docker 1.9.1,, doesn't stop docker container - docker

Dockerfile :
VOLUME [ “/sys/fs/cgroup” ]
CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"]
I build & run my centos7 docker container on Centos7.
$ docker run --privileged -ti -d -e "container=docker" --name
centos7-server -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup centos7:81ee535
after, input below commend
$ docker stop centos7-server
.. forever loop..
if /usr/sbin/init to /bin/bash, centos7-server be stoped(success) well.
but, I want to use systemd in centos7-server container..
What can cause the problem ?

The sbin/init program (also called init) coordinates the rest of the boot process and configures the environment for the user.
Using CentOS docker, init always executes before CMD / ENTRYPOINT. So, it has no sense to use init as COMMAND or ENTRYPOINT.
Definitively, don't worry about init. Don't launch it with docker run nor docker exec, because it's going to be executed anyway.
The init program starts all of the background processes by looking in the appropriate rc directory for the runlevel specified as the default in /etc/inittab. The rc directories are numbered to correspond to the runlevel they represent. For instance, /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ is the directory for runlevel 5. So, it has no sense to stop it unless you shutdown system.


Enable systemctl in Docker container

I am trying to create my own docker container, and custom service which I created for my work, this is my service file
[1/1] /etc/systemd/system/qsinavAI.service
Description=uWSGI instance to serve Qsinav AI
ExecStart=/root/AI/bin/uwsgi --ini ai.ini
and when I am trying to run this service I get this error
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't
operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
I searched a lot to find a solution but I could not, how can I enable the systemctl in docker.
this is the command that I am using to run the container
docker run -dt -p 5000:5000 --name AIPython2 --privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --cap-add SYS_ADMIN last_python_image
If your application is only ever run inside a container then you should create a script with an "exec" at the end so that your application is run as a remapped PID 1 in the container. That way cloud systems can see if the application is alive and they can send a SIGTERM to stop the application.
#! /bin/bash
cd /root/AI
exec /root/AI/bin/uwsgi --ini ai.ini
If your application shall be able to run in systemd environment outside of a container then you can choose to reuse the systemd descriptor. It requires an init-daemon on PID 1 and a service manager to check the "enbabled" services. One example would be the systemctl-docker-replacement script.
Docker containers should have an "entrypoint" command that runs in foreground to keep the container running. The basic idea behind a container is that it runs as long as the root process that started it, keeps running. Since you will issue a systemctl start qsinavAI.service, the command will succeed but once this command exits, the container will stop.
By design, containers started in detached mode exit when the root process used to run the container exits, ...
See some reference about this and starting nginx service in the official documentation.
So instead of trying to run your application as a service, you should have an entrypoint statement at the end of your Dockerfile. Then when you start this container with docker run, you can specify -d to run it in "detached" mode.
Example, taking the command from ExecStart and assuming it runs in foreground:
ENTRYPOINT ["/root/AI/bin/uwsgi", "--ini", "ai.ini"]
Exemple how to create image with systemd and boot like a real environment. A Dockerfile is required.
FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN echo 'root:root' | chpasswd
RUN printf '#!/bin/sh\nexit 0' > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y systemd systemd-sysv dbus dbus-user-session
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/init"]
/sbin/init is important to init systemd and enable systemctl.
Then build the system.
docker build -t testimage -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it --privileged --cap-add=ALL testimage

Docker command difference

I am new to docker container. Can someone please tell me what is difference between these two commands. In my knowledge, have the same out put than why we use the bash command.
docker run -it ubuntu
docker run -it ubuntu bash
In docker, we run a linux container. As you know, a linux system is alive when it's init 0 service is alive. 'init 0' is kind of the heart of a linux system. when 'init 0' is killed, the linux system also dies.
In a containerized architecture, you run a container for simply one purpose i.e. to simply run one service. we want if the service fails, the container also dies. so we define the servcie as init 0 job for the container.
when you run docker run -it ubuntu bash, here, bash is the init 0 job for the container. As soon as you exit from bash, the container stops working.
Instead of using bash you can also try another commands like #Shmuel suggested.
Well, when we create custom images, often we want to pre-define default 'init 0' job for our custom image. If the init 0' is predefined, you don't need to mention it in docker run command.
In ubuntu image, the pre-defined 'init 0' job is bash. So, if you don't mention bash in the run command, it works the same.
docker run -it ubuntu let's you run command inside the container.
The bash is the command to run.
For example instead you can run
docker run -it ubuntu ls /home
This will list the /home dir inside the container.

Docker -it option won't work with ENTRYPOINT or CMD in Dockerfile

I'm new to Docker, when I run my docker image with -it option, docker container finishes running, echoed "test" as indicated in my docker file and exited with zero. The expected behavior should be that docker keeps open a virtual terminal of the container:
docker run -it test
Here is my Docker file:
FROM centos
CMD echo test
I tried both CMD and ENTRYPOINT, and both shell form and exec form, the behavior is the same. However, if I replace the CMD by RUN in the docker file, the -it option can work normally.
Docker requires main process to keep running in the foreground. Otherwise, it thinks that application is stopped and it shutdown the container.
In your case, -i means keep STDIN open even if not attached & -t means allocate a pseudo-tty. They are just meaningful when the container is running.
But the container running is not depends on the above flags, they depends on the main process. Here, it's echo test, it executes and then finish, so the container found the main process finish, it exited.
If you replace CMD with RUN, then it will use default CMD, that is /bin/bash, see dockerfile of centos here, and /bin/bash will not auto exit, so container not exit.

Docker container not running after creating with mounted volume

I am trying to use an image that I pulled from the docker database. However I need data from the host to use some programs loaded into the image. I created a container with this
sudo docker run --name="mdrap" -v "/home/ubuntu/profile/reads/SE:/usr/local/src/volume" sigenae/drap
it appears that everything works and then I start the container
sudo docker start mdrap
but when I check the running containers it is not listed there and if I try to load the container into /bin/bash it tells me the container is not running. I am a beginner with docker and am only trying to use an image to run programs with all the required dependencies, what am I doing wrong?
docker start is only to start a stopped container. It's not necessary after a docker run. (but more after a docker **create**, like in the documentation)
A container is started as long as it's main process is running.
As soon as the main process stops, the container stops.
The main process of a container can be either:
the ENTRYPOINT if defined
the CMD if no ENTRYPOINT and no command line argument
the command line argument
In your case, as you don't have any command line argument (after the image name on the docker run command) and the image only defines a CMD (=/bin/bash), your container is trying to start a /bin/bash.
But, as you don't launch the container with the --interactive/-i nor --tty/-t (again like in the documentation), your process as nothing to interact with and stops (idem for each start of this container).
So your solution is simply to follow the documentation:
docker create --name drap --privileged -v /home/ubuntu/profile/reads/SE:/usr/local/src/volume -i -t sigenae/drap /bin/bash
docker start drap
docker exec -i -t drap /bin/bash
Or even simpler:
docker run --name drap --privileged -v /home/ubuntu/profile/reads/SE:/usr/local/src/volume -i -t sigenae/drap /bin/bash

Container is not running

I tried to start a exited container like follows,
I listed down all available containers using docker ps -a. It listed the following:
I entered the following commands to start the container which is in the exited stage and enter into the terminal of that image.
docker start 79b3fa70b51d
docker exec -it 79b3fa70b51d /bin/sh
It is throwing the following error.
FATA[0000] Error response from daemon: Container 79b3fa70b51d is not running
But when I start the container using docker start 79b3fa70b51d. It throws the container ID as output which is normal if it have everything work normally.
What is the cause of this error?
By default, docker container will exit immediately if you do not have any task running on the container.
To keep the container running in the background, try to run it with --detach (or -d) argument.
For examples:
docker pull debian
docker run -t -d --name my_debian debian
docker ps -a
e7672d54b0c2 debian "bash" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes my_debian
#now you can execute command on the container
docker exec -it my_debian bash
Container 79b3fa70b51d seems to only do an echo.
That means it starts, echo and then exits immediately.
The next docker exec command wouldn't find it running in order to attach itself to that container and execute any command: it is too late. The container has already exited.
The docker exec command runs a new command in a running container.
The command started using docker exec will only run while the container's primary process (PID 1) is running
If it's not possible to start the main process again (for long enough), there is also the possibility to commit the container to a new image and run a new container from this image. While this is not the usual best practice workflow (the new image is not repeatable), I find it really useful to debug a failing script once in a while.
docker exec -it 6198ef53d943 bash
Error response from daemon: Container 6198ef53d9431a3f38e8b38d7869940f7fb803afac4a2d599812b8e42419c574 is not running
docker commit 6198ef53d943
docker run -it ace7ca65e6e bash
This happens with images for which the script does not launch a service awaiting requests, therefore the container exits at the end of the script.
This is typically the case with most base OS images (centos, debian, etc.), or also with the node images.
Your best bet is to run the image in interactive mode. Example below with the node image:
docker run -it node /bin/bash
Output is
root#cacc7897a20c:/# echo $SHELL
First of all, we have to start the docker container
ankit#ankit-HP-Notebook:~$ sudo docker start 3a19b39ea021
After that, check the docker container:
ankit#ankit-HP-Notebook:~$ sudo docker ps -a
3a19b39ea021 coreapps/ubuntu16.04:latest "bash" 13 hours ago
Up 9 seconds ubuntu1
455b66057060 hello-world "/hello" 4 weeks ago
Exited (0) 4 weeks ago vigorous_bardeen
Then execute by using the command below:
ankit#ankit-HP-Notebook:~$ sudo docker exec -it 3a19b39ea021 bash
Here is what worked for me.
Get the container ID and restart.
docker ps -a --no-trunc
docker restart ace7ca65e6e3fdb678d9cdfb33a7a165c510e65c3bc28fecb960ac993c37ef33
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash <imageid>
This was posted by L0j1k in the below post and worked for me.
How do I get into a Docker container's shell?
use command
> docker container ls
> docker image ls
Check your Image id and note it down. Here my Image id is "6c929ca002da" , you guys have to use your own Image id instead of mine..
> docker start 6c929ca002da
here our image is in down mode we have to start it first by using image id.
6c929ca002da is my image id
> `docker exec -it 6c929ca002da bash`
after running this command you can see
your image file in running mode like this
Here I am using root mode go root mode by using command
sudo su
The reason is just what the accepted answer said. I add some extra information, which may provide a further understanding about this issue.
The status of a container includes Created, Running, Stopped,
Exited, Dead and others as I know.
When we execute docker create, docker daemon will create a
container with its status of Created.
When docker start, docker daemon will start a existing container
which its status may be Created or Stopped.
When we execute docker run, docker daemon will finish it in two
steps: docker create and docker start.
When docker stop, obviously docker daemon will stop a container.
Thus container would be in Stopped status.
Coming the most important one, a container actually imagine itself
holding a long time process in it. When the process exits, the
container holding process would exit too. Thus the status of this
container would be Exited.
When does the process exit? In another word, what’s the process, how did we start it?
The answer is CMD in a dockerfile or command in the following expression, which is bash by default in some images, i.e. ubutu:18.04.
docker run ubuntu:18.04 [command]
docker run -it <image_id> /bin/bash
Run in interactive mode executing then bash shell
For anyone attempting something similar using a Dockerfile...
Running in detached mode won't help. The container will always exit (stop running) if the command is non-blocking, this is the case with bash.
In this case, a workaround would be:
1. Commit the resulting image:
(container_name = the name of the container you want to base the image off of,
image_name = the name of the image to be created
docker commit container_name image_name
2. Use docker run to create a new container using the new image, specifying the command you want to run. Here, I will run "bash":
docker run -it image_name bash
This would get you the interactive login you're looking for.
Here's a solution when the docker container exits normally and you can edit the Dockerfile.
Generally, when a docker container is run, an application is served by running a command. From the Dockerfile reference,
Both CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions define what command gets executed when
running a container. ...
Dockerfile should specify at least one of CMD or ENTRYPOINT commands.
When you build a image and not specify any command with CMD or ENTRYPOINT, the base image's CMD or ENTRYPOINT command would be executed.
For example, the Official Ubuntu Dockerfile has CMD ["/bin/bash"] ( Now, the bin/bash/ command can accept input and docker run -it IMAGE_ID command attaches STDIN to the container. The result is that you get an interactive terminal and the container keeps running.
When a command with CMD or ENTRYPOINT is specified in the Dockerfile, this command gets executed when running the container. Now, if this command can finish without requiring any input, it will finish and the container will exit. docker run -it IMAGE_ID will NOT provide the interactive terminal in this case. An example would be the docker image built from the Dockerfile below-
FROM ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT echo hello
If you need to go to the terminal of this image, you will need to keep the container running by modifying the entrypoint command.
FROM ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT echo hello && sleep infinity
After running the container normally with docker run IMAGE_ID, you can just go to another terminal and use docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash to get the container's terminal.
Perhaps too late for this active community, but there are a lot of causes because a container may not execute correctly and exit writing a console message or not. For all the newbies making nodeJS containers I'll recommend you to change the Dockerfile and erase all CMD and ENTRYPOINT you may have, and add only an ENTRYPOINT to ["/bin/sh"] (See my attached test Dockerfile example). Then rebuild the Docker image and run it with the command:
docker run -it --rm your_named_image:tag
Voilà you will be getting inside the container with a shell. Then you can test your app typing the command yourself i.e. node app.js and see what is happening. After you see all is ok, you can then change your docker file and erase the ENTRYPOINT to "/bin/sh" and use yourself i.e ["node","app.js"] or whatever. Always consider the previous answers to this post; When the app inside the container finish it will stop the running container.
Here is an example for my "test" Dockerfile:
FROM node:16.4.0-alpine
ENV NODE_ENV=production
COPY ["package.json","package-lock.json*", "./"]
RUN npm install --production
COPY ./dist .
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh"]
NOTE: My source files for the app (.js) on the local computer are on directory ./dist, so I have to copy at the container as you can see.
In my case , i changed certain file names and directory names of the parent directory of the Dockerfile . Due to which container not finding the required parameters to start it again.
After renaming it back to the original names, container started like butter.
I have a different take on this. I could do a docker ps and see that there is a docker container running, I even tried to restart it, but as soon as I tried to get a session for it with New-PSSession -ContainerId $containerId -RunAsAdministrator It would error out, saying:
##[error]New-PSSession : The input ContainerId xxx does not exist,
##[error]or the corresponding container is not running.
My problem was I was running with network service and it did not have enough permissions to see the container, even though I had given it permissions to run docker commands (with docker security group configuration)
I didn't know how to enable working with containers, so I had to revert to running it as an admin user instead
In my case, I had previously killed the running container with,
sudo docker kill testdeb
So when I exec the container I got the error,
Error response from daemon: Container fcc29295fe78a425155c533506f58fc5b30a50ee9eb85c21031e8699b3f6ff01 is not running
The solution was to start the container with,
sudo docker start testdeb
Now I have a container running ,
sudo docker ps
fcc29295fe78 debian "bash" 9 hours ago Up 11 seconds testdeb
Which wasn't previously running
The below approach I tried works in an windows vscode environment.
docker run --name yourcontainer -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=your password -d mysql
I see lot of similar answers but adding port number '-p 3306:3306', made the status up and running. You can verify by using the command docker ps -a
