Twig, ZF2 and PoEdit - zend-framework2

Using ZfcTwig for ZF2 and twig-gettext-extractor, I still cannot extract messages for translation from twig-files by poedit. I works if I used the formal twig keyword for translation {% trans(MY_TEXT) %} but not for the in-built view helper translate. {{ translate(MY_Text) }} does the translation but poedit is just ignoring it. For new twig files, I want as usual let poedit do the job....
Any ideas for a solution?

Maybe you need to edit catalog properties keywords to be visible for translations. Open PoEdit, go to Catalog -> Properties -> Sources keywords and add another keyword "translate". Here I attach an screenshot.

The problem is that the extractor you are using is just caching the files and running them through xgettext to extract calls to trans/translate/_/.. (keywords as suggested by Conti. Alas ZfcTwig will crosscompile calls to ZF2 plugins into plugin('translate')->__invoke('Your Text to be translated'). You could of course now add __invoke as a new keyword in poedit or whatever you favorite gui for using xgettext is, but it will now find all calls to all view helpers not just those to translate.
I ran into this problem myself and I have not come up with a satisfying solution. The Twig Gettext Extension looks promising in terms of writing your own customized POT-File generator that will handle translate and translatePlural view helper calls. Using the extension as is will bypass all translation from ZF2. ZF2 parses .mo files into an internal structure rather than using the php-gettext mod.
All in all I gave up on automated po(t) file generation for ZF2+ZfcTwig for now and am back to phpArray.


Insert fragment from one module to template in another - thymeleaf

I need some help. I have let say three maven modules: moduleMain, moduleCore, module2, module3. I have in moduleCore simple html file, eg. Share.html which has some html code inside. And now I want to use Share.html in my module1 and module2 in Thymeleaf templates How to bite it?
I search in documentation, but unfortunately, I found only include, insert which examples are only when we have all in one place. This not works for me.
Thymeleaf version: 3.0.9.RELEASE, I use them with Spring.
I found solution, only need to add all HTML files to default folder: web-inf/templates and it works.

30Bees/Presta 1.6 shop translation in frontController

I am trying to add a few translations to the frontend of our module. When the translations are in the .tpl files they do get rendered. However no translation fields get shown in the backend my code for the .tpl files is:
{l s="Text" mod="myModule"}
I also do need to do some translating in the FrontControllers (mainly Error handling and feedback for serverside validation).
In the AdminController I simply use $this->l('Text'); which works. However, in the FrontController this is not available. I've checked the ControllerCore and FrontControllerCore, l() is not defined in those and only available in AdminController.
Can anyone give me a detailed explanation of what I need doing? All my research on the web always points to $this->l() being the thing to use...
When using translations in tpl files you need to use single quotes not double quotes.
{l s='Text' mod='myModule'}
As for front controllers... well if you're using custom module controllers as in controllers that extend ModuleFrontController you can use
And if you're not using those controllers then... start using them.
Some things might be different since thirtybees is a fork of PrestaShop but I guess translation mechanism is the same.

How to find where is an object declare in GSP

In a gsp file there is line like below
<g:each in="${tools}" var="tool" status="counter">
and when i debug it shows value like below
It's using Grails framework. May I know how can I find where is this ${tools} declared and being called from to this GSP?
Grails uses convention over configuration. So in order to trace back where tool is being set, you have to note the name of the gsp file and the directory in which it is placed.
Ideally if the gsp name is bar.gsp and is placed under foo directory under grails-app/views then the convention is that there could be a FooController.groovy under grails-app/controllers which would have an action called bar(). Most likely the model is set with the variable tools inside the baraction.
This exercise would be a good starting point.
What #dmahapatro suggested is the best approach but if you are still unable to find that tools variable and simply do a project level search in the IDE you are using and find the word tools.
Here are some filters you can apply to fasten your search:
First, search only in the directory grails-app/controllers
Then search in the directory grails-app/directives
Try to search following words: tools, tools:, tools : because it will be rendered as a map.

Most efficient way of doing static HTML in multiple languages

So I would need to make static HTML pages in multiple languages and now I'm looking what way it would best to do. HTML of the pages stays same, as does images. Basically only text content changes from localisation to another. Page structure is something like this:
../index.html (main/home page)
../index.html (main/home page)
So layout (html, css and images) are same on all pages. Just text content changes. There are about 10 different languages. What tool would you use for the injecting text (from json file?) to each template and automatically building needed folders & files. Grunt + mustache?
This is pretty simple so I don't really want to use any CMS for this. For sass etc I will use Grunt already.
If you are going the grunt way here are some thoughts:
Take a look at grunt-dom-munger, it's designed to manipulate html's using standard selectors. You can replace text, elements, append new ones or remove existing, whatever you need.
If you also need to copy files from here to there after transforming them you may want to use grunt-contrib-copy.
Moreover, do not forget that the Gruntfile is plain javascript so you can write your own custom functions to do whatever manipulations or operations you may need.
Hope this helps you get started...

Add translation using PoEditor

I have files named en_US.po, ru_RU.po etc.
Editing *.po files in PoEdit is very useful, but not while adding new strings manually.
How can I easily add new translation strings which are not automatically detected by PoEdit?
You can edit *.po files in any text editor and then in POEdit generate *.mo file
You misunderstand how gettext translations work. Source strings for translation are extracted from source code. It doesn't make sense to add them manually — they would never be used if they didn't have corresponding source code that uses them.
So the way to add strings is to use xgettext or Poedit's update from sources functionality.
P.S. The name's Poedit, not PoEditor.
You can configure your project (*.po file) opened in PoEdit. If you will done that correct PoEdit automatically update what to translate in this opened *.po file.
First of all, open *.po file which you want update with strings to
Go to Catalog -> Properties then to Source Paths tab
Add paths where PoEdit should look for source files in Your applilcation. More universal is to use relative to opened *.po file main path. If you have typical zf2 skeleton application folder structure you can add ../../.. for main path and add one module path.
Then go to Source of keywords tab and add translate and if you're using zf2 forms it is useful to add addLabel keyword (PoEdit will scan sources for this functions and add string parameters from them to your *.po file, as string to translate)
Next open Edit -> Preferences and in Processing programs tab, edit PHP section and add *.phtml extension (this will be scanned by poedit also)
After that you have to click in Update button and PoEdit will start scan your sources for strings to translate. Then you only have to do is translate found strings.
