Admob SDK - iOS -File not found - ios

I have installed Google Analytics and Google AdMob SDK in my iOS project using Cocoapods. I have implemented both the functionalities in my app and everything looked okay for a week. Then suddenly, when I compiled the app, I received this error message:
"GADBannerView.h file not found". in "#import GADBannerView.h"
But I was able to see the header GADBannerView.h in my project under Pods target.
I did some research and found this error can happen due to SEARCH PATH in BUILD SETTINGS. Many faced similar issues when they moved the project from one machine to another machine but I didn't do that. So, instead of investigating on SEARCH PATH, I removed my GADBanner implementation from my project and commented line #import GADBannerView.h and my project compiled successfully.
I don't quite understand why the Google Analytics SDK is getting compiled successfully while AdMob is throwing a compilation error. I even did a pod update and still received the same error.
The SEARCH PATHS in my target is $(inherited) and ALWAYS SEARCH USER PATH is set to No

Starting at AdMob 7.0, AdMob has made the SDK a framework. Import it like so:
#import <GoogleMobileAds/GoogleMobileAds.h>

Go to: --> Build Settings --> Apple LLVM 7.1 - Language - Modules --> Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) --> set it to Yes.

According to the Google Ads Developer Blog we need to use:
#import GoogleMobileAds;
If you have a problem with the #import syntax you need to modify your project build settings. Search for Modules and set Enable Modules to YES.

First one is issue of latest SDK will not be used for Admob.
second is issue of Xcode 7.0 and you can try in Xcode xcode below 7 for till date,


Twitter Kit Integration issues in iOS app

I want to integrate twitter in iOS Application, I tried using Fabric as well as by using Cocoa pod but getting same error every time.
Following are the Errors:
Could Not build TwitterCore
Cocoa/Cocoa.h file not found
Could Not build Module TwitterKit
I searched and tried some solutions as per given below links but nothing work for me. I am using xcode 6.4, ios 8.4.
Please give me any correct solution.
I went through below link
Twitter integration in iOS app
but didnt help
TwitterKit issue comming
Cocoa/Cocoa.h file not found
Cocoa/Cocoa.h file not found
Go to project settings --> Build settings
Click on All tab and search "allow non"
then set YES to Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework option

Unable to use Google Analytics for iOS

I don't know what Happens to the code or google.
I just Downloaded the Sample App for Google Analytics for Google.
I downloaded it via pod using:
pod try Google
and chooses the option for Analytics.
After downloading when I build the project I am getting Linker Error.
Fully Stuck Tried All The way available in SO.
Removed -ObjC Flag
Removed -force-load Flag
Changed Load Common Section from Yes to NO
But none of the way help me Out. What is the issue with it.
Here is the Screen shot of the Error:
Here is the Following reason of this ERROR :
*Note - Integrated GooGle Analytic without CocoaPods.
If latest GA(Google Analytics) sdk is using then better to upgrade to Xcode 7 otherwise it will give you duplicate error (even if configured properly)
Running with Xcode 6.2 or < Xcode 7 then better to download September (August) Release Sdk.
Go with Xcode and select GA folder and right click - choose show in Finder then all files should be there . If yes then check is there two different copy exists in other folder .
It basically says that there are functions duplications in the project...
Make sure the following:
The project does not have #import for .m files by mistake
In the projects build phases there are no file names duplications
There are no initialized variables in .h files e.g "int
variableA = 5"
If none of the above works, remove in project settings Other Linker
Flags "-ObjC", that will allow to load the same functions more then
one time.

twtrdefines.h not found - app doesn't build - Xcode 7, Twitter Fabric SDK

I've been trying to build my project since the last update of twitter's fabric SDK and it just refuses to build. I get three errors which I believe are because of some SDK changes (files removed). Can anyone help me out with this?
These are the errors:
Header 'TWTRDefines.h' not found ....:1:9: In file
included from :1:
Could not build module 'TwitterCore'
Could not build Objective-C module 'TwitterKit'
Actions taken so far:
Added the file twtrdefines.h from an earlier sdk version manually - didn't work
Commented lines of code causing errors - didn't work
The issue was a bug with the Twitter SDK and it went away with an update.
Alternatively, one could try switching to cocoapods for updates which was more efficient for me.

No such module FBSDKCoreKit error

I am trying to add the Facebook SDK to my iOS 9.0 Swift app in Xcode. I did the install according to the FB-dev instructions. However, when I add the header to my AppDelegate.m file import FBSDKCoreKit I keep getting a message saying "No such module 'FBSDKCoreKit'" error .
Based on what I read elsewhere
I have already cleaned the build and re-installed Xcode and updated
my OS X
I have double checked the plist and the framework files FB lists in
the instructions, but nothing has seemed missing.
I have set the "Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework modules"
setting to YES in Build settings.
Nothing seems to work. I do not know where to go from here and have done hours of research trying to find the solution.
When you are importing the frameworks, Make sure you have selected "Copy if needed" . Version after Xcode 6.3 seem to be giving issues if this part is NOT ticked.
I solved this by deleting the Framework and adding it again by right click on the project->Add files..., then choose the framework and SELECT the option to Copy files if needed. It's not what Facebook recommends, but it worked!
I'm using v4.6 of FBSDK and Xcode 7 beta 6.
Hope it helps you and everyone else who's facing the same problem :)
With CocoaPods, swift 2.1, and iOS 9, I tried adding it to the bridge header and it works fine, for example:
#ifndef MY_Bridge_Header_h
#define MY_Bridge_Header_h
#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h>
#import <FBSDKLoginKit/FBSDKLoginKit.h>
// ... other imports
#endif /* MY_Bridge_Header_h */
I had errors following alongside the AppCoda tutorial which is not fully up to date. I recommend following Facebooks own instructions. The issue for me was that I had to add the frameworks to my project and then add sdk search path. After that I could import without an error.

'FBSDKLoginKit/FBSDKLoginKit.h' file not found (Facebook SDK for iOS v4.2 & Xcode 7)

I follow all the steps in This Tutorial and/or Facebook SDK Documentation to install Facebook Login on my App, but when I run the code I get an error. although Facebook mention I can just use import (Swift) to include the framework, I try to do it the old fashion as well with Objective-C Bridge Header.
'FBSDKLoginKit/FBSDKLoginKit.h' file not found
ScreenshotAs you can see the bridge.h is being read by the compiler, but due to internal file error it will throw error.
Bridge.h In Xcode 6 you don't require bridge header file, I could just do it with import
#import <FBSDKLoginKit/FBSDKLoginKit.h>
This problem is due to Xcode 7 Beta, I have tried to do it on Xcode 6 and it worked perfectly with just an import FBSDKLoginKit. Can anyone tell me a hack around this? or if there is a way to convert my Swift 2 code back to 1.4 and work on Xcode 6.
I had the same problem.
Managed to sort the directory by adding the Facebook SDK in "Framework Search Path".
Target -> Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths -> + /Users//Documents/FacebookSDK
it works!
For those using cocoapods the solution for me was actually adding FBSDKCoreKit to podfile:
pod 'FBSDKCoreKit'
pod 'FBSDKLoginKit'
The facebook documentation is incomplete, they dont mention anything about including FBSDKCoreKit pod reference.
For [login,sharekit,corekit].h file not found error , My solution was:
changing framework searchpath of RCTFBSDK (inside library of the project)
I have the same issue and recognized, that my old XCode 6 projects worked with the Facebook frameworks.
So i try the following workaround and that fixed the problem. however i don't know why:
Facebook iOS SDK 4.2
Create a fresh project in XCode 6
Link the Facebook Frameworks to your project as described in the docs
Close the project and reopen it in XCode 7
The "To Swift 2 Converter" should open within the project - Convert the project to Swift 2
Run the project - in my case everything works fine.
After that i copied my "old" Swift 2 Files into the new project. The app starts without any issues.
I observed the changes by the converter, but can't recognized any change depending the Facebook frameworks.
Had the same issue, instead of updating the search path
I solved it by removing the Frameworks from the project and then adding them checking the Copy items if needed box
My header files looks this
#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h>
#import <FBSDKLoginKit/FBSDKLoginKit.h>
You can simply put ~/Documents/FacebookSDK in Framework Search Paths and it will work for any user
this is a known bug:
Check out this solution: Facebook iOS8 SDK build module error for FBSDKCoreKit
