Disable Scheduled Publishing in Umbraco - umbraco

I'm trying to disable the scheduled publishing in Umbraco but can't find any settings and can't find any posts mentioning how to do this.
Is this possible within 7.2.8?

There is no explicit way to disable scheduled publishing that I'm aware of. You can stop it from working by making sure the web server can't resolve it's own address, that will stop scheduled publishing from occurring, but will fill your log files full of errors.
Another option would be to inject a stylesheet into the back office and hide the scheduled publishing fields.


Is there any way to run a Jenkins job on Zephyr Squad for Jira test-case execution status change?

So i have a private Jira Server 8.5.7 with Zephyr Squad (9.1.3) plugin for it.
What this plugin does is adds a custom fields with Test Steps and Test Execution Status to the Jira Issue.
Test Steps
Test Execution Status
What i need to do is to make Jira send an API request to remote Jenkins server once Test Execution Status has changed(by the QA Engineer).
The problem is that these custom fields are not CustomFields in Jira-terms - they are not shown on a Custom Fields page for the project. It does not appear on Workflows(because its not part of Issue flow, rather inside one), so i cant use webhooks. I cannot add a Custom Event for them changing. I also cannot add a Custom Listener for that Execution status change, because there's nothing to connect to - when i change the Execution Status the IssueUpdate event does not fire. No event is fired at all.
It just sends a request to Zephyr's own plugin API (/rest/zephyr/)
I dont know if it was made intentionally or just with flaws or am i stupid.
Is there any way to make Jira send API requests one that execution status change? Maybe there is Listener class specific for that execution status i dont know about? Or maybe one could write a custom plugin to attach to that status change somehow?
The Jira and Zephyr versions are highest i could get.
I know i can make it work with Jira Issue status change, but that would be my last resort.
If anybody else got stuck with this.
I never found a way to do it with Zephyr Squad. However, there is a similar thing called Zephyr Scale.
Basically, does all the same things, has a slighty different UI, but most importantly - triggers an event when test execution status changed, which could be set on listener.

Why is self.skipWaiting() and self.clients.claim() not default behaviour for service workers

I'm researching service workers for my thesis. I understand how the lifecycle works, but I'm having trouble understanding the default update behaviour of service workers.
When installing a new service worker, while an old one is installed, the service worker will have to wait to activate. With self.skipWaiting() and self.clients.claim() it is possible to fully activate the service worker and control the pages. I don't get why this is not default behaviour. The main reason I can find is to preserve code and data consistency (https://redfin.engineering/service-workers-break-the-browsers-refresh-button-by-default-here-s-why-56f9417694). With some basic understanding of the lifecycle, shouldn't it be possible to preserve both code and data consistency when a service worker updates or am I missing something? Are there any additional reasons?
Also has this behaviour been different in the past? Have skipWaiting() and clients.claim() been added afterwards?
The default - as it is now - is safer in general and doesn't force everyone to come up with all sorts of solutions.
User loads page with main1.js, SWv1 registers 1 second later, site now fully cached
User loads the page again - this time from cache by SWv1, super fast. New SWv2 registers 1 second later, caches new assets (main1.js is now main2.js), takes control via skipWaiting and clientsClaim
Two things can happen now:
Page has loaded with main1.js and the browser has executed whatever that script said. User has interacted with the page etc. Page is running main1.js which expects to be talking to SWv1 but actually the SW in control is SWv2. The script, main1.js, could be sending messages and trying to interact with the SW in a way that only SWv1 understood but v2 doesn't have any idea about. Now the page breaks because of the mismatch.
SWv1 cached all assets that site v1 needed. Thus if main1.js was to lazyload something etc. when user interacted with the page, browser would get that from the cache. As SWv2 has taken control and cached its idea of the assets (these are now newer assets), when main1.js tries to lazyload something originally cached by SWv1 it's not found. Also, because this is now a new deployment, the asset is not on the HTTP server anymore. It would have been in caches handled by SWv1 but SWv2 doesn't know about it. SWv2 knows about a newer version of that file. Page breaks.
It is important to understand that this might not be the case for every site/SW combination. If you have very little logic in the SW script and the main.js doesn't communite with sw.js too much it is possible to build a combination where skipWaiting and clientsClaim don't cause any problems. You can also code in such a way that if an error happens, you'll show the user a notification to refresh.

TFS 2010 build email notification when build is running beyond permissible time span

I am using TFS 2010 for build service. I need to send an email if the build is running for longer time.
For ex: Suppose the build normally runs for 10 mins, but now if the build is running for more than 20 mins... i need to send an email notification.
May I have your help on this?
This functionality is not available out of the box. This can however, make a great feature request, raise it for consideration here => http://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio
However, to get this to work here is what you can do... Write a tfs build activity which using the tfs api extracts the last build execution time and insert that at various places in the process workflow ideally before and after each work flow task to check how much time has the build already consumed while measuring this against the expected time. Use the email notification task to send out an email accordingly.
Here is an example that shows u how to get the last build details, http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/shair/archive/2011/01/11/tfs-api-part-33-get-build-definitions-and-build-details.aspx and here a custom task example http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/t9883dzc.aspx
Alternatively, query the TFS Build Queue and check the runtime of the builds in progress. When any of the builds exceeds the defined thresholds, send the email. This can be done in a windows service with relative ease.
You'd use the TFS Client Object Model to query the builds like this. Tarun already provided a nice link to that.

How to check if a Firefox addon is installed (on another computer)?

As part of my research on web usage, I have people install a Firefox addon to track their visits (kinda like RescueTime, but different for my research).
So I worry whether the users cheat by uninstalling the addon. Is there any way I can have the addon notify me on install/uninstall of the addon?
I know there's a bunch of workarounds for this (say, just by using another browser client). But what can I do for this very specific case?
PS - I have the same question for a Chrome extenion that does pretty much the same thing. I assume I should start another thread to ask that question.
You can register an observer for the em-action-requested topic: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Observer_Notifications#Extension_Manager. This way you can get notified whenever the user chooses to uninstall your add-on. There is a number of limitations here:
Disabled add-ons don't get notified (they aren't active). You can get notified whenever the user chooses to disable your add-on however.
Most add-ons aren't uninstalled immediately, usually this requires a browser restart. Until that restart the user can still choose to revert his action.
Add-ons can be uninstalled while the browser isn't running, simply by removing the corresponding directory/file. No notification will be sent then.
It might be more reliable to send a regular "I am alive" signal to your server if you want to verify that the add-on is still installed.
For Firefox 4.0 and greater you can use the new AddonManager interface. Call the addAddonListener() method to pass in your listener. Implement the methods on your listener as documented, including onUninstalling() and/or onUninstalled().

Service Watch-dog design

I am working on a legacy product which has seven Windows services and a user interface. There are some bugs in the services which causes crash in every 10-15 days. I need to write an application to monitor the state of the services. If the services get crashed I need to send an e-mail to the administrator to start the services.
I am not able to use the auto recovery process since during some of the crashes, the Microsoft error report dialog or some other dialogs appears and the service is consider running till the message is acknowledged.
So, I am planning to go for this individual application / watch-service to monitor the crashes until the bugs in the original services are completely fixed.
Please share your views on the design of the watch-dog service.
From you question I understood that windows can't tell if the service ends because it shows a dialouge. If windows can't detect that the service has shutdown how is another application.
you will have to find so evidence that the process is doing what is supposed to do. checking that a log file is growing or seeing if events are being written is the simplest thing off hand.
You're question suggests that windows service recovery does not get triggered because of a an error dialog not being clicked. Perhaps what you need is something to detect that the error dialog is open and click the button. This way, the service can exit successfully and windows service recovery can kick in.
I have attached a program I use to automatically click annoying clearcase dialogs. Below is a sample config file that drives the program. All you need to do is to add a new line of clickInfo and fill in the correct window and button captions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="clickConfiguration" type="ClickButton.ClickConfigurationSection, ClickButton"/>
<clickInfo windowName="ClearCase" buttonName="Proceed" />
Hope it helps!
If you cannot fix those services but can "expose" them as an HTTP resource on Internet, you can use online website monitoring services to periodically check if the service(s) are still on. Create a small website that knows how to "ping" your service(s) locally and request its page(s) on a schedule by one of those monitoring services.
I know several of such services: http://www.setcronjob.com/, http://www.webcron.org/, http://scheduler.codeeffects.com. The last one can even monitor your HTTP resources on your private network but this feature is not free. Hope this helps.
Funny how you need to hand-edit the registry to disable Drwatson and there's a commandline to enable it back ;) here, check this Microsoft KB: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/188296
