Handling software updates in Docker images - docker

Let's say I create a docker image called foo that contains the apt package foo. foo is a long running service inside the image, so the image isn't restarted very often. What's the best way to go about updating the package inside the container?
I could tag my images with the version of foo that they're running and install a specific version of the package inside the container (i.e. apt-get install foo=0.1.0 and tag my container foo:0.1.0) but this means keeping track of the version of the package and creating a new image/tag every time the package updates. I would be perfectly happy with this if there was some way to automate it but I haven't seen anything like this yet.
The alternative is to install (and update) the package on container startup, however that means a varying delay on container startup depending on whether it's a new container from the image or we're starting up an existing container. I'm currently using this method but the delay can be rather annoying for bigger packages.
What's the (objectively) best way to go about handling this? Having to wait for a container to start up and update itself is not really ideal.

If you need to update something in your container, you need to build a new container. Think of the container as a statically compiled binary, just like you would with C or Java. Everything inside your container is a dependency. If you have to update a dependency, you recompile and release a new version.
If you tamper with the contents of the container at startup time you lose all the benefits of Docker: That you have a traceable build process and each container is verifiably bit-for-bit identical everywhere and every time you copy it.
Now let's address why you need to update foo. The only reason you should have to update a dependency outside of the normal application delivery cycle is to patch a security vulnerability. If you have a CVE notice that ubuntu just released a security patch then, yep, you have to rebuild every container based on ubuntu.
There are several services that scan and tell you when your containers are vulnerable to published CVEs. For example, Quay.io and Docker Hub scan containers in your registry. You can also do this yourself using Clair, which Quay uses under the hood.
For any other type of update, just don't do it. Docker is a 100% fossilization strategy for your application and the OS it runs on.
Because of this your Docker container will work even if you copy it to 1000 hosts with slightly different library versions installed, or run it alongside other containers with different library versions installed. You container will continue to work 2 years from now, even if the dependencies can no longer be downloaded from the internet.
If for some reason you can't rebuild the container from scratch (e.g. it's already 2 years old and all the dependencies went missing) then yes, you can download the container, run it interactively, and update dependencies. Do this in a shell and then publish a new version of your container back into your registry and redeploy. Don't do this at startup time.


why we don't use CMD apt update instead of RUN apt update on Dockerfile?

why we don't use CMD apt update instead of RUN apt update on Dockerfile
we use RUN apt update for update an image this is for one time but why we don't use CMD apt update for update every container we create ? ? ? ?
As it sounds like you already know, RUN is intended "xecute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results", and CMD is intended to "xecute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results". So RUN is a build-time instruction, while CMD is a run-time instruction.
There are a few reasons this won't be a good idea:
Containers should be fast
Containers are usually expected to consume as few resources as possible, and startup and shutdown quickly and easily. If we update a container's packages EVERY time we want to run a container, it might take the container many minutes or even hours on a bad network before it can even start running whatever process it is intended for.
Unexpected behavior
Part of the process when developing a new container image is ensuring that the packages that are necessary for the container to work, play well together. But if we are upgrading all the packages each time the container is run on whatever system it is run on, it is possible (if not inevitable) that there will eventually be a package that will be published that introduces a breaking change to the container, and this is obviously not ideal.
Now this could be avoided by removing the default repositories and replacing them with your own where you can vet each package upgrade, test them together, and publish them, but this is probably a much greater effort than what would make sense unless the repos would be serving multiple container images.
Image Versioning
Many container images (ex Golang) will version their images based on the version of Golang they support; however, when the underlying packages on the container are changing how would you start to version the image?
Now this isn't necessarily a deal breaker, but it could cause confusion among the containers user-base and ultimately undercut their trust in the container.
Unexpected network traffic
Even if well documented, most developers would not expect this type of functionality and would lead to development issues when your container requires access to the internet. For example, in a K8s environment networking can be extremely strict and the developer would need to manually open up a route to the internet (or a set of custom repos).
Additionally, even if the networking is not an issue, if you expected a lot of these containers to be started, you might be clogging the network with the upgrade packages and cause network performance issues.
Wouldn't work for base images
While it sounds like you are probably not developing an image intended to serve as a base image for anything else... but obviously the CMD likely would be overriden for the base image.

How to update my app when I deploy it using docker

I'm deployed a nodejs app using docker, I don't know how to update the deploy after my nodejs app updated.
Currently, I have to remove the old docker container and image when updating the nodejs app each time.
I expect that it's doesn't need to remove the old image and container when I nodejs app updated.
You tagged this "production". The standard way I've done this is like so:
Develop locally without Docker. Make all of your unit tests pass. Build and run the container locally and run integration tests.
Build an "official" version of the container. Tag it with a time stamp, version number, or source control tag; but do not tag it with :latest or a branch name or anything else that would change over time.
docker push the built image to a registry.
On the production system, change your deployment configuration to reference the version tag you just built. In some order, docker run a container (or more) with the new image, and docker stop the container(s) with the old image.
When it all goes wrong, change your deployment configuration back to the previous version and redeploy. (...oops.) If the old versions of the images aren't still on the local system, they can be fetched from the registry.
As needed docker rm old containers and docker rmi old images.
Typically much of this can be automated. A continuous integration system can build software, run tests, and push built artifacts to a registry; cluster managers like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm are good at keeping some number of copies of some version of a container running somewhere and managing the version upgrade process for you. (Kubernetes Deployments in particular will start a copy of the new image before starting to shut down old ones; Kubernetes Services provide load balancers to make this work.)
None of this is at all specific to Node. As far as the deployment system is concerned there aren't any .js files anywhere, only Docker images. (You don't copy your source files around separately from the images, or bind-mount a source tree over the image contents, and you definitely don't try to live-patch a running container.) After your unfortunate revert in step 5, you can run exactly the failing configuration in a non-production environment to see what went wrong.
But yes, fundamentally, you need to delete the old container with the old image and start a new container with the new image.
Copy the new version to your container with docker cp, then restart it with docker restart <name>

Self updating docker stack

I have a docker stack deployed with 20+ services which comprise my application. I would like to know that is there a way to update this stack with the latest changes to the software from within one of the containers running as a part of the stack?
Approach i have tried:
In one of the containers for a service, mounted the docker socket and the /usr/bin/docker file and downloaded the latest compose file from the server.
Instantiated a script which downloads the latest images
Initiate a docker stack deploy with the new compose file
Everything works fine this way but if the service which is running this process itself has an update and if that docker stack deploy tries to create this service before any other service in the stack, then the stack update fails.
Any suggestion or alternative approaches for this?
There is no out of the box solution for docker swarm mode (something like watchtower for single docker). I think you already found the best solution for doing this automatically. I would suggest you put the update container (the one that is updating the services) on a ignore list. Then on one of your master nodes, create a cron that updates that one container. I know this is not a prefect solution, but it should work.
The standard way to do this is to build a new Docker image that contains your new application code. Tag it (as in the docker build -t argument) with some unique version, like a source control tag or date stamp. Start a new container with the new application code, then stop and delete the old container.
As a general rule you do not upgrade the software inside a running container. Delete the old container and start a new container with the software and version you want. Also, this is generally managed by an operator, a continuous deployment system, or an orchestration system, not by the container itself. (Mounting the Docker socket into a container is a significant security exposure.)
(Imagine setting up a second copy of your cluster that works exactly the same way as your production cluster, except that it has the software you want to deploy tomorrow. You don't want your production cluster picking that up on its own until you've tested it. This scheme should give you a reproducible deployment setup so that it's easy to start that pre-production cluster, but also give you control over which specific versions are running where.)

How to deploy an application running in docker - best practice?

We are discussing how we should deploy our application running in a docker container. At the moment, we build our application image in the pipeline containing the application code. Which means we have to build the docker image every time the application updates.
Another approach we consider is putting the application code in a volume on the server. We then pull the latest release with git on the server. So the image has not to be rebuilt.
So our discussed options are:
Build the image containing the application code
Use a volume and store the application code on the server
What is best practice to do and why?
While the other answers here have explained the point of building code into your image, I'd like to go one step further and show you how to get the benefits of both worlds while following this best practice.
Docker best practices call for building source code into your image before deployment, rather than deploying an image with dependencies installed and then source code mounted in as a volume.
This gives you a self-contained, portable container that is straightforward to test, deploy, or rollback.
May I take a stab at why you are considering hot-mounting code?
Hot-mounting code is appealing for several reasons — and they're all easy to achieve without sacrificing this best practice of building a self-contained image:
Building Docker images can be slow, so why rebuild for a minor change when you can just hot-mount the code?
A complementary best practice is to use a "base image" that installs all dependencies -- usually the slow part of building a docker image. The key insight is that this base image won't change often!
But the image that derives from it -- your application image, which installs source code -- will change with every commit you want to deploy. That derived image will be very fast to build. The Dockerfile could be as simple as:
FROM myapp/base . # all dependencies installed in base image
ADD code.tar.gz /src # automatic untaring!
CMD [...] # whatever it takes to run your app
Hot-mounting enables faster development cycles, because a developer won't need to flush their docker container, rebuild, and run a new container just to see a change.
This is a fair point. I recommend making a "dev" image (which will also derive from your base image) that enables code mounting via a volume rather than the source code installation steps you'd have in your testing and deployment images.
When you build image every time with new application you have easy way to deploy it later on to the customer or on your production server. When the docker image is ready you can keep it in the repository. Additionally you have full control on that that your docker is working with current application.
In case of keeping the application in mounted volume you have to keep in mind following problems:
life cycle of application - what to do with container when you have to update the application - gently stop, overwrite and run again
how do you deploy your application - you have to do it manually over SSH, or you want just to run simple command docker run, and it runs your latest version from your repository
The mounted volumes are rather for following casses:
you want to have externally exposed settings for container - what is also not a good idea
you want to have externally access to the data produced by the application like logs, db, etc
To automate it totally, you can:
build image for each application and push to the repository
use for example watchtower to automatic update of the system on your production servers
I believe you should follow the first approach i.e. rebuilding the docker image every time there are changes in code. Reasons are-
Firstly, if you are using volume, every time you have to manage the clean closing and removing of the previous version of the application and check whether the new version of the application is running correctly. Your new application might get affected dependencies of your previous version of the application. That need to be taken care too.
Secondly, there might be some version updates of the frameworks installed and some new frameworks are to be installed with the current application. In this case, the first approach seems to be the only option.
Thirdly, As when you are using docker volume you will be removing the most important feature of docker i.e. abstraction from outside environment. Also, the image might become machine dependent because of it, which might affect if you want to publish the app in multiple environments.
My suggestion would be creating a pipeline using some continuous integration tool and fully automate the process starting from code building, building of docker image and deploying it to your environment.

Can docker be used to run a web site container that first downloads latest version prior to running web server?

I've been experimenting with docker recently but can't get my head around what I think is a fairly important/useful requirement:
The ability to download a NEW copy of a web site for running, when a container is run. NOT at build time, but at run time.
I have seen countless examples of Dockerfiles where java, tomcat, a copy of a WAR is installed and added to an image during build time, but none where that WAR is downloaded fresh each time "docker run -d me/myimage" is executed on the command line.
I think it might involve adding a CMD statement at the end of the Dockerfile but I wonder if people out there more experienced than me with docker have some advice? Perhaps I shouldn't even be attempting this and should re-build my images each time my web app has a new release? But that would mean I would have to distribute my new image via a private dockerhub or something right? I am not willing to stick my source in a public github repo and have the Dockerfile pull it and build it during an image build.
As Mark O'Connor said in his comment, it's certainly possible. A Docker container is just a process tree running on your Linux host, and with a few exceptions (generally involving privileged access to the kernel) can do anything you can do outside of a container.
So sure, you could put together an image that, when run, would download the most recent of an application and run it.
The reason this is considered a bad idea is that it suddenly becomes difficult if you want to run an older version of the application (or more generally a specific version). What if you redeploy your container and end up with a new version of the application that requires manual database schema upgrades before it will operate? Now instead of an application you have a brick.
Similarly, what if the newest version of the application is simply buggy? If you were performing the download and install at build time, you would simply deploy an image with an older version of the application.
Performing the application and download at run time makes the container unpredictable and less manageable.
