns out that it was a naming conflict in one of the bundles that we were including. Since the bundle is part of our standard SDK stack that we include in every game submission and we never had any issues with it before, I am assuming that something was upgraded on Apple's back-end to include checks for a lots of the new xCode features which caused the naming conflict during the post submission auto-code checks.
it took us over 20 submissions to isolate the offending bundles and renaming them fixed the problem. If you're hitting this issue, I suggest going through your plist to see if any of the bundle names have used keywords that are reserved for Address Sanitizer usage. It was one of our engineers that identified the problem and he's away on vacation for the next week but apparently, he replaced the hyphens in the bundle name with underscores and the problem disappeared.
Wanted to share this one quickly and hope it helps folks that are stuck on this issue as it was an absolute nightmare for us to pin down.
Thanks to some help from #Erik-Kerber, I managed to get a build through.
I was running the GM of Xcode 7 (7A218). After updating to the release build (7A220) from the App Store my app successfully passed iTunes Connect processing.
My build also get rejected.
I am using Fabric / Crashlytic library in my project.
I was also having the same issue and the same mail i got from Apple when my build rejected by Apple.
But after replacing my Fabric/Crashlytics library with updated library it get solved and accepted by Apple Succefully.
