GCM fail in IOS - ios

I created an app which use GCM for push notification, It works great if I just compile on a real ios device.
So I uploaded it on app store, but when I download the app from app store, the push notification fail... which means it can't get the notifications....
Same device, Same code, but the compile one success and app store one failed.... Does anyone know why? many many many thanks!!!!!
The above case is about using ios9 or later. I found a ios8.1 iphone and try to download the app via app store, the push notification works! so now the case are:
ios9+ from appstore: FAIL ios9+ from xcode: SUCCESS ios8.1 from appstore: SUCCESS ios8.1 from xcode: SUCCESS


Push notification setup for iOS apps in ionic cordova and firebase

I have success in using push notification service in android apps and ionic.
But I am a new developer in apple territory.
I have no idea how Xcode works, and after some tweaking around and research, I managed to create an IPA file and installed the app on an iPhone.
But I am not able to have success on the push notification front.
And I am a lot in confusion with the certificates and capabilities in Xcode while creating an iOS app with push notification enabled.
Can anyone guide me on how to create an iOS app with firebase push notification enabled and working, and the correct steps to build one in ionic Cordova and Xcode.
you can use this
but in my case Onesignal works better

Cannot receive firebase notification in Real iOS Device but working in iOS simulator

i'm new in FCM.
I develop notification Apps for Android and iOS.
I already done successful with Android push notification via Firebase but i failed in iOS.
What i face are :
1. iOS notification working well in iPhone 5 simulator with iOS 12
2. iOS notification not working in real device (iPhone) : nothing happen
What i have done before :
Create development certificate for APNs
Upload p12 to Firebase Console
Install provision certificate for project in iPhone (real device)
Create App Id and activate APNs (configured)
After all effort above, notification still not appear in Real device , but i can sure it appear in Simulator.
By the way i create project using React Native, but i think it's not bug in Firebase library. Maybe something i missing in setting?

App is rejected by apple

My application is been reject by apple . They have message me that
During review, your app crashed on iPad running iOS 9.2.1 and iPhone running iOS 9.2.1 when we:
-Launch app
-Logged in
This occurred when your app was used:
- Offline
- On Wi-Fi
- On cellular network
But it is working fine on simulator and ios devices .
It dont know whats wrong with it .
Here are the crash reports
I dont know where are these crashes and how to resolve them ?
If you have read Apple instructions, they said its crashed on offline test. That means while there is no internet connection there is not available.
Simply follow these steps:
Check Internet Reachability at every place in the app where its used
After adding it test App on the device in which Apple testers found crash to make sure its working now.
Add appropriate alert messages for no internet connection
Thing is Simulator may not give you crash all time. Its best to test on real device before submit App for review
Hope it will help for you.

Why I'm getting duplicate push notifications on iOS 9?

I am receiving the same push notification twice in iOS 9, but It is working fine in iOS 8.
The problem still persists after updating the iOS version to 9.1, 9.2.
The application is generating new device tokens every time the app gets uninstalled and re-installed.
I found a solution which suggested to keep the latest device token id tagged with the user and remove all the previously tagged device token's, but I want my user to log in to the app from multiple devices (like an iPad & an iPhone) so I can't follow the solution.
Any possible solution/tips to handle this issue ?
I think you should use keychain to store or update device tokens. It can't be removed when application is uninstalled.

iOS Pushbots not working

Today I published my first app to the iOS App Store (hooray!).
When I tested the app, push notifications worked perfectly fine (using pushbots). But after downloading the app from the App Store, I did not receive any push notifications anymore.
I'm hoping someone here knows what might be the cause of this problem.
