Why should I use OAuth,SAML,Identity Server - oauth

We have many web applications and want to integrate SSO.What is the benefit of using OAuth,SAML,Identity Server. What is different from making a custom webapi that produce token and authenticate user.

There are 3 protocols that you can use for SSO.
WS-Fed, SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0.
The first 2 are the "old" way and are more for enterprise.
The later is the "new" way and is used by modern applications / mobile etc.
Unless there is good reason not to, use OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0.
Microsoft has OWIN NuGet packages for these for the client.
Whatever you use, do not roll your own. You are pretty much guaranteed to get security wrong.
IdentityServer is an open-source implementation of these protocols. It supports OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 OOTB and the other 2 via add-ons.
I've used it extensively - it's definitely a good choice.


Multiple Azure/ADFS/OpenConnect/oAuth Identity Framework options on single site

I have a Angular site that is multi-tenant. When they login they're linked to a specific organization that we keep track of using Web Api.
We're using the excellent articles written here: http://bitoftech.net/2014/08/11/asp-net-web-api-2-external-logins-social-logins-facebook-google-angularjs-app/ as our starting point to get everything going with webapi and angular for handling the identity framework through Web Api with Angular and that works well.
We have the ability to login as facebook, google etc. which is all straight forward.
The issue is that we want to be able to setup for organizations the ability for them to have their users login using their ADFS server, or their azure ad (or any other oAuth 2 compliant server.)
Basically we use a subdomain xxx.yyy.com where xxx is unique to the organization. When they hit that subdomain we show them a button to login using their endpoint.
The problem I'm facing is that I can't find any documentation on how to set this up so that I can have multiple endpoints configured for wither oAuth over ADFS or oAuth over Azure (openconnect it looks like, can't tell if ADFS in Windows 2008 R2 supports openconnect, but it does support oAuth).
Can someone point me in the right direction of how to accomplish this? Do I need to setup a single app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication() and then intercept based on the request some how for all of them? Or is there different rules for ADFS versus Azure so I have to use something else.
Any details would be fantastic. Even an inkling of where to go with this without having to use something like Auth0 would be fantastic.
Have a look at IdentityServer3.
You'll see a number of connections as a general guide (albeit in C#!).
ADFS in Server 2008 R2 has zero OpenID Connect / Ouath2 support. ADFS Server 2012 R2 has zero OpenID Connect / some OAuth2 support (Web API). ADFS Server 2016 is pretty similar to Azure AD - supports both.
Note that you need to support the hybrid OAuth profile.
You could use other protocols for ADFS e.g. WS Federation / SAML (using the OWIN libraries).
Or go the ADAL route.

oauth 2.0 integration with peoplesoft

Our existing customer base is in peoplesoft and we are developing lot of mobile applications. Hence, we would like to use oauth 2.0 for authentication and authorization, but i cannot find any way to integrate the two.
Does PS implement OAuth? If they don't then you'll be out of luck. A quick search indicates they support SAML for SSO (on their web sites). You will probably have to describe a little bit more what you are doing, and why you think OAuth is the way to go.
Note that being mobile doesn't necessarily mean you have to implement OAuth.
This is a very late answer, but as of PeopleTools 8.58, PeopleSoft applications support OAuth2 for REST services. The caveat is that only Oracle IDCS is able to be used as an authorization server. There may be a plan in the future to support other authorization servers.
Cf. https://blogs.oracle.com/peopletools/what-peoplesoft-is-doing-with-oauth2-in-858 and https://support.oracle.com/knowledge/PeopleSoft%20Enterprise/2621182_1.html for more information.

how to implement oauth2 on java restful services

I need help with oauth2.0 and java restful (jersey), any help would be appreciated, I need to find way how oauth2 would be implemented. Here's the scenario, We have a web based application, now, there are clients engage to it. They're planning to have an API (Restful service) so that it will be consumed on mobile devices(android and ios). (They can login using mobile and update their accounts etc.).
Now, my problem is how will I integrate oauth2 for its security using java and how will I create Authorization server.
I used to have the same question and end up building an open-source project: srb4j, which is also based on Jersey and OAuth2.
Srb4j has implemented both token endpoints and resource endpoints for you. You can adopt a lot of its code to your own existing system.
# Sorry for this advert, but it may help you...
java-oauth-server is a new authorization server implementation in Java (JAX-RS, Jersey, Jetty) which supports OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
The implementation is DB-less, because authorization data (e.g. access tokens), settings of the authorization server itself and settings of client applications are stored in the database on cloud. Therefore, you don't have to set up a database server before starting the authorization server.
Just 4 commands for downloading and starting the authorization server.
git clone https://github.com/authlete/java-oauth-server.git
cd java-oauth-server
vi authlete.properties
mvn jetty:run
The source tree of java-oauth-server is very small and customization points are abstracted as SPI (Service Provider Interface), so it will be easy to incorporate the authorization server implementation into your existing web service.
The implementation supports RFC 7636 (Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients). It is a new specification (released on Sep. 2015) about a countermeasure against the authorization code interception attack. If you want to expose Web APIs to mobile applications, I recommend that you look for an implementation that supports RFC 7636.
An explanation about RFC 7636 with graphical figures is here.
I ended up using this library https://github.com/BrightcoveLearning/oauth-client-examples/tree/master/amber-java and works like a charm, thanks to the author.

What is best for auth ASP.NET MVC REST API? OAuth 2.0 or OAuth 1.0?

We are building a REST API using ASP.NET MVC. This API is similar in principle and usage to the Factual v3 API. They use 2-legged Oauth 1 for their API. Our design is very similar in that applications, primarily mobile will use our API behind the scenes to provide a service. The end user of the application will not know about our API, and will therefore not have any credentials. So redirecting the user via a browser window to an auth form (like facebook) does not make any sense. My questions are..
Why OAuth2 flow is the best to use in this scenario?
Should we even use Oauth2 or just stick with 2-legged OAuth 1?
For reference we are using C#/.NET, ASP.NET MVC 3 and plan on using DotNetOpenAuth v4.
Why OAuth2 flow is the best to use in this scenario?
It isn't, necessarily. OAuth 2 is an unfinalized spec. If you need maximum interoperability, OAuth 1.0 is the better choice (for now). OAuth 2 is simpler for the client, at the expense of significantly added complexity on the server.
Should we even use OAuth2 or just stick with 2-legged OAuth 1?
Use the pros and cons listed above to choose. And also that if you're using DotNetOpenAuth, OAuth 1.0 support has been around for years whereas OAuth 2.0 support isn't fully baked yet so you'd probably hit some road bumps.
Try this:

MVC RESTful Service Authorization

I am in the process of re-writing some very outdated .NET 2.0 SOAP web services for my company. So I am rewriting them using MVC3 RESTful. This method would simplify the usage of our services for our client base (over 500 clients using our current SOAP services) who are on multiple platforms and languages.
I am looking for a BETTER method of authorization for the RESTful services, than what the previous developer used for our .NET 2.0 SOAP web services (he basically just had the client pass in a GUID as a parameter and matched it in code behind).
I have looked into oAuth and I want to use it, HOWEVER, I have been told, from my superiors, that this method is TOO complicated for the "level" of clients that connect to our services and want me to find another simpler way for them to connect but still have authorization. Most of our clients have BASIC to no knowledge of programming (either we helped them get their connection setup OR they hired some kid to do it for them). This is another reason that the superiors want a different method, because we can't have all 500+ (plus 5-10 new clients a day) asking for help on how to implement oAuth.
So, is there another way to secure the MVC3 services other than passing a preset GUID?
I have looked into using Windows Authentication on the services site, but is this really logical for 500+ clients to use?
Is there an easy and secure method of authorizing multiple users on multiple platforms to use the MVC3 RESTful services that a end-client can implement very easily?
If you don't want anything too complicated, have a look at Basic HTTP Authentication. If you use it over SSL then it should be safe enough and also easy enough to implement for your clients. The Twitter API actually used this up until a few months ago when they switched to OAuth.
You want to distinguish between authentication and authorization. What you are looking for is authentication and indeed as Caps suggests, the easiest way may be to use HTTP BASIC authentication along with SSL to make the password is not compromised.
You could look into other means of authentication e.g. DIGEST or more advanced using ADFS or SAML (ADFS could be compelling since you're in .NET). Have a look at OpenID Connect too - it is strongly supported by Google and has great support.
Once you are done with that, you may want to consider authorization - if you need it that is - to control what a given client can do on a given resource / item / record. For that you can use claims-based authorization as provided in the .NET framework or if you need finer-grained authorization, look into XACML.
OAuth wouldn't really solve your issue since OAuth is about delegation of authorization i.e. I let Twitter write to my Facebook account on my behalf.
