Apple Developer Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? - ios

I am uploading my game to the app store does this question of saying yes to my app containing the IDFA matter if I am using google ad mob?

I use Appodeal which use Ad Mob and I have to check :
- Save Advertisements within the App
- Atribute this App installation ....
- Limit Ad tracking setting in IOS

Few very simple steps you need to follow:
If you have no Ads in your Application than simply click no & submit
If your App contains Ads than click on Yes & it will show you few more check boxes
If you are just showing ads in the Application no other process is there than simply choose first option "Serve advertisement within App"
Hope it will help you.


Is it possible for Facebook Ads to track iOS app installs without using IDFA?

Apple has introduced new policy, restricting kids category apps from collecting IDFA. We can't integrate facebook sdk in our app, they're rejecting any build that contains SDK which makes use of IDFA.
So we're unable to run Facebook app install ads now, for our Kids category apps/games.
Is there any way to run facebook ads for app installs without using IDFA?
Maybe something like facebook pixel, or attribution of some other kind?
I removed my app completely from AppStore and Again uploaded same app With different bundle Id but this time uncheck 'Made for Kids'checkbox.
If you want to keep it in kids category and want to show Ads without using IDFA Integrate
'AdMob + Kidoz mediation' refer
This framework you can use. It does't contain 'IDFA'.

Why is the app on my Admob account showing a default icon?

Why is this one particular app on my Admob account showing a default icon, unlike my other apps, which have never done this before? Everything seems to be working fine for the app though on the Admob side of things (it shows no info in the pic above, but I know it works, because money has come in since then). I mean, I can collect money from the ads and everything, but for some reason it's just showing a default icon.
[Important Note: Also, I tried to create an Adwords app install campaign for the app in question, but the edit part where it actually shows you a visual example of the ad campaign before saving, wouldn't display itself (it just keep loading, but at the same time, it allowed me to go through the complete ad creation process successfully). I'm worried now about if my Adwords ads are even going to show up on user's phones, or will it do the same thing it did with me.]
Basically, how come there's a Admob (successfully linked) app icon problem, and why didn't the Adwords visual example of the ad load while editing?
Thanks in advance,
A Man, With A Question
Go to App
Select the app you want to show icon
App Settings
See App name & store link
Click on Pencil icon
Link your app with Google Play
Now enter your app name, app ID or developer name > Search and then click on Search button, icon will be link your app.

Google App Indexing - how to test it?

I've implemented all the things about App Indexing from google tutorial Google App Indexing.
How can I now test result of search in safari? Should I have released app/can I test it in development environment without submitting to iTunes connect?
Based on this doc, "Once you've completed setup for App Indexing, you can verify your universal links prior to their appearance in Google Search by tapping a universal link in Safari on your device and making sure that it takes you to the right place in the app.
Note: You cannot test universal links on the XCode simulator."
Google app indexing testing can be done in two steps.
1) Universal link- This can be tested only in device. Click on the universal link to respective screen of app and ensure that universal link is deeplinked to app.
2) As part of google app indexing, the application icon will listed in google search result page. This can verified in itunes app/testflight build.

Need to remove advertising identifier from facebook sdk

I need to remove adsupport dependency from facebook iOS-SDK because I am not showing any Adds in my app and Apple is rejecting apps if there is advertising identifier but not displaying ads in the app. Is there any possible solution? Kindly check this link
Try submitting your app again. It should go through now.
[EDIT]: Copied from my own answer:
Everything has come to its usual state now. Simply upload your binary as you've been doing this while, and broadly classify IDFA in two categories:
publisher: You use third-party ad-networks library to display ad. Choose the 1st option in IDFA -> "Serve advertisements within the app". You're a publisher since you show ads, but do not perform advertising for your own app.
Advertiser: You use third-party libraries to track conversions for your app, as well as track 'goals' in your app. You directly do not show ads in your app. Choose the 2nd & 3rd option in IDFA -> "Attribute this app installation to a previously served ad". AND "Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement".
Mixed: You track conversions for your app, as well as display ads in your app. Choose all three options.

Real ads (admob) not showing up in Live app

I have a lite version of one of my app live in apple store. I have integrated admob in that.
I was successfully able to see ads while testing, both test ads & real ads sometimes. Now as the app is live, I can notice only test ad is showing up.
"this is a test ad"
Link to app, cheque Track
Please check the following points before publish your app.
You should use iPhone app id of AdMob to display ads on iPhone and iPad app id of AdMob to display ads on iPad. Because there is no universal type app in AdMob.
In case of BannerView use size provided by the AdMob SDK. Please don't use your custom defined size and use origin with appropriate value.
Click on the your project -> goto build settings -> add value to "Other Linker flag" to "-ObjC".
To know errors or loading successful or not define delegate methods provided for specific add and don't forget to assign "self" to ad's delegate property.
Always use latest SDK.
Test mode off in app setting of AdMob app.
After performing these steps and modifying code, it is time to test your app by creating ipa of the app in real device. In iOS 7 if you run iPhone app in iPad [UIDevice currentDevice].model returns "iPad" . So check iPad ipa in iPad and iPhone ipa in iPhone.
two use links to create ipa and install it in your device.
create ipa link
install ipa on your device
Please inform if any issue comes. Thanks
read this somewhere.. thought it might help
log in to your AdMob account, go into "Sites And Apps", hover your mouse pointer over the App in question and click on "Manage Setting". Then, click on the "App Setting" tab and you will see a "Test Mode" option. In that, select the "Disable test mode for all requests" option and hit "Save Settings" at the bottom.
-(void)adViewDidReceiveAd:(GADBannerView *)bannerView;
-(void)adView:(GADBannerView *)bannerView didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(GADRequestError *)error;
There can be number of reasons for not showing the Live ads.
Check your google admob account for the payment info. If not filled, fill it.
Check if your device is registered as test device, else you may get suspension from the google for 30 days or so.
Use correct platform and ad unit ID from the admob account for live ads and wait for a while, it takes time to show ads.
You can check the delegate methods and print the logs:
In my case, I was getting error asĀ { 'error': 'Request Error: No ad to show.', 'adType':'banner' }.
But it showed at the client side, after I delivered to the client. So, I think that this issue was due to the reason that google had no advertisements in my region.
