Connecting remote search results with local database using CoreData - ios

Assume we have simple data model with single entity User; simple tableView_friends with fetchedResultsController_friends for show users - friends.
Assume we have search bar for searching all (not only friends) users in service, and for every typed in it character we perform search request to server, which return to us somehow filtered by character User objects. Some of this objects can already be inside local database. By app logic we don't really must save all this results in local database forever (but ok, we can, we can clear local database time to time); on other hand, if we will perform any action on some searched user, we must store this user. We want to show list of searched user in other tableView_search with fetchedResultsController_search.
Question: should I use same context for fetchedResultsController_friends and fetchedResultsController_search? If no, how can I handle situation, when I wish to edit searched user, which already exists in database and probably already local edited? If yes, how can I setup predicate for fetchedResultsController_search (server perform its own logic for search by character, which can be changed) for show exactly same result as from server?

We recently implemented a search feature in our application and had a similar issue, We had local data in core data and also remote data from our API.
You have a few options that we explored:
Save your data into core data from the API as it is retreived and
then the fetched results controller will do the rest
Manage the merge of the data yourself, you can still use NSFetchedResults controller to an extent but need to do more work
We didn't want to save all of the information returned from the API unless it was needed (the user selected it), so we come up with a simple solution that worked for our app. This may not work directly for your app, you may need a completely different solution or change some of the things we done to suit.
Firstly, To explain what we are dealing with, we had a Article entity in core data which contains around 25 properties, the API returns article objects as JSON data with the same data.
What we decided to do was to create a class which represents a simple version of an article (just enough data to show in a list view and reference it later in the API or core data) which looked something like this:
class SearchResult: NSObject {
var id:String?
var title:String?
var imageUrl:String?
var url:String?
// core data entity
init(article:Article) { = content.contentId
self.title = content.title
self.featuredImageURL = content.absoluteImagePath()
self.urlAlias = content.urlAlias
self.publishedAt = content.publishedAt
init(articleDictionary:NSDictionary) { = articleDictionary.objectForKeyNotNull("id") as? String
self.title = articleDictionary.objectForKeyNotNull("title") as? String
self.url = articleDictionary.objectForKeyNotNull("url") as? String
if let imageUrl = articleDictionary.objectForKeyNotNull("imageUrl") as? String {
self.imageUrl = imageUrl
Now using this, we can create once of these from either the core data results or from the API results. Our tableview datasource is just an array
var dataSet = [SearchResult]()
We use the NSFectchResultsController delegate methods to add/remove/re-order core data elements from the dataSet after the initial load and when we get API data we'll do something like:
dataSet = Array(Set(apiResponseArray + dataSet))
This will take an array of SearchResult items from the API, merge them with the current result set and remove duplicates. casting to a set and then back to an array will give you an array of unique results as a Set is made of unique values only.
See this reference which should help with how the delegate methods would work


Fetching the latest entity from a relationship in Swift Core Data

Im trying to find the best way to get the latest entity from a relationship with swift and core data.
For example I have a Conversation with many Messages:
Conversation Entity:
id = 1, name = "Test"
Message Entity:
id = 1, body = "Test", conversation = 1
id = 2, body = "Test", conversation = 1
In my SwiftUI View I have this FetchRequest:
#FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: []) var conversations: FetchedResults<Conversation>
What would be the best way to access the relation and get the latest result while looping over the conversations in View like this:
List(conversations) { conversation in
Text( ?? "")
Text(conversation.messages.latest.body ?? "") // <--- Trying to do something like this
The best way is to store the data you need in the entity you are fetching. So in your case make a latestMessageBody property on the conversation entity. Apple provide derived attributes to automate this.
It's a common mistake to think of Core Data as a relational database, instead just think of it as a way to persist what you see on screen and design your entities based on how you want to fetch and display them. If you are making too many fetches on one screen then its time to redesign the entities.
I.e. you wouldn't want to fetch the latest message for all the converstations you want to show that is too many fetches. And you don't want to load in all the messages for every conversation just to find the latest, that has too high memory overhead. This is why Core Data offers denormalisation via the derived attributes feature.
Another point is #FetchRequest (which is powered by NSFetchedResultsController by the way) only tracks changes to the entity that is currently fetched. So if you reach into relations to show data, that view won't update when the related object changes. You can work around this by passing the object into another View marked with #ObservedObject however that doesn't work for a 1-to-many relation.
There is a neat trick using entity inheritance to allow a NSFetchedResultsController to work on multiple entities however I don't think that is suitable for this use case.

Is there a way to access properties of an x-coredata:// object returned from an NSFetchRequest?

TL;DR: Is there a way to programmatically read/recall (NOT write!) an instance of a Core Data entity using the p-numbered "serial number" that's tacked on to the instance's x-coredata:// identifier? Is this a good/bad idea?
I'm using a method similar to the following to retrieve the instances of an Entity called from a Core Data data store:
var managedContext: NSManagedObjectContext!
let fetchRequest : NSFetchRequest<TrackInfo> = TrackInfo.fetchRequest()
fetchResults = try! managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
for (i, _) in Global.Vars.numberOfTrackButtons! {
let workingTrackInfo = fetchResults.randomElement()!
print("current track is: \(workingTrackInfo)")
The list of tracks comes back in fetchResults as an array, and I can select one of them at random (fetchResults.randomElement()). From there, I can examine the details of that one item by coercing it to a string and displaying it in the console (the print statement). I don't list the code below, but using workingTrackInfo I am able to see that instance, read its properties into other variables, etc.
In the console, iOS/Xcode lists the selected item as follows:
current track is: <MyProjectName.TrackInfo: 0x60000374c2d0> (entity:
TrackInfo; id: 0xa7dc809ab862d89d
data: <fault>)
The line beginning with x-coredata: got my attention. It's formatted like a URL, consisting of what I assume is a UUID for the specific Core Data store associated with the current build of the app (i.e. not a stable address that you could hardcode; you'd need to programmatically look up the Core Data store, similar to the functions we use for programmatically locating the Documents Folder, App Bundle, etc.) The third item is the name of the Entity in my Core Data model -- easy enough.
But that last number is what I'm curious about. From examining the SQLite database associated with this data store, it appears to be a sort of "instance serial number" associated with the Z_PK field in the data model.
I AM NOT interested in trying to circumvent Core Data's normal mechanisms to modify the contents of a managed object. Apple is very clear about that being a bad idea.
What I AM interested in is whether it's possible to address a particular Core Data instance using this "serial number".**
In my application, where I'm randomly selecting one track out of what might be hundreds or even thousands of tracks, I'd be interested in, among other things, the ability to select a single track on the basis of that p-number serial, where I simply ask for an individual instance by generating a random p-number, tack it on to a x-coredata:// statement formatted like the one listed above, and loading the result (on a read-only basis!) into a variable for further use elsewhere in the app.
For testing purposes, I've tried simply hardcoding x-coredata://2B5DDCDB-0F2C-4CDF-A7B9-D4C43785FDE7/TrackInfo/p22 as a URL, but XCode doesn't seem to like it. Is there some other data Type (e.g. an NSManagedObject?) that allows you to set an x-coredata:// "URL" as its contents?
QUESTIONS: Has anyone done anything like this; are there any memory/threading considerations why grabbing instance names in this manner is a bad idea (I'm an iOS/Core Data noob, so I don't know what I don't know; please humor me!); what would the syntax/method for these types of statements be?
You are quite close.
is the uriRepresentation() of the NSManagedObjectID of the record.
You get this URL from an NSManagedObject with
let workingTrackInfo = fetchResults.randomElement()!
let objectIDURL = workingTrackInfo.objectID.uriRepresentation()
With this URL you can get the managed Object ID from the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator and the coordinator from the managed object context.
Then call object(with: on the context to get the object.
let persistentStoreCoordinator = managedContext.persistentStoreCoordinator!
if let objectID = persistentStoreCoordinator.managedObjectID(forURIRepresentation: objectIDURL) {
let object = managedContext.object(with: objectID) as! TrackInfo

Best way to store a single instance of RLMObject

I'm currently developing an iOS app with Realm as the backend data storage. I have a class that is an RLMObject for the user profile. It stores their name, profile picture, stats, etc.
There should only always be one of these objects, however I know implementing a singleton pattern is usually a bad idea. Currently I have it implemented as
//AppDelegate.swift, applicationDidFinishLaunching
//If there's no user profiles yet (first time launch), create one
if UserProfile.allObjects().count == 0 {
let realm = RLMRealm.defaultRealm()
try! realm.transactionWithBlock() {
//Get the first UserProfile
var userProfile: UserProfile? {
get {
return UserProfile.allObjects().objectAtIndex(0) as? UserProfile
Is there a better way to keep track of a single instance of this class?
Your code sample uses a computed property, which will fetch the object from the Realm each time you access it.
Instead, try using a lazy var property:
lazy var userProfile: UserProfile? = {
return UserProfile.allObjects().objectAtIndex(0) as? UserProfile
This type of property will load the object from the Realm only the first time it is accessed. All subsequent accesses will be directly to the object.
Note that, since UserProfile is a Realm object, its fields will automatically update in response to changes made to the underlying object in the Realm. Likewise, any changes you wish to make will need to be wrapped within a Realm write transaction.
In terms of your overall architecture, there is nothing wrong with storing a single instance of an object type in a Realm similar to what you are doing. You may want to give your UserProfile object a hardcoded constant primary key, then use the 'add or update' version of the update API (see This will allow you to avoid having to explicitly create a new object.

Cross reference columns in Parse to decide which users to Display on a view controller. Swift, user search settings

What I am trying to figure out is how to only display users that meet the setting requirements that the user previously saved on a different ViewController. Ok so on set up the current user has selected their genre and instrument and it has saved in columns in Parse called "genre" and "instrument" as Strings. Then on the search settings page the user has selected that they would like to search for lets say "Rock" as the genre and "Acoustic guitar" as the instrument. Both of these then get added to Parse under the columns "genreSearch" and "instrumentSearch".
So I know I need to make a query and display it on the ViewController that the users are displayed on but I don't know how. I am trying to basically cross reference the column "genre" of other users against the current users column "genreSearch". I imagined it would be something like this:
genreQuery.whereKey("genre", notEqualTo:PFUser.currentUser()!username!)
genreQuery.whereKey("genreSearch", equalTo:PFUser.currentUser()!)
genreQuery.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (users: [AnyObject]?,
error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
for user in users! {
if self.genre == self.genreSearch {
print("These two strings are considered equal")
appUsers.append(user as! PFUser)
At the top of my VC I have as I am storing and displaying all the users in a cell which also links to another VC to show more details.
var genre = [String]()
var genreSearch = [String]()
var appUsers = [PFUser]()
I have read Parse docs and to be honest now I am more confused as where to go.
I have searched the internet for past few days and it is all js and objc both of which I have zero experience in. If someone could point me at a start or even guide me in what to do so I can learn.
In the cell I am displaying the users details like so:
let singleCell: CustomCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("mySingleCellid") as! CustomCell
let userObject = appUsers[indexPath.row] as PFObject
singleCell.userName.text = userObject["name"] as? String
// etc
return singleCell
This part of the query
genreQuery.whereKey("genreSearch", equalTo:PFUser.currentUser()!)
is wrong because you're trying to check that an array of strings contains a user object (a pointer) - which will always fail.
While you have genreSearch on the server for the current user it's easier to just replace that part of the query with
genreQuery.whereKey("genreSearch", containedIn:PFUser.currentUser()!["genreSearch"])
which instead asks for the genreSearch array on each user tested to contain at least one of the current users array of genreSearch
I was going about it all wrong what I needed to do was take genreSearch from the Parse DB and store it in the app itself as a variable. This variable is then a key for my PFQuery and I use it to filter out the people that don't have it. I then use genreSearch as a condition skipping the people that don't have it and adding the people that do. I nearly have it cracked except for the last few coding of it. Instead of editing this question to ask for help I have asked and posted my new code to a new SO question

iOS Core Data Fetch Request, how to use

I am using Core Data to see whether messages in a table view have been seen before by the user. The way I do this is to save the message Id to Core Data the first time it is seen, and then I run a fetch request when I update the table view to see if there is an entry in the persistent memory with the same Id.
Now what I want to know is how I should most effectively implement my fetch request, based on how time consuming it is. Should I either run a request that returns all saved message Ids as an array when the view is loaded, and then in cellForRowAtIndexPathcheck if that array contains that cell's message Id, or run the fetch request with a predicate in cellForRowAtIndexPath? The latter would be my preferred method, but If i have 100 or so cells I wondered if this would be poor etiquette.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
This is my fetch Request :
func persistQuery(predicateValueString: String!) -> Bool! {
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "LogItem")
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "itemText == %#", predicateValueString)
fetchRequest.predicate = predicate
var didFindResult = true
if let fetchResults = managedObjectContext!.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest, error: nil) as? [LogItem] {
if fetchResults.count == 0 {
return didFindResult
The best way is to use a NSFetchedResultsController. It will optimize the fetching and the memory footprint as well. It is specifically designed for table views.
To get started, take a look at the Xcode template (Master/Detail, check Core Data). It is really quite simple.
Make sure you also implement the delegate methods - they will automatically be called when your managed objects change, so there is only minimal code that is executed to update the UI (an only if the object is actually on screen).
Presumably each of your table view cells represent a LogItem (the NSManagedObject subclass) with a property to indicate the read status. Once you change that, the delegate method will try to update it based on the index path.
That's all there is to it. With the fetched results controller you get a lot of optimization for free, so I would strongly recommend using it whenever you populate a table view with Core Data entities.
