Pushwoosh iOS SDK, disable alert generated by pushwoosh in Background mode - ios

I want to disable alert generated by pushwoosh manager when i received notification when my app is in background mode. I have tried both Pushwoosh_SHOW_ALERT and Pushwoosh_ALERT_TYPE, it works fine in foreground mode. But i want to show custom message to user when received notifications.

When the app is in background the alert is generated by iOS itself by default.
You might want to deliver the notification silently and present notification yourself. See this article on how to achieve that:


How to disable custom actions buttons on Apple Watch when receiving push notification

I am developing an iOS app with 3D Touch push notifications. The notification has a couple of custom actions defined.
When receiving the notification on an Apple Watch, these same custom actions are displayed. However, since:
I am not yet planning to create a companion Apple Watch app to handle the long-look interface of the notification, and
these custom actions require interaction with the iOS app based on an enhanced preview of the notification when received on an iOS device,
these actions make little sense on the watch.
Is there a way I can disable these actions when receiving a push notification on an Apple Watch?
Thanks in advance!

Can I disable a particular local notification banner when app is in foreground?

My application is currently set up to display local and push notifications even when in the foreground. There is one specific local notification I would like to disable when in the foreground, but keep enabled when the app is not active or in the background. Is there a way to accomplish this?
When app in foreground iOS will not show notification banner/alert by default on its own, you must have written code or used a third party frameworks to show some banner on App, just put a break point in that code to not to show the specific notification

Actionable push notification isn't appearing on device with iOS 8+, when user force quit app by swiping-up

I am using ONE SIGNAL for push notification
ONE SIGNAL is providing functionality of actionable push by adding "actionButtons" key including in payload.
{"actionButtons" = {"id":"1","text":"Confirm","icon":""},{"id":"2","text":"Cancel","icon":""}, "actionSelected" = "1"}
So whenever push notification will appear on device, it will appear with two buttons "Confirm" and "Cancel" and based on user's selection 'id' of the button will be stored in "actionSelected" key.
Everything above is working perfectly whenever app is in either in foreground or in background in iOS 8+
But when user force quit application (swipe-up) notification isn't appearing on device.
I have also added "Remote Notifications" in background modes, all certificate is also set perfect. I don't know what am i missing.
If anyone got any idea about this issue then kindly help.
All suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
This is a limitation related to how OneSignal handles action buttons. OneSignal uses the content-available flag as part of a technique to support custom text on action buttons and this flag is ignored in cases where the application has been force-closed.
When force quitting any iOS app, that device becomes ineligible for notifications for that specific app until that app is ran again. So if you're testing open the app, and then close it (put in background).

iOS Push Notifications - Show in Top Bar When Phone isn't locked

How can I make my push notification alert for my app show in a top rectangle on the phone when it's not locked. Right now I only see it on the locked screen.
You are looking for a way to display push notifications when you app is running and in the foreground? That is, you want notifications that are received while your app is running to look just like notifications that are received when your app is not running? Unfortunately, iOS has no support for this. When your app is in the foreground, it is notified via [UIApplicationDelegate application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:] when a notification is received, but nothing is displayed. You'll have to write your own UI code to display a banner at the top of the screen when this method is called.

Custom notification when app in background or close

Is it possible to create an notification when my app in background all close.
What I mean:
If my app goes to background at some point at time I want to get notification with alert view on main screen in iPhone.
Alert view have to contain my custom description text.
Is it possible? and if this is possible that wich verion iOS should provide this option.
Yes, you can use a local notification.
Local notifications were introduced in iOS 4.0
