Actionable push notification isn't appearing on device with iOS 8+, when user force quit app by swiping-up - ios

I am using ONE SIGNAL for push notification
ONE SIGNAL is providing functionality of actionable push by adding "actionButtons" key including in payload.
{"actionButtons" = {"id":"1","text":"Confirm","icon":""},{"id":"2","text":"Cancel","icon":""}, "actionSelected" = "1"}
So whenever push notification will appear on device, it will appear with two buttons "Confirm" and "Cancel" and based on user's selection 'id' of the button will be stored in "actionSelected" key.
Everything above is working perfectly whenever app is in either in foreground or in background in iOS 8+
But when user force quit application (swipe-up) notification isn't appearing on device.
I have also added "Remote Notifications" in background modes, all certificate is also set perfect. I don't know what am i missing.
If anyone got any idea about this issue then kindly help.
All suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance.

This is a limitation related to how OneSignal handles action buttons. OneSignal uses the content-available flag as part of a technique to support custom text on action buttons and this flag is ignored in cases where the application has been force-closed.

When force quitting any iOS app, that device becomes ineligible for notifications for that specific app until that app is ran again. So if you're testing open the app, and then close it (put in background).


How to check for keyboard notification outside of my ios apps?

I am trying to check for keyboard notification show/hide outside of my ios apps. I tried to run keyboard notification in the background, did not work.
I expected to switch to a different app or homescreen and my ios app should detect whether keyboard is shown or hide when i'm outside my ios apps.
it is not possible since app do not communicate with each others by default. just like in the previous answer, it's because of sandboxing. If you could tell what you want to achieve, we might be able to help

Pushwoosh iOS SDK, disable alert generated by pushwoosh in Background mode

I want to disable alert generated by pushwoosh manager when i received notification when my app is in background mode. I have tried both Pushwoosh_SHOW_ALERT and Pushwoosh_ALERT_TYPE, it works fine in foreground mode. But i want to show custom message to user when received notifications.
When the app is in background the alert is generated by iOS itself by default.
You might want to deliver the notification silently and present notification yourself. See this article on how to achieve that:

Delphi XE6 and NotificationCenter only work with APP open

When I create an app using this component it just send notifications to Android while APP is opened or when she's in the background because I pressed the home button on the phone, if I close the app or exit using the back button notifications are no longer passed to the cell. Is there any way to fix this?
How do you expect for your app to create any notifications if it is not running? Your app needs to be rinning in order to create or post any notivications to the OS.
So now you would probably wanna focus on preventing the app instantly closing when back button is pressed in a way that you notiffy the user that closing the app will prevent its notifications to work and then give your user choice to either close the app or simply keep it workinng in the background.

iOS local notification only when the screen is locked and without screen activation ?

Got 2 questions for the xcode experts :
- I would like to send a (repeating) local notification only to the locked screen but without having the screen turning on, it is possible ?
- I also would like to check whether the screen is on or off (for this very purpose) : is there any way with the current IOS version (IOS 7) ?
Many thanks for any help !
No this is not possible, frits it will be very hard to get you app running in background without misusing one of the background modes.
You cannot detect if the devices is locked and you will flood the notification center with messages.
If you do manage to get it working then there is good chance that Appel will reject your app for doing this.
You can check the screen by checking the applicationState property, which will be set to UIApplicationStateInactive when the phone is set to lock/sleep (as opposed to UIApplicationStateBackground).
As for the notification, you can set a push notification delegate (I've not done it from scratch, but I did it using Urban Airship and creating my own custom push handler class) and handle whether to post an alert or not there. I'm not sure, though, whether having the phone sleep will kick notifications to the OS level, which would default to showing a notification on the screen.

Is it possible to make a push notification that doesn't open the app

I want a push notification where you could tap yes or no.If yes is tapped it would NOT open the app.
AFAIK it is not possible on iOS 6 unless you have a "Newsstand" app.
I've heard many of the newsstand-only features will be available to all apps in iOS 7 but I haven't had time to look into it yet. Maybe someone who knows more will answer.
iOS 6 can't do this - all Push notifications need to be treated as if they'll display to the user, and if they get a push when the app isn't open, it will take them to the app if they tap "Yes".
As #eran pointed out, you could modify the push notification bundle to make it only display 1 button.
iOS 7 is currently NDA so can't be discussed here. That said, if you have Xcode 5, you should have the developer doc site basically downloaded. Look at the Multitasking Guide and the Release notes.
If you have two buttons and none of them opens the app, why do you need two buttons?
If you pass null to the action-loc-key parameter, you'll get a single button that dismisses the alert without opening the app.
