Sum and Group Query doesn't group - ruby-on-rails

I need to filter records and then sum and group those records, in my controller I have done it like so:
def view
#templates = Template.where("user_id = #{} OR user_id = 1").where("category = 5")
#user_docs = Doc.where("user_id = #{}")
#transactions = Transaction.where("doc_id in (?)","template_id in (?)",
#month ="DATE_TRUNC('month', date) AS month, SUM(amount) AS total_amount_per_month").group('month')
It gives an error with the month grouping and the amount is the total of all the months summed in my view, any idea why the above isn't working? What am I doing wrong?

The reason I got an error at the date was because the date was added later to my model with a migration and I didn't add it to attributes accessible. After that the error was fixed.


Activerecord query where current employer is X and previous employer is Y

Basically I'd like to return all people whose current job title is X and whose previous job title is Y. As an example, I have a talent whose current emnployment is "Airbnb (company_id = 1)" and whose previous employment is at "Youtube (company_id = 2)".
If I run a query to find talent where current employment is Airbnb:
Talent.joins(:job_histories).where(["job_histories.company_id = ? and job_histories.end_year = ?", 1, "Present"])
I get the person.
If I run a query where previous employment is Youtube (hence the end_year != "Present" below)
Talent.joins(:job_histories).where(["job_histories.company_id = ? and job_histories.end_year != ?", 2, "Present"])
I also get the same person.
However, if I chain them together to find talents where current employer is Airbnb AND previous employer is Youtube, like this:
#talents = Talent.all
#talents = #talents.joins(:job_histories).where(["job_histories.company_id = ? and job_histories.end_year = ?", 1, "Present"])
#talents = #talents.joins(:job_histories).where(["job_histories.company_id = ? and job_histories.end_year != ?", 2, "Present"])
I do not get any results. I've tried several variations of the query but none return anything.
The only way I can get it to work is by using the first query and then looping over each talent to find where job_histories.company_id == 2.
if params[:advanced_current_company] && params[:advanced_previous_company]
#talents = #talents.joins(:job_histories).where(job_histories: { company_id: params[:advanced_current_company] }).distinct if params[:advanced_current_company]
#talents.each do |talent|
talent.job_histories.each do |job_history|
if job_history.company_id == params[:advanced_previous_company][0].to_i
#talents = Talent.where(id: new_talents)
Any direction would be amazing. Thanks!
You had the right idea with a double join of the job_histories, but you need to alias the job_histories table names to be able to differentiate between them in the query, as otherwise activerecord will think it's only one join that needs to be done.
Talent.joins("INNER JOIN job_histories as jh1 ON jh1.talent_id =")
.joins("INNER JOIN job_histories as jh2 ON jh2.talent_id =")
.where("jh1.company_id = ? and jh1.end_year = ?", 1, "Present")
.where("jh2.company_id = ? and jh2.end_year != ?", 2, "Present")

Sum ActiveRecord Relationship (Model + Model = Array?)

I'm trying to sum two Active Model Relationship and order it by created_at.
The sum of dogs and cats make an Array. So I try to sort this array by created_at with .sort_by( &:created_at ) but I get this strange error:
dogs = current_user.dogs
cats = current_user.cats
total = (dogs + cats).sort_by( &:created_at )
comparison of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone with nil failed
There is another best way to sum two active record relationship and order it by created_at ?
Thank you very much.
One of your results has a created_at of nil it seems like, which is why you're getting that error. You can do the following to filter nil results
dogs = current_user.dogs.where.not(created_at: nil)
cats = current_user.cats.where.not(created_at: nil)
sorted_results = (dogs + cats).sort_by(&:created_at)
If you want to see which record(s) have created_at as nil do
nil_created_at_dogs = current_user.dogs.where(created_at: nil)
nil_created_at_cats = current_user.cats.where(created_at: nil)
I solve the problem.
If use .where, all works properly.
dogs = Dog.where(user_id:
cats = Cat.where(user_id:
total = (dogs + cats).sort_by( &:created_at )
I don't know why, but this is the way.

Rails 5: iteration with condition to map matching records

I have this method in my rating/rating.rb Model, where I basically need to create array of arrays with matching inventory and rating IDs:
def inventory_ratings
inventory = Inventory::Inventory.where(id: inv).order(date: :desc)
rating = Rating::Rating.where(id: rtg).order(valid_from: :desc)
columns = [:inventory_id, :rating_id]
values = {|inv|
if (inv.position_id == rating.position_id &&
r =
[, r ]
Rating::InventoryRating.import columns, values, validate: false
At the moment I get this error:
NoMethodError: undefined method "position_id" for #<Rating::Rating::ActiveRecord_Relation:0x007ffff6067bf8> since I probably have to somehow iterate through each rating to get position_id, valid_from and valid_to.
How do I add that extra iteration so each inventory record iterates through each rating record and maps if it matches IF statement, please? Thank you!
How about this:
values = []
inventory.each do |inv|
values.concat([].product(rating.where('position_id = ? AND valid_from <= ? AND valid_to >= ?', inv.position_id,,

Rails Iteration by month given range of dates

I'm trying to follow this Railscast and create a morris.js line chart for my Enquiry model.
I've grouped the counts using date_trunc into months, but now I'm not quite sure at how to get the X-axis to iterate over months (e.g Jun 2012, Jul 2013) as opposed to by date as in the railscasts notes.
I've tried the range#step method here, but now the graph displays only one date (2012-07-01) without a count and nothing else. Commenting out the .step(1.month) method from the range variable and the graph works fine but the x-axis iterates by date.
class Enquiry < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.chart_data(start = 1.year.ago)
total_count = total_count_by_month(start)
start = start.to_date.beginning_of_month
today =
range = ( do |month|
created_at: month,
total_enquiries: total_count[] || 0
def self.total_count_by_month(start)
enquiries = unscoped.where(created_at:
enquiries ="date_trunc('month', created_at)")
enquiries ="date_trunc('month', created_at) as created_at, count(*) as count")
enquiries.each_with_object({}) do |enquiry, counts|
counts[enquiry.created_at.to_date] = enquiry.count
How do I get the chart's x-axis to iterate by months (Jun 2013, Jul 2013 ....) instead of by dates?
For anyone else facing the same problem, the solution is outlined below:
def self.chart_data(start = 1.year.ago)
total_count = total_count_by_month(start)
start = start.to_date.beginning_of_month
today =
range = ( {|d| == 1}
############################################## do |month|
created_at: month,
total_enquiries: total_count[] || 0
The chart's x-axis now iterates by month.
The solution is found here.
I'm still looking for solutions on how the chart dates might display (%b %Y) as opposed to the current format of (yyyy-mm-dd).

Best way to get resultset and calculation from activerecord grouped by total, page or date?

I have a model with date, hours and description and want to display this data in a table with paging. I want to sum up hours per date, page and total.
Is this possible with one query or do i have query for my result set, then query for total sum and sum up in view for page sum?
# controller
#result =[:page])
#total = Data.sum('hours')
# #total_page =[:page]).sum('hours')
# view
#total_page = 0
#total_date = 0
previous = nil
#result.each do |result|
if !=
#total_data = result.hours
#total_data += result.hours
#total_page += result.hours
