Sending data from iOS application to a Google spreadsheet - ios

I am making an app that will allow users to send data to a google spreadsheet. The app is an order form that has different fields for the items and names etc, then they user will be able to go back to the app and enter their order number and view weather or not the order is complete or not.
With other systems I have been able to simply use a URL that contained the data that was being sent the service, although Google spreadsheets does not seem to have that, I have been playing around with the script editor and thought I could use that to do something of that nature but could not figure it out.
So here is what I want to do, user submits data and that data is logged then the spreadsheet creates a new order number for that data line entry and returns it the device. What is the simplest way to send data to a Google spreadsheet? I have looked at their Drive API for iOS but I am using swift and they're guides are partially in swift and Objective-C; it's just a mess and I can't even get their example code to run.


Firebase chat backup/export like whatsapp in SWIFT

i implemented a chat app in swift using firebase real time db, there user can send images, emojis and Text.Now i have a requirement of export chat or get the conversation's backup with media and text as per me to solving it out.
While Firebase offers a backup for the Realtime Database, this doesn't fit your needs here, since you'll want a per-user export of the data.
Since this is specific to your application, you will have to code it yourself, just like the good folks at WhatsApp have probably done. It should be a matter of iterating over all data sources for the user, getting the data through the relevant API (that you're already using to display that data), and then writing to a local file). You can do this either client-side in your Swift code, or server-side on a server you already may have, or using Cloud Functions.
If you're looking for some inspiration for the latter, there is a sample repository that shows how to clean up a user's data, based on a set of wipe-out rules. You'll need to significantly modify this example though, so I'm not convinced this will be less work than rolling your own from scratch.

Import data from another source into Adobe Analytics

I’m trying to tie data from another product with my data inside of Adobe Analytics.
We have Adobe Analytics javascript on our website collecting data and we use a third party tool to track how users interact with certain parts of the website. We’re trying to use the Adobe API to tie the data together.
So far we’ve gone down the path of using the Data Insertion API, but it wasn’t quite right as it’s meant to be used as a replacement for the JS, from what I can tell.
We also explored using the Data Sources API. Now the documentation for this suggests you can use a transaction ID to tie offline data with the data collected from the JS, we’ve tried this and it doesn’t match the data up. We’re now exploring using Visitor ID to tie the sessions together but we’re having problems uploading any rows with the Visitor ID column, Adobe just returns the error “Column header: ‘visitorid’ is not a valid column header”. We’ve tried several different variations of visitor id, such as “visitor_id”, “visitor-id”, “vistor id”, etc and still no luck.
The end goal is for us to be able to upload data to Adobe that will update/add eVars for already existing sessions earlier that day. How would I go about doing this? Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?
Edit: I managed to solve this problem by using the Adobe SAINT API. When a user arrives at the site, we push an eVar for that user with a unique ID and then the day after we use the SAINT API and the unique ID in the eVar we pushed previously to add the additional data we needed.
It could be a good idea to look back at the Data Insertion API and combine it with the visitorId approach where you tie existing/old visitorID's to new eVars and use the timestamp to "update" the dataset.
Although this is experimental, it might be worth a try.
Best regards,

Handling hidden input on Google Sheets

How would you tackle the following problem, using Google Sheets:
User A and B bot need to submit an input (some text) to a shared sheet. The input must be hidden from the other user until both have submitted. Both users can change the input until the reveal, but not afterwards. Think of it as simultaneous action selection, except it's on different time zones so we can't just shout one two three go.
Currently, we are using salted hashes. That is inefficient and time consuming. I'd like to automate it. However, I don't know of any tool inside Google Sheets that allows you to hide inputs from other users under certain conditions, or anything that locks the input after both submit either (the submission shouldn't be tampered with unless both users agree, unless it's done before the other user submits).
This might need to be done with external coding, and I'm up to that (although I currently have no idea how to integrate it in google sheets). However I have never programmed something that read input from anything other than a terminal (or a txt file that one time it was required in class) so please provide some reference for that too. :)
Many thanks in advance!
Use a Google Form as the input tool. Then after both users have sent the input, share the spreadsheet with them. This could be done manually or with Google Apps Script.
Create a survey using Google Forms - Docs editors Help
Extend Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms with Apps Script - Docs editors help

Query data from Google Spreadsheet generated by Form

Currently we're having a request to integrate the Google Form functionality into our system. I'd done some searching on the web, and found that there's no way we can change the post processing of a Google Form unless we do some heavy customization using 3rd party tools.
Thus i have an idea that, when someone fill in the Google Form, he/she will need to fill in a 'user id' in the form. This will be collected as a field in the Google Spreadsheet generated by the form.
In my back end application, i would query the spreadsheet and look for the user id field input by the user. Then i would be able to know whether he/she completed the form or not.
I'm trying to look at the Google Docs API for the spreadsheet and found that there are list-based feed and cell-based feed but i'm not sure which one can achieve what i want to do. Anyone has experience in this can shed a light?
Thank you
Think of a list based feed as being like SQL. You can read rows, insert rows(at the bottom), delete rows and update rows. - you can only store data, not formulas. In contrast, A CELL based feed lets you read and write to cells, any cell, using the cell reference (R1C1 style). CELL FEED give you more control, and includes batch updates.
some sample CELL FEED code is here:
Another option is too use google apps script, this is maybe less work if you just want to extract data. The html service is probably the tool for the job - as you can dont need OAuth to do the read.

Using Google Spreadsheet as DB for apps

I want to use Google spreadsheets to store data online so multiple people can enter and maintain data, then publish or export (csv, xls, ods) the sheet for their application. What is the easiest way to process the sheet? If the data can be accessed as a link the updates could be immediately reflected in the client's app.
This article Data Scraping Wikipedia with Google Spreadsheets discusses using Google spreadsheets as an application platform.
It already has features that allow you to share the spreadsheet with multiple editors, as well as the ability to define forms that you can invite people to fill out who's results will be entered into the spreadsheet as a row.
Just in case its still vaguely of interest 5 months later, there is a SQL-like wrapper language for Google Spreadsheets at:
Its very much an alpha release - but maybe its of some use or perhaps the code could give you some ideas.
I think if I am clear on your requirements, you want to store your data online in a Google Spreadsheet where multiple people can access that right? Then you want an app to use that data? Correct me if I am wrong.
It is possible to have Google spreadsheet as a database and the client app can directly access that data through APIs - spreadsheet APIs . If you want a simple link where people can go and update - you can also have a web app using google apps scripting. very simple to use and would solve your purpose too , why to export your data to ods, xls, csv, make your app directly over Google Spreadsheet. Would be maintainable too.
