How to find where is an object declare in GSP - grails

In a gsp file there is line like below
<g:each in="${tools}" var="tool" status="counter">
and when i debug it shows value like below
It's using Grails framework. May I know how can I find where is this ${tools} declared and being called from to this GSP?

Grails uses convention over configuration. So in order to trace back where tool is being set, you have to note the name of the gsp file and the directory in which it is placed.
Ideally if the gsp name is bar.gsp and is placed under foo directory under grails-app/views then the convention is that there could be a FooController.groovy under grails-app/controllers which would have an action called bar(). Most likely the model is set with the variable tools inside the baraction.
This exercise would be a good starting point.

What #dmahapatro suggested is the best approach but if you are still unable to find that tools variable and simply do a project level search in the IDE you are using and find the word tools.
Here are some filters you can apply to fasten your search:
First, search only in the directory grails-app/controllers
Then search in the directory grails-app/directives
Try to search following words: tools, tools:, tools : because it will be rendered as a map.


Twig, ZF2 and PoEdit

Using ZfcTwig for ZF2 and twig-gettext-extractor, I still cannot extract messages for translation from twig-files by poedit. I works if I used the formal twig keyword for translation {% trans(MY_TEXT) %} but not for the in-built view helper translate. {{ translate(MY_Text) }} does the translation but poedit is just ignoring it. For new twig files, I want as usual let poedit do the job....
Any ideas for a solution?
Maybe you need to edit catalog properties keywords to be visible for translations. Open PoEdit, go to Catalog -> Properties -> Sources keywords and add another keyword "translate". Here I attach an screenshot.
The problem is that the extractor you are using is just caching the files and running them through xgettext to extract calls to trans/translate/_/.. (keywords as suggested by Conti. Alas ZfcTwig will crosscompile calls to ZF2 plugins into plugin('translate')->__invoke('Your Text to be translated'). You could of course now add __invoke as a new keyword in poedit or whatever you favorite gui for using xgettext is, but it will now find all calls to all view helpers not just those to translate.
I ran into this problem myself and I have not come up with a satisfying solution. The Twig Gettext Extension looks promising in terms of writing your own customized POT-File generator that will handle translate and translatePlural view helper calls. Using the extension as is will bypass all translation from ZF2. ZF2 parses .mo files into an internal structure rather than using the php-gettext mod.
All in all I gave up on automated po(t) file generation for ZF2+ZfcTwig for now and am back to phpArray.

I can't find where a string is getting defined -- any tricks to find its source?

I'm using:
Rails 3.2x
Spree 1.2
Ruby 1.9.3x
I'm trying to edit the title of one of my pages, and I cannot find where it is getting defined. It is showing up in my base ERB file as 'title', but that name is sufficiently generic to make it next to impossible to find where it is defined.
I have prodded everywhere I can think, I've tried searching for "title =", but nothing is working. I tried calling source_location on it, but that appears to only work on methods.
Any tricks for finding where a variable is defined?
I can't think of an elegant way. A dumb-but-probably-effective way would be to dump stack trace in your erb, then see what those locations are doing and if title is defined there. It has to enter somewhere between the start of program and invoking your erb.
When I can't find something, I use grep -ri some_string . at the command-line to recursively search all the content of the directory.
It's also a good tactic to let your editor search all the source code, since the ones worth using have the ability to search through all files in a directory.
it is created from a mixture of product names, a site config, and something else
An alternate trick is to add a HTML-comment section in your ERB file, and put the pertinent information for the components used to create the title into that section. Then, let the pages be generated and look inside the page's content to determine what table and row ID it is, the site_config filename, etc.
You really should be able to figure it out based on the parts that are concatenated to build the title and then search your database or files. That information isn't magically created out of thin air by Rails; Someone had to tell Rails how to define the title. But, people move on, or they don't document correctly, so try the embedded information trick.

How do I find a particular sub directory using Ant and then use it to create a symlink?

I need to create a symlink to a sub-directory using Ant. The issue is that I don't know where the target sub-directory is.
To create a symlink with ant I do this:
<symlink link="${parent.dir}/FOO/linkname" resource="${parent.dir}/BAR/target"/>
But I don't know what BAR is called in advance so I need to do a search for "target" under parent.dir and then pass the one result into the resource.
Is this possible using fileset? Or another way?
It might be possible to use a fileset but that might give you several symlinks or none.
A much better approach is to define the path to BAR in a property. If there is a dynamic part in this path, change the code so that Ant evaluates the dynamic part and everyone else uses Ant's value.
The typical example here is that the path contains a version or timestamp. Define those in your build file so you can use them everywhere. If a Java process needs the values, pass them to the process as a system property (-D...).

grails render tag: can't find file unless it's located in src/templates/scaffolding?

I tried to follow the example under "Shared Templates" here:
But this just plain didn't work. The tag I used was:
<g:render template="/includes/mySearch"></g:render>
I created a directory under the views called "includes" and created a gsp file, with a very basic form in it, named mySearch.gsp.
However, grails reported being unable to find the file: C:\springsource\sts-2.8.1.RELEASE\grails-1.3.7\src\grails\templates\scaffolding_mySearch.gsp
According to the documentation: "In this case you can place them in the root views directory at grails-app/views or any subdirectory below that location and then with the template attribute use a / before the template name to indicate the relative template path."
It would appear that this is exactly what I did, but grails was not looking there? Any advice?
Many thanks,
Template files need to be starting with an underscore. Therefore you need to rename your mySearch.gsp to _mySearch.gsp.

Content Processor Parameters in XNA 4 - what is missing?

I have a content processor in my XNA project and I would like to add a couple of parameters so I can control its behaviour for certain files in Visual Studio.
I follow the second section of this page:, which is the same info as on many other sites, however when I try to specify a property as a parameter I get "type or namespace cannot be found" for the three attributes.
Its probably something like a missing 'using' statement but without a working example project I can't find out what/where the namespace is.
You can find these classes in the System.ComponentModel assembly/namespace. For example, here's the MSDN documentation for the DisplayNameAttribute
