Which hybrid mobile app framework to use - hybrid-mobile-app

I know that hybrid apps are much easier to use, so I need to choose a best one for my application that I already have as website, done in PHP. These are my options:
Any suggestions on which is the best one to use?

Try to use PhoneGap since it is the most mature one.

Ionic is pretty much based on Cordova (which is based on PhoneGap)
But i'd go for Ionic from that list, seems to have lots of support being it and are adding stuff to it regularly.

From this I will recommend you Ionic.
It's as phonegap build on Cordova but Ionic seems to be the most hot hybrid platform right now


Known issues for iOS modularized approach?

We've a classic iOS application which was developed using objective-c and it has lot of features. The same features has been used for other similar apps as well.
Now we've plan to rewamp the entite application. One of the approach to reduce the development work, we've plan to modularize features as framework re-using the same objective-c code, so that all applicaiton can use the framework and compile time will be less.
Also as part of rewamp, we will be using iOS 10 and swift3.
Please kindly share me your ideas/feedback, what are issues will be popup or any limitaion to do this approach.
Appreciate your help!
Just pack it as cocoapods and deploy into your company git is the fastest way i suppose, packing into framework is also fine but it have many boilerplate thing like cant run on either device or simulator, and if using fat framework then need to extract the simulator part out when you archive, or have to use embed framework if they are depent on each other,.... its just pretty annoying

Which is the most reliable way to use a API. integrating/downloading an SDK to your application, or using the URL-HTTP-GET method

I want to know which is the best and most reliable method. i have looked on here for an answer but didn't come across any.
I Want to use multiple API'S in my project so please keep that in mind when answering. Any advice about the best way of doing this and most reliable method will really be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Isit possible to download multiple SDK's into an iOS application through Xcode?
Pros of SDK:
Can be used offline
Most SDKs are small in file size
All of the functioning code is visible to you, the SDK developer can't keep many secrets
Cons of SDK:
Larger binary
More clutter in your Xcode project
Pros of API:
Smaller binary
Less 3rd party frameworks cluttering your Xcode project
Cons of API:
Can't be used offline
Tends to be a blackbox
App will need to be updated every time the API is updated
In terms of reliability, the SDK will always be functional assuming
It worked in the first place
It doesn't rely on an API in the background
You can integrate SDK using Cocoapods library.CocoaPods is a ruby gem that downloads all the third party libraries that you want for your project.
Getting a specific version of a pod is done by specifying the version number, and CocoaPods downloads that specific version for you saving you from searching through commits for it.
With CocoaPods, updating your dependancies is easily done with the pod update command.
CocoaPods also provides a central place where third party libraries can be found. This improves discoverability of open source libraries that you can use in your projects. You can use the search engine at cocoapods.org to search for pods.

Using Protocol buffers in PhoneGap - iOS

I have used the c++ google protobuf classes in iOS using the native app approach, i.e. using Xcode, objective c, cocoa etc.
Now, I want to migrate to hybrid apps and I have explored the options on web, and according to my requirements i'm down to PhoneGap and Titanium. That will require me to use JavaScirpt, HTML5 (JavaScript only in Titanium as per my understanding) jQuery etc.
My question is, HOW am i supposed to access the my c++ protobuf classes from javascript. (i have no expertise in JavaScript).
I am also open to opinions on which hybrid-app framework to use.
Lords of web-dev....guide me.
With PhoneGap, if there is a phone feature that the PhoneGap APIs do not currently expose, or if you have some specialised native algorithm / function that you wish to access, then you need to write a plugin.
PhoneGap plugins provide a standardised mechanism for packing native code and accessing its functionality via JavaScript. See the PhoneGap Plugin Development Guide.
Personally I think PhoneGap is the best hybrid framework, it had been around for a while, is well documented, and has a healthy community.
This is an old question, but you can always use the 100% JavaScript implementation of ProtoBuf in your JavaScript code. It works well, and you can even precompile the .proto file if you want.
In Cordova it would be better to create a plug-in, but if you don't have time or skill to do that, the linked code works well.

UserVoice integration in an Phonegap application

I have this iOS Phonegap application and I need to integrate UserVoice. I follow this tutorial and I have reached to the point I have to make the configuration. I am really not sure where I have to put that object UserVoice are providing me with:
UVConfig *config = [UVConfig configWithSite:#"YOUR_USERVOICE_URL"
I'll appreciate some help with that, since I'm really on a beginner level with iOS apps in general. Thanks in advance.
The code you posted comes from the UserVoice for iOS SDK which gives you the libraries and code necessary to include UserVoice in a native iOS app and will not work with a PhoneGap app.
Your options are to write a PhoneGap plugin, in Obj-C, to expose the UserVoice library, or possibly a better option is simply to open your UserVoice page within your PhoneGap app using the InAppBrowser plugin.
Here is a simple phonegap plugin
I took the code from here: http://developerextensions.com/index.php/cordova-phonegap-plugin-uservoice and followed their instructions.
There were some additional things I needed to do:
edit the config.xml and add the feature UserVoiceCommand
edit the .js file and replace Ext.emptyFn with function(){}:
cordova.exec(function(){}, function(){}, "UserVoiceCommand", "launch", [config]);
(those are the success and failure callback, which I intend to implement as well)
Since it was not functioning correctly on iOS7, I cloned https://github.com/uservoice/uservoice-ios-sdk, compiled it by running ./build.sh and then overwritten the files that came with the plugin.
You can now get iOS+Android support from this new cordova plugin:
P.S. I am not affiliated to this plugin by any means, just came across it.

Phonegap and iPhone apps

I want to build an iPhone app, but I only know PHP, JavaScript, CSS and HTML. I heard that I can use Phonegap to build the app in javascript and it converts the JavaScript to Objective-C. Is that true? The phone gap documentation was hard to understand. What other solutions do I have?
Yes and no.
Phonegap (nowadays known as Apache Cordova) enables you to bundle web pages/applications as native phone apps. It also provides you with some JavaScript bindings to native phone APIs that you otherwise wouldn't be able to access (=with a plain webpage). These bindings include (just to name a few) Accelerometer, Camera and Compass. That's pretty much all it does - you still have to figure out how to write your application with JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Try out how it works by checking out "Getting Started with iOS".
If you know all these languages you mentioned that is well enough for developing an iOS App(as well as you can develop the same apps in Android).
I would suggest you to go for PhoneGap(Cordova) framework to develop these apps. Using this framework you'll have to use HTML/HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, PHP and get the iOS App running on your device. Here to StartWith and then check out APIDocs. You will always get a lot of tutorials on google itself.
You can also refer This Question for gathering some knowledge about other frameworks available in market.
Hope it helps.
I would suggest Phonegap, but you can't use PHP with Phonegap apps directly... There are a few hacks around this though.
Although Phonegap is supposed to be "one codebase, distribute everywhere", if you want a really great looking app you'll have to spend a liitle time adjusting the UX for every platform or device. The thing I really like about Phonegap is that you can open up a HTML page locally on your browser and move thing around in firebug, making the process faster.

