Google Analytics missing ~5% of sessions from iOS SDK - ios

I have an ecommerce application for iOS that is reporting transactions to Google Analytics. When I compare the analytics each week with the data from the sales system, Google Analytics is always missing ~5% of the transactions.
Further investigation turned up that it's not just the transaction data that occasionally goes missing, but all data (events, screen views, etc.).
For example, I have a user that I know used the app every day last week. However, Google Analytics shows activity for every day except Tuesday. It seems like the iOS SDK occasionally stops reporting data for chunks of time, but I'm not sure why.
We're not crossing any rate limits (best I can tell) and the app isn't uninstalled from the user's device so the data shouldn't be getting deleted.
The view I'm using in Google Analytics is filtered and has User-ID reports enabled. (I just created a new view this week with no filters and User-ID reports disabled to see if the results are different.)
Does anyone have any thoughts about what might be causing the data to go missing?


Google Analytics / GA tracking not working in iOS mobile app because of ATT

If a user selects "Ask app not to track" on iOS (ATT feature), I understand it does not send IDFA. However, does it send any other data to GA (
Has anyone tested this? How to conclude that "Ask app not to track" does not send data to GA?
Impact: GA transaction counts and our internal order management system count have a mismatch. iOS has a huge gap (around 40%).
Other findings: The conversion rate % between iOS and Android still remains the same, however, the absolute count of transactions in iOS is far lesser than our internal order count. Android count matches more than 95%.
GTM for firebase is used to send data to Google Analytics.

Is there any way to get the number of downloads of my iOS app?

I have been doing R&d for some time and I am trying to make a single platform where I can see all the numbers of downloads of my iOS app. I have gone through the documentation but the way we can see the app statistics is through login and then download the report. I like to do it pro-grammatically without using any third party extensions or packages. Just like for android you can use google storage api here in the docs google cloud storage (API). But is there any way to do the same with iOS apps ? The only API which they have exposed is App store connect API but it gives you results of sales and trends. I am not sure if it tells you also the number of downloads of your app.
Please point me in the right direction. I might be following the wrong path but I have googled a lot and i could not find a direct way to do that without using third party extensions.
Per the documentation for the App Store Connect API, the endpoint GET gives you daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly app sales figures. That's not downloads exactly, since somebody might download your app multiple times in order to install it on multiple devices, reinstall it after deleting it, etc. But it's probably the closest you're going to get without either creating your own analytics system or using a 3rd party one.

Using Google Analytics on iOS through AdMob Analytics Addon

I have just changed from iAd to AdMob for the ads program on my iOS App.
The thing is that I just hate Apple's statistics at iTunes Connect. I wonder if I can use AdMob's Analytics addon to track all sorts of information such as downloads, devices, etc.
Is there anyway to have an statistical system such as Google Play has?
Well it is little bit hidden... but I have found these two interesting links:
Good information though.
iOS 9.3, Xcode 7.3
Google Analytics has lots of customization options as to what data is gathered. "You get out of it as much as you put in." I mean, you will need to spend time integrating the analytics correctly to track what you deem significant. Determining what is "significant" is hard. The recommended approach is to start small and branch out into more detail later as you acquire customers.
This is what you'd expect as advertised:
The App Overview report summarizes the most useful information from
all of the Mobile App Analytics reports. Individual Mobile App
Analytics reports are organized into different categories:
Real-Time: See user traffic as it happens on your app. Monitor users, top active screens, top locations, and more. You can use
Real-Time as an end to end debugging tool for your Google Analytics
SDK implementation.
Audience: Get to know the people using your app—where they are, how often and long they use an app, and what devices are popular with
your visitors.
Acquisition: Find out how often your app is downloaded and installed, and how successful certain marketing campaigns are in
attracting visitors.
Behavior: Track in detail the ways users interact with your app. Find out which screens are viewed in a typical visit, or set up Event
Tracking to analyze custom actions, like button clicks and video
plays. Technical exceptions and crashes are also included in this set
of reports.
Conversions: Know the real value of your app. Set up Goals and Ecommerce to track targeted objectives, like completed sign-ups and
product sales.
To anyone who is looking for info on Google Analytics with regard to AdMob, please see this introduction, play the video and tune out for 30 minutes or so, it is very helpful. The topics covered in this link are:
About Google Analytics in AdMob
Set up Google Analytics in AdMob
Analyze a new app in AdMob
Create an audience in AdMob
Stop analyzing an app in AdMob
Google Analytics in AdMob FAQ
Here is the link to how to integrate Google Analytics in an iOS app., Add Analytics to Your iOS App.
Hope this helps!

real time analytics for ios

I wan to integrate analytics in one of my project. I know Flurry analytics and Google analytics are good options, but both of these server are not tracking realtime data. It shows update after few hours on dashboard.
Is There any real time Analytics tool/library available which I can easily integrate with ios App?
On google Analytics, there is a real time tab, where you can watch how many users are using your app, where they are from, which version of your app they are using,...
I really like Appsee for real-time app analytics - and it’s super easy to integrate with an iOS app. Session recordings is one of the coolest features they offer, and it allows you to see exactly what was going on in the user journey (trends, crashes, bugs, ANR, etc.). You see everything in real time, which is great for understanding any issues in the app and quickly fixing / improving.

Google Maps SDK for iOS - Delivery Timeframe

I'm wondering if anyone has requested and actually received an API key for the Google Maps iOS SDK. I put in my own request over a month ago now, and still nothing despite having a shipping app that is ready to make immediate use of the new SDK (and which is picking up some negative feedback due to inaccuracies in Apple's maps).
Has anyone been issued an API key for the Google iOS SDK, and if so, how long did you have to wait for it and what were the circumstances of your application (i.e. did you have an app already deployed, how popular was it, etc.)?
I'm hoping that if we can unravel the criteria Google uses to issue these keys we can allow people with pending requests to come up with an approximate estimate of when their request might be granted.
As I mentioned in this answer, I applied for access on the 13th of December, and then received an email saying I'd been approved on the 17th of December.
I have an app on the app store which used to use Google Maps, but I had to remove the maps when iOS 6 came out. Not sure if this had anything to do with it, or if I was just lucky because I happened to hear about the SDK almost immediately after Google announced the new SDK, and I applied for access right away.
When I received the email saying that I'd been approved, I was added to a google group - which is how Google sends out notifications of updates. From the looks of it that group only has 77 members, so if that's equal to the number of people which have been given access, I guess Google are rolling out access quite slowly.
As of the 21st of February, it looks like the SDK is now open to everyone.
