How can I uninstall Xcode Server? - ruby-on-rails

I'm developing an iOS app that involves running the API on my dev machine. I use Pow to route the rails stack to I recently set up Xcode Server to test out continuous integration, but it messed up Pow. would point to Xcode server instead of my app's backend.
I've since moved the Xcode server onto a different computer in the office and disabled it on my machine, but Pow is still broken. How can I remove it from my dev computer? I've turned off Xcode server, but I can't figure out how to uninstall it so Pow can work again. Using ps aux I can see almost 150 processes that have xcs in their names.

I'm not sure what fixed this problem, but after the second restart, the problem was fixed. In between the first and second reboots, however, I think I tried unloading (using launchctl) services which had xcsin the name. That had no immediate effect, so I assumed it was not working. After the restart, though, Pow was routing correctly.


How to start Puma/Rails/Nginx on Debian after boot

Ok, I'm deploying my Rails App using Capistrano. I'm also using Puma. I've followed this tutorial to get it to work, although I'm using Debian rather then Ubuntu.
Everything works fine and I can deploy my app without issues. However if my server crashes or the server restarts, the App doesn't restart itself and the only way I got it to restart was deploying it again with the following command cap production deploy from within my App in my local machine, which we all can agree that's not ideal.
There's loads of information on the web on how to deploy a Rails App with Passenger, which I'd rather avoid to use due to lack of resources on the server part. I've also found this tutorial which seems to be a bit outdated.
Can someone please point me to an updated tutorial or give some directions on how I could get my App to start/restart who the server?
Many thanks
As per #mudasobwa's comments, I'm detailing the steps I've taken after reading this page:
I have copied the contents of into /etc/init.d/puma made it executable. I've also copied the contents of into /usr/local/bin/run-puma also made it executable.
Lastly I've created a puma.conf file in /etc.
After that I've created the following directory: /path/to/app/tmp/puma and added these two files: pid and state. Note that I've also added the aforementioned folders into Capistrano's shared links structure.
After the above I've restarted my server and the App did not start as I expected.
What am I missing here?

Rubymine for remote SDK. Gems downloading and suddenly stop

I'm having this issue since yesterday and I am not sure what could be the problem. I have a Rails application that I want to run against a remote SDK installed on my VirtualBox (Ubuntu); yesterday I was able to set it up on another VM I have and when I went to Settings in Rubymine and added the SSH credentials, it took some time but finally a lot of gems were downloaded and I was able to run the project directly from Rubymine environment, trying to prepare everything for debug.
I had to change my VirtualBox and now when I connect to it via SSH it starts "Collecting files..." for a while and then "Downloading..." the gems... it looks like it restarts for a couple of times and then at some point, after a while and without any further notice, it stops.
If it helps, my host is Windows 7, my guest is Ubuntu 14.04; my RVM is 1.9.3-p392.
Any ideas? I'm surprised because this worked like a charm yesterday and today is not. Thank you in advance for any help.
What version is your Rubymine? I had issue back with version 6.x with remote rubies freezing the system. Also are you using a Vagrant box? I have seen some of the Vagrant boxes have issues as well. I would log in to the Ubuntu Guest via command line/SSH and see if you still have issues downloading gems.

Issues Getting Intel XDK to run - hangs on startup

I've checked googles and stacks and cannot find an answer for my issue, so I'm asking here.
I've installed Intel XDK 2 on my system (Win 7 64b Pro) but cannot get it to start up. I've uninstalled and reinstalled.
I have it installed in the default directory \users\\AppData\Intel\XDK (I think that was it) so there shouldn't be an issue with permissions.
It comes up with the "Initializing page" but nothing else. I've left it be for about 1 hour while I worked on something else, but the window never changes and the app doesn't start. If I kill it and reopen it says that it didn't close properly and asks if I want a normal or safe start; I've tried both options.
Anyone have any issue with this?
(and please don't suggest phonegap / cordova... I've tried to install that on Eclipse and Visual Studio and both have failed miserably to simply work, even with the googles assisting me).
Two things to try:
-- Make sure you have a valid hosts file, for some folks this has been a problem getting the XDK to start, for unknown reasons, some systems either are missing their hosts file or have invalid entries which can sometimes cause trouble. On Windows, your hosts file is located here:
-- Uninstall the XDK and then completely remove these two directories from your system:

ruby server stability on windows

My RoR app on windows (xp as well as server 2008) stops responding after maybe a couple of days.
Using guidance from stackoverflow as well, I set up services to run the server automatically at startup. I tried different products: webrick, mongrel with mongrel_service, thin – both standalone or with an apache proxy. They start ok and work fine, but after a certain amount of time (rather than load) it stops responding.
I don't see anything in the logs either, even if I have the server run from the command line I don't get any error messages there nor does the process end, the server just does not answer anymore. Has anybody else come across this?
There are so many issues with windows that our whole company switched to ubuntu. I would not advise this as a production solution.

Port a Rails App from Windows to Mac or Linux

Hello I've been a Rails developer on Windows for quite some time now, but I recently completed my biggest project yet (it's quite extensive, took me over a year to build) but I am having trouble deploying it. The combination of it's size, complexity and a windows environment is making it needlessly complex to deploy. I am thinking about getting an old mac mini and using it just for rails development.
Either that or install unix on another box.
Is there any way I can port my app to this mac or linux machine, without having to start over? I can't find any resources on the internets about this.
Rails is designed to be fairly platform flexible. What gems are you using in your application that won't run on linux / OS X? Usually compatibility issues run the other way (as very few Rails professional developers run Windows). It is hard to debug when you don't include any of the errors you get, etc.
Unless you have very specific system calls in your app there shouldn't be any need to "port" anything as it should work as is on Linux or OS X. Out of curiosity, what kind of problems are you running into with deployment?
