Is it possible to extract m3u8 with wmsAuthsign? Here is the link we were provided :
Ideally we would like to run live via VLC - but because wmsAuthSign is not fixed string, it changes every time.
In my app, I want to display some mp4 tutorial videos for the user using AVPlayerViewController. I upgraded to a Pro account on Vimeo, enabling me to use the direct links to my videos.
It gives you a couple of options for which kind of link to use: high def, standard def, and HTTP Live Streaming. I'm a little bit confused on which to use. My videos aren't live streamed, but I see that HTTP Live Streaming can dynamically adjust the size of the file according to the users internet connection.
I don't know much about video, does HTTP Live Streaming make sense to me here if I'm not streaming anything live or should I just have the user download the entire video?
It's a bit of a misnomer - HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is just the name of the protocol and is not necessarily used for streaming of live content.
HLS is simply a method used for serving the best quality video file (pre-recorded/pre-saved) for the given viewing environment.
Apple's HLS documentation is found here:
I can not play a video from Wowza. I have some videos as .mp4 extension. How can i play these videos onto a html web site?
I created some stream files and SMIL files. But I can not have URL to run these videos.
I need to URL format to play videos from Wowza Server.
How can I get the URL to play videos?
Using the HTML5 video tag element for Wowza Streaming Engine streaming URLs can be a bit limited depending on the browser and OS platform you are using. Check to make sure that your browser/platform supports this playback. The latest version of Wowza has the new HTML5 Wowza Player that is supported cross-platform (and is available to users with a valid key).
I also see that your HLS playback format looks to be incorrect. It should be:
Your port-number by default is usually 1935, and can be set from the Virtual Host Setup page. For application name, the pre-installed app is called "vod", and the default instance is "_definst_" (which is optional, but is recommended to use if you are using sub-folders for your VOD content). The stream path is the path and name of your VOD file, and is usually prefixed by either "mp4:" or "flv:", depending on the kind of file. Try playing back the installed sample.mp4 file:
I'm not sure whether this question is eligible to ask in this forum. I just want to know how the video streaming applications like,
and all developed a downloading manager which handle a video downloading process smoothy. How can we develop the same in my application? What are all the things i need to check for developing this? How should i develop it properly?
Any suggestions?
There now exists a Chrome extension which unites segments from m3u8 list and combines them in a video which then is saved to your computer.
Here's the link HLS Video Saver.
Your best shot is HLS. Segment your video file on server side with lets say
apple segmenter. Then create m3u8 playlist with these files. Next open the playlist file with the media player of your choice.
I need to download mp4 video from media server and simultaneously feed the localhost httpserver (GCDWebServer) to enable video streaming.
What have i tried so far:
I am able to download a video file from media server and then provide the localhost url for streaming the video.
But this takes a lot of time in downloading. So i wanted to know if there is a way i can segment the video on the fly and keep updating the m3u8 file as and when my next segment is ready.
Ok, Why downloading? Basically i need to deal with a custom encrypted video file. So i need to download, then decrypt the stream and then feed to my local httpserver.
I hope i'm clear in the requirements.
I'd like to upload an audio file to my website, programmatically create an video slideshow using an image already on the server, and then upload that video to YouTube using its API. The website is built on Grails, so a Java solution would be great; Linux command line could also work.
Uploading videos using the YouTube API is working well. I also have no trouble getting avconv or ffmpeg to create videos that will play in, for example, Windows Media Player. This works to make a playable movie:
avconv -i image.jpg -i audio.mp3 video.mpg
However, manually uploading that video to YouTube results in a format error. I can create other files that YouTube will process successfully, but the audio plays back with regular stutters. (A second or so of clear audio, then a brief gap, then some clear audio, ...) For example:
avconv -i image.jpg -i audio.mp3 video.mkv
I have experimented with a variety of output formats and codecs, but all fall into one of those categories: apparent encoding success but YouTube processing failure, or processing success but unacceptable audio playback.
I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction. I'm open to any solution that will let me solve the basic problem of uploading audio to YouTube via my Grails website without forcing my users to create the video slideshow themselves.
Thanks in advance for any clues.
It is quite easy to create a YouTube slideshow video on iPad. This guide shows the steps.
Adding music, applying transitions, editing photos can all be done there.
I built a pretty similar web service, based on ffmpeg: it's called — uploads user-provided mp3 to YouTube as a video, using uploaded image file for a visual track. User uploads mp3 file, an image, then we render a video in the backend, and publish it on YouTube under the user's account.
It is very easy to render an h264 mp4 video following YouTube specs using Linux command line ffmpeg. Let me know if you're interested in our particular command line.