How to run a contiki project in cooja? - contiki

I'm Parvin, a postgraduate student.
I want to, Glossy, which is a project of Contiki,run in Cooja, And see the results. But the results are not seen in collect view.
I am a rookie. I searched on the Internet but could not find a solution to my problem. please guide me.
Thank you


What are advanced_ocr_options[] for Google Cloud Vision?

I'm trying to find any information on the advanced_ocr_options[] under textdetectionparams of ImageContext.
Google has several pages in their documentation which talk about these advanced features but I cannot find a list of them anywhere.
The following line runs without errors. But without the list of advanced ocr options I do not know what it means or what it may be doing.
response = client.text_detection(image=image, image_context={"text_detection_params": {"advanced_ocr_options": ["12"]}}
Please help shed light on this. Thanks for your help.

STM32f4-Discovery board FreeRTOS

I'm new to RTOS and I'm trying to get freertos working with stm32f4 discovery board to get a better grip with embedded RTOS. I have searched all that I can to find a working version of freertos with the discovery board but I haven't found any that works.
I have tried all that I can to get it working but I'm probably missing something trivial which I can't seem to put my finger on. If anyone could provide me with a tutorial/project of a working blink example that would be amazing.
I have tried to make the example in the freertos website to work but I still haven't been able to, that is why I'm asking for help here.
All I need is a coocox project which I can open,build and flash it to the board and have an LED blinking. from there I can possibly find my away.
I have been at this for 2-3 weeks now so if anyone can provide the project I will be extremely. thankful. E-mail ID
best regards,
You don't give enough information about what you have done, or what is not working (you don't even say if it is compiling), to be able to give you more than an educated guess as a reply.
If you have followed the instructions to create a new project ( then my educated guess would be that you have not installed the interrupt handlers (see "my application compiles but it does not run"

100+ Targets for one Xcode Project

I am wondering if anyone has experience with having 100+ targets in a single xcode project. I have a case right now where we are building many apps that use the same code base. There is some debate internally that if the amount of apps gets to an unmanageable level aka (Maybe a couple of 1000 apps) we are going to have issues.
So my Question: Does anyone have experience with making a xcode project that has a ton of apps/targets (100+) in one project? Is there any issues with this? Is it easier then having a single project for each one and just sharing code with symbolic links?
I have built a project and made about 80 targets. Besides xcode crashing a couple of times while I was creating them (I think this was because I was using hot-keys and going really fast) it seemed like it was fine. I did not see any major performance hits, but since this was not a full project I am skeptical that this was tested fully.
Thanks for any insight.
So I found some information hidden in a post of a site called openradar. I think it will answer my question. I would love to hear from some real world experience through. So if anyone still has input please add it. I will be doing some more research on the subject.
Link to Post:
Also I asked apple for comment on this as well and as soon as I get a response back I will post it in this answer.

XML based image gallery in ios development help needed

I searched every where and tried to do learn from the Apple document, but did not success. Actually I learned to fetch XML, learned to Load Image, but not in the combined form.
Please suggest me some example if it does exist.
I came here by asking the same question, After some struggle I've found an interesting article by IBM:
This should help you ( and me) to build the gallery.
If not just add it as a "Guide" on how to achieve that.
If I learn how to do it properly I'll let you know how.

Getting applications information installed on the device

I want to get the information of the installed applications on the device by code. Like for example when entering the settings in the device then applications you can see all the applications installed ... well I want to get that by code... how to do that?
Any idea about that topic?
Check out the API documentation on CodeModuleManager.
And, part of the way StackOverflow works is that when you get an answer that solves your problem you should accept that answer. This is how you repay people for taking the time to help you out. You are a new user, and not too many questions yet, but if you get to far ahead of yourself without accepting answers people may stop answering them.
