Generating WAR using Gradle wrapper in a Grails application - grails

Is it possible to generate a WAR using the Gradle wrapper (ie. gradlew) that comes with a Grails application?
As far as I can tell, after listing all the available tasks, it doesn't seem like it's possible. If not, I wonder why it isn't.
Side note, using it to publish to Artifactory, which is cool IMO.
Update #1
me#workstation ~/ghi
$ ./gradlew help --task assemble
Detailed task information for assemble
Task (org.gradle.api.Task)
Assembles the outputs of this project.
Total time: 6.345 secs
Update #2
I tried the following command: gradlew -Dgrails.env=xxx war
META-INF\ shows grails.env=xxx.
Seems like that would work.

The command you're looking for is
./gradlew assemble
and your war will be in build/libs/


How to find out the the definition of gradle executed task in Jenkins

I am new to SCM tool like Jenkins so I may not actually ask the right question.
I find out there is a specific Gradle executed task failed when check the logs of Jenkins.
However, I cannot find out where the Gradle executed task is defined and what is the content of it.
I look up the [CONFIGURE] of Jenkins and then in the [BUILD] section, there is a section called [Invoked Gradle script] and I could see the name (lets call it X here) of executed Gradle task I am looking for.
But I cannot find where X is really defined and what command it actually run, Does anyone has any suggestion? Thanks.
You can try using gradle in verbose mode
gradle -S build
-S, --full-stacktrace
Print out the full (very verbose) stacktrace for any exceptions. See also logging options.
or try using debug mode
-d, --debug
Log in debug mode (includes normal stacktrace).
Gradle provides a Domain Specific Language (DSL), for describing builds. This uses the Groovy language to make it easier to describe a build. Each build script of Gradle is encoded using UTF-8, saved offline and named as build.gradle.
By default, Gradle command will invoke Gradle script from build.gradle file.
You can run a Gradle build using the Gradle command. This command looks for a file called build.gradle.
More details here.

GRAILS --- what's the difference between commands grails war and gradle build?

I've heard you should type command
grails war
to build your project. I've thought to this point that Gradle is responsible for building the app in Grails. I've been doing the latter with conviction that my app is built. So what's the difference between
grails war
gradle build
Is it just that grails war is gradle build + create the war file?
It is not that simple to compare Grails and Gradle. Gradle is a build tool, while Grails is a web application framework.
However, Grails provides a command line tool, that's described in the docs:
Grails incorporates the powerful build system Gant, which is a Groovy wrapper around Apache Ant.
So, Grails does not use Gradle.
The basic usage of the grails command looks the following:
grails [environment]* [command name]
Where especially the command name parameter must be one out of predefined values. You can find the documentation on the war command here.
The basic usage of the gradle command looks the following:
gradle [option...] [task...]
The listed task parameters can be names of tasks created either in the build.gradle script or by plugins. All mentioned tasks and their respective task dependencies will be executed. If you use the Gradle War Plugin, it will generate a war task, which will also (transitively) be added as a task dependency of the build task. So whenever you call gradle build, a WAR file will be created. You can also call this task directly via gradle war.
I just learned that Grails can or even does use Gradle beginning at a certain version. I even found a list on which Grails command calls which Gradle task. According to this list, calling grails war is equivalent to calling gradle assemble. The assemble task directly depends on the war task.
gradle build is a Gradle lifecycle task which usually consists of other tasks required to build a software like compileJava and other lifecycle tasks like assemble and check.
In case of Grails it delegates build to Gradle and to war task and it doesn't include check lifecycle during which unit tests will be executed.

Netbeans build.xml to execute when using Ant

I'm relatively new to using build files and Ant to compile and execute from a command line so i wanted to know how it would be possible to modify the build-impl.xml file auto generated from netbeans so that after it compiles it also executes the program.
Currently when i type just "ant" in the command window where the build.xml file is listed it compiles and etc but then says
[copylibs] Nothing to copy.
[echo] To run this application from the command line without Ant, try:
[echo] java -jar "C:\Users\Eric\Documents\Word Documents\Java Test Code\NetbeansVersion\Cops\dist\Cops.jar"
I can run that command and it will run fine, but i want the program to execute by just typing ant.
The build.xml file - Pastebin
Build-impl.xml file - Pastebin
There are a couple "tasks" available in ant that you could use to accomplish this.
You can use either of these:
Java Task,
Exec Task
Those documentation pages provide examples as well. Before you go there though, you might want to start at the basic manual to get an idea of the structure of an ant build file to determine where and how you want to add this execution step in.
It feels a little "off" to me to have your build script executing the program, but I'm sure you've got a reason, so I might suggest adding a new target that does the build steps and then also runs this command to kick off the program. That way you've still got the option of running the build without running the program.

Can't launch libgdx ios/robovm build in IPhone simulator with gradle

I'm trying to get a basic Hello World libgdx application running on the IPhone Simulator using gradle. I am new to gradle and robovm.
First I should note that I am able to successfully build and run tis example app with the command:
./gradlew build launchIPhoneSimulator
Just as a small diversion, I am curious to know why
./gradlew launchIPhoneSimulator
fails. Apparently 'build' needs to be explicit.
wintermute:robovm-sample-ios-app matt$ ./gradlew launchIPhoneSimulator
Classpath entry /Users/matt/code/robovm-sample-ios-app/build/classes/main does not exist
:launchIPhoneSimulator FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':launchIPhoneSimulator'.
> Main class org.robovm.sample.ios.RoboVMSampleIOSApp not found
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 7.115 secs
I would have thought that the launchIPhoneSimulator task would depend on the build task and that calling lanuchIPhoneSimulator would implicitly invoke build. Is this a mistake in the gradle-robovm-plugin ( or is there something I am missing about gradle?
Ok, sorry back to my main question:
I generated a libgdx project using the command line tool supplied by Gdx-setup ( with the arguments:
--dir /Users/matt/code/test --name test --package --mainClass FooTest
I threw the generated project up on github so you can clone it with less hassle:
git clone libgdx-test
Then I'll run
./gradlew build
to build all the sub projects. But I am unable to get the ios build running on the simulator via
./gradlew launchIPhoneSimulator
I get a similar error to the one above:
wintermute:test matt$ ./gradlew ios:launchIPhoneSimulator
Classpath entry /Users/matt/code/test/ios/build/classes/main does not exist
:ios:launchIPhoneSimulator FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':ios:launchIPhoneSimulator'.
> Main class not found
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 12.759 secs
I double checked that there is no typo between the actual name of the main class and the mainClass declared to gradle. And there is indeed no classes directory in ios/build, but I am not sure why.
Can anyone help shed some light on this for me? Thanks very much in advance.
Update 2014-01-24: At least one other user has verified that it now works, so please make sure you try again if you are still having problems.
Update 2014-01-23: I've recently checked in some bugfixes to the libgdx gradle support which has been merged into the daily builds. Assuming you use the daylies they should appear within 24 hours. At my end the new bugfixes makes "./gradlew ios:assemble launchIPhoneSimulator" work out of the box after creating a new project with the GdxSetup class.
Original response below:
First, make sure you use at least version 0.0.2 of the gradle-robovm-plugin. Secondly, try to build the sample project using the plugin from here:
The author of the plugin was kind enough to make this based on my request. I've tested the plugin with the example and it works without a hitch. It was discussed and resolved in a closed issue here:
It's also worth noting that on recent libgdx builds, the command line tool for generating libgdx application templates already uses the plugin so you should be ready to go without the need to download and/or muck with the stuff yourself (short of getting libdx and running the command line util for generating a template project).
If you already have a project that you need to adapt, look carefully at the build.gradle file in the robovm-sample-ios-app example from the author of the example. It shows you what is needed to get a robovm build going.
Try to check is roboVMVersion and robovm-gradle-plugin in your main build.gradle points to latest robovm/plugin versions. If no - try to use latest. This helps me several times.

How to execute package for one submodule only on Jenkins?

I have a sbt project with 4 modules: module-a, module-b, module-c, module-d.
Each module can be packaged as a WAR. I want to set up a deployment on Jenkins that would build only one of the 4 modules and deploy it to a container.
In detail, I want to have 4 Jenkins jobs - job-a, job-b, job-c, job-d, each building only the defined module (a to d).
For now, I am using clean update test package as the command for the Jenkins sbt build, but this results in packaging all 4 modules that is not necessary.
I already tried project -module-a clean update test package but with no luck.
You may also like to execute project-scoped clean and test tasks as follows:
sbt module-a/clean module-a/test
The solution is slightly shorter and clearer as to what project the following commands apply to.
You don't need to execute update task since it's implicitly executed by test as described in inspect tree test.
There's a way to make it cleaner with an alias. Use the following in the build.sbt:
addCommandAlias("jenkinsJob4ModuleA", "; module-a/clean; module-a/test")
With the alias, execute jenkinsJob4ModuleA to have the same effect as the above solution.
Quote the argument to project, i.e. project module-a, and don't use a dash before the name of the submodule.
The entire command line for the Jenkins job would than be as follows:
./sbt "project module-a" clean update test
