view controller in reverse direction on Device - ios

i have a project with navigation bar it open correctly on iPhone simulator and the back button appear on the left correctly and all the transition is normal from left to right
but on device the navigation became reversed and the back button became on the right instead on the left

This is the feature of device because the language which you selected has also the reverse direction than the English language.
If you set this language in iPhone simulator than you will get the same behaviour as device.
Reference link :


Objective C / Xcode - Is it possible to use layout of landscape but rotate to portrait, so that home bar is on portrait view instead of landscape

I created an app in landscape left mode only and so there is a tick only at Device Orientation in General for 'Landscape Left'. So, I forced only this orientation.
My problem is that the home bar is at the bottom of the screen instead of the left side of the screen. I am developing a point-and-click adventure and at the bottom of the screen there is an inventory bar. So, the user has to click at the bottom of the screen and have to move the finger upwards with this selected item.
My question is if it is possible that I can leave the layout in landscape left mode but change afterwards the home bar to portrait view, so that the home bar is at the left side when using the phone in landscape left mode?
If yes, I would be very happy if someone could support me here and would show me how to do this in Xcode with Objective C. Right now I am not using any storyboard but I would change this if necessary.
Thanks in advance.

iOS phone showing different back button than simulator

I have not set the button using any image, its just the default back button that is generated when embedded in a nav controller.
In the simulator it has the normal back button icon <
But on the phone it displays more of a iOS 6 back button.
The target is set to iOS 10+
What could be the issue?
Here is what it looks like on my device (which is wrong):
As far as I'm aware, back buttons don't look like this any more

Why UITabBar item do not respond on single tap with iOS 11?

I have an app available on app store since iOS 9 and it was working fine but with iOS 11 tab bar items(highlighted in image) are not behaving as per expectation, on tab respective action is not firing it fires when we do swipe action on tabbar.
All the properties are just same as previous(properties shown in image 2)
You may have to position your bottom toolbar against the Safe Area if you are planning on supporting iPhoneX, as the bottom part of the screen has a drag bar that replaces the home button and may interfere with the touches on the toolbar.
You can read more about it at Positioning Content Relative to the Safe Area | Apple Developer Documentation

Keep Screen From Turning to Landscape Mode While App Is Running - Swift

I created an app with Swift and tested it out on my iPod touch. The problem is, sometimes I accidentally rotate the screen a little while playing, which throws off everything entirely. Is there a way in Swift to make it so even if the player rotates the device sideways it never turns to landscape mode?
You will want to
Click on the top-left corner (Show the Project Navigator)
Select the name of your project
See what is under General->Deployment Info->Device Orientation.
Adjust the tickboxes accordingly.
Screenshot of Device Orientation in General settings
If you click on your project in top left corner and on the Info tab you can un-tick some of the orientation tick boxes to only allow Portrait.
It's simple.It's not on Swift though.Just swipe up on your ipod and a little tab should come up. Once there,a button with an unlocked lock with an arrow around it.Click it and it should become locked.Now,it won't turn into landscape mode when you turn it! :)

iOS 8 Screen slides wrong direction when back button tapped

My application was written for iOS7 and I am trying to get it updated to iOS 8. My application is configured to only work in Landscape Left and Landscape Right orientations.
For iOS 8 I changed the order by which the screens are navigated and changed one of the modal screens to a push transition. On the main screen I have two UIBarButtonItems on the UINavigationItem. Each of these have a push segue assigned to them that connects to different screens.
When the app is running and one of the UIBarButtonItems is tapped, the screen associated through the segue slides over the main screen as expected. The back button is displayed normally. The problem occurs when the back button is tapped. The screen does not slide off to the right as would be expected.
On an iPhone 4 running iOS 7 the screen always slides down (towards the ground) regardless of the devices landscape left or landscape right orientation.
On an iPhone 6 Plus running iOS 8 the called screen quickly rotates to Upside Down (top towards the home button) and then slides off to home button side. Again it doesn't matter which way the phone is oriented landscape left or landscape right orientation.
I have tried setting the preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation, shouldAutorotate to NO, and setting the supportedInterfaceOrientations to UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight | UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight. Nothing seems to make any difference at all.
My screen navigation is straight forward, I'm no using any custom transitions. It's all through standard push segues.
I need to get the screen "back" transitions working correctly again.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I have finally discovered what was causing my screens to slide the wrong direction. It turns out that overriding the supportedInterfaceOrientations method in the UIViewController and returning UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight | UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft confuses the transition in iOS 8 (and devices running iOS 7 also). This was needed for proper operation in iOS 7, but evidently causes problems in iOS 8. So once I removed the code, the screen transitions began working correctly again.
