Why my iPhone 6 screen resolution get differs? - ios

In my app, I have a condition to display a UIView in my view controllers if that view appears on the screen the iPhone 6 have the iPhone 5 resolution if that same view isn't appears there is no issue. I've calculated the screen resolution via code and test the above scenario. I think that Auto layout will change the screen resolution. Please help me to fix it. Also please share factors that changed the screen resolution.

Select your View Controller, go to Attributes Inspector of the Utility Area and please ensure that you chose Inferred in Size
Enabling AutoLayout alone will not change your view's size.
You should add constraints to it.
Once you are done, You need to set constraints for your view.


Alignment issues in iPhone X

In my application i have a screen which contains close button on top and program information at bottom and both trailing,leading,bottom and top constraints related to safe area.
Button width and height is 1:1. Program info area height is 0.25 of view height. In run time adding avplayerviewcontroller view on screen whose height is 75% of self.view.It's working fine in all device except iPhone X. If i launch app in landscape then alignment is fine and if I change orientation I can see 44 pixels as x value. If I launch app in portrait first then portrait orientation values are correct if I change orientation to landscape then 44 pixels top(y) value is adding. I am not getting how to fix this issue. Please guide me.
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
I guess your problem is that you have defined constraints in percentages, which might be an issue. When you rotate the screen the mid section might be too small. Have you tried the rotated layout in interface builder to see what is happening? Defining layouts with constraints is relatively easy in interface builder and you can test the layouts as well.
If you programmatically set the constraints, it is hard to find out where it went wrong. If you have one ambiguous constraint, the whole screen can be weird.
If you need to make programmatically set constraints, you should make a test setup in interface builder and implement the good setting in the program code, when everything works as planned.
I have checked your storyboard and I think the issue might be that you have two safe area defined. One outside the containerview and one inside. What you put inside the container view, might be wrongly calculating the constraints inside.
Try to take out this checkbox and try it again.

Size class does not works

I need to create an app with adaptive UI. for that I use auto layout and size class. but i can't get the expected result. it displays different UIs for different screen sizes. kindly guide me to create the adaptive UI(for all screen sizes). Thanks in advance.
This is indeed problem with constraints as mentioned in comments to your question. Using size classes only allows you to set constraints for all iphones at lowest level (that's why screen size for size class Compact x Regular is same for all iphones in xcode).
It is difficult to help you, without knowing all of your constraints. My advice is, use Preview assistant, where you can see all of your devices and generated UI. By opening this Preview assistant, tap on bottom "+" symbol and add device you wish to inspect.
As you can see on this screenshot, in my storyboard, there are margins around the middle view, however on iPhone 4, where width is smaller, these margins are lower (they have lower priority as constraint), while view retains it's width/height.

Why do the layout positions change in preview when I simply add a new screen size to the preview screen?

I have a 4 inch screen displayed in Assistant Editor Preview while I'm adding constraints to the view controller in Storyboard. Once I get everything situated in the correct position with the constraints and the layout looks good on the 4 inch screen, I then add another screen size to the preview window. For some reason, just by adding another screen size to the Preview window causes the layout preview on my perfectly good 4 inch screen to slightly be changed. Is this odd behavior or am I doing something wrong?
I had a similar issue, but instead with the 4.7 inch screen size. I found that using 2 things helped me keep the layout and constraints consistent across all screen sizes.
First, keep your storyboard default layout to universal (square) so the constraints aren't applied to one screen size only.
Second, when setting your constraints, use the "Reset to suggested constraints" button located on the third constraints tab.
I have yet to experience layout issues using this method. Hope this helps!

How to handle iPhone 4s, 5 and 6 screen size, and make all the contents look the same across al the devices

I am using Xcode 6.1 and in one of the views I have, contains many labels. However, these labels look different in each different devices. Although I have add constraints to all the labels, but still facing the same issue.
How can I get the same view layout across all devices?
How can I make the width and height for each label is flexible, depends on the screen size?
Do I need to design different xib for each device?
The following images showing the result am getting, with auto resize enabled, and constants been added.
on iPhone 6
on iPhone 5
on iPhone iOS 7.1
We have provided with a simple solution . Using Aspect ratio constraint we can get a relative look in all device screens.
I had the same issue and I found this >>
So when designing for lowest to highest screen resolution we can't set a specific width and height for all controls as it may look weird. So using this constraint we can have a relative look for all screens.
If you don't want to use constraints or you want to keep the same width & height , you can add scrollview to hold all controls. For that you can set a resizing frame for scrollview with fixed content size .
To solve this...
1) Go to xib file and uncheck the Auto layout
2) Then set the autosizing manually in the following manner for each and every subview.
Use self.view.bounds.size.width to get the width of screen, then use relative value to initialize all labels.
One soultion is that you can Design a story board for each screen size like one for iphone 5, one for iphone 6 and one for iphone 6+ and in your AppDelegate method "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" you can get the screen size and popup corresponding storyboard
in this wasy you can set different constraints according to different screen size

IOS7 Tableview autolayout not work

Oh, I am having trouble with AutoLayout in IB(xcode 5, ios7), an IPad project.
Here is a view hierarchy in my project.
And I add some constraints to UILable, (1.pin height, 2. Pin leading space to superview 3.pin trailing space to super view, 6 pin top space to superview.). But when I look in the portrait mode, I think it should change its' width to keep 2 and 3 constraints, but it didn't, can anyone give me a suggestion what should I do.
Thanks a lot!
Here is my screen shot in portrait mode and landscape mode.
I suppose I'm right when I say that you obtain the second screenshot when you select Landscape for the Orientation in the Simulated Metrics of your view controller. As the title of this section suggests, it's a simulation (might be different at run time). The warning message you have might be saying Frame for **** will be different at run time. Have you tried to run your app? Have your labels wrong positions/sizes ?
