Getting issue in Xcode 7.2 editor for 3D models - ios

I have modeled an animation in Blender and I want to export it in my SceneKit project but whenever I click on my 3d file to open it in Xcode editor it's not opened, only side bar window options seems, but the 3d model doesn't, it seems blank.
Please tell what's wrong with my Xcode editor.
The files (.dae and .scn) extention are not opening. I am using Xcode 7.2 in OS X El Capitan 10.11.3.

It's quite possibly a problem with your exported DAE, not Xcode. Exporting from Blender is fiddly. What happens if you open the DAE with Preview?
See, and also the animation export tutorial at, which is linked from How can I export DAE files for use in Scene Kit without seeing "untitled-animations"?.
One other thing to try: select (single click) your DAE file in Xcode. Then from the Edit menubar item, choose "Convert to SceneKit SCN file format". If that fails, your file has something in it that Xcode can't figure out.
Is your file format Collada 1.4.x, or 1.5? Check the first few lines of the DAE file (it's XML). Per What are the requirements for supporting Collada/DAE models in SceneKit?, version 1.5 is not supported.


xcode sprite kit scene editor not showing nodes when running application

When I play my .sks (spritekit scene file) within the editor everything looks as it should. However, when I build the application only some nodes show, and different ones show each time. Im stumped and could use some help....[image of occurrence][1]
Sound works..
I have tried reordering nodes, deleting and recreating the scene file, and quitting xcode and re-opening
I am using xCode 13.4.1
This screenshot shows my issue, to the left the editor shows one thing, then to the right when the application is built it shows only some of the nodes

React Native Lottie Splash Screen in Xcode 13

We are trying to use a Lottie file on the Splash Screen of an iOS React Native project. We are trying to use react-native-lottie-splash-screen but instructions on how to add the Lottie file to Xcode are minimal.
After installing react-native-lottie-splash-screen, I'm wondering how we place the Lottie file into Xcode to show in the app splash screen?
Note: there are few tickets asking roughly the same question but are sparse on the details when describing how to deal with the Xcode part of the problem.
Coulde you see this issue in react-native-lottie-splash-screen repo?
It seems same question. (
You simply drag your lottie file in Xcode's file explorer (left side) and lottie file's name should be loding.json.
Thank you!

Cannot visualize images inside Xcode

I cannot visualize images in Xcode 5. When I select them on the left panel they don't show, this used to working.
Is it some configuration from coming from Xcode 4 that I am missing?
I tried restarting and creating other project and does not seem to work for me, only code is seen, no images, tried png jpeg etc no do
Check this question, are you perhaps running Xcode on full-screen?
There's a known bug about images missing on Xcode 5:
I just tried a new sample project with Xcode 5.1 Developer Preview and it looks like it is not fixed yet.

Storyboard -JPEG

I love the XCode storyboard I want to export it to jpeg or PDF or something that i can email to others people who don't have XCode program. How to do that?
The storyboards in Xcode are XML files and not actual images and cannot be exported as images. Instead, you can press ⌘ ⇧ 4 to go into screen shot mode and take a picture that way. It will automatically be saved to your desktop.
XCode doesn't have an exporting function built in for story boards, but to achieve what you want you could just double click the storyboard you want, go to fullscreen and take a screenshot.

Possible xcode 4.2 bug

This may be because I am just unfamiliar with xcode as I am just starting out. I have been reading through some tutorials and playing around with some options in xcode, and I noticed that if I am viewing my storyboard file and change from standard editor to version editor, the storyboard file reverts to its xml code. When I go back to the standard editor, the xml code remains, and I can not for the life of me figure out how to change it back to the graphical editor. Any ideas?
Try right-click on the storyboard file in the Project Navigator (left side) and select "Open As..." -> "Interface Builder - iOS Storyboard". Definitely a bug in Xcode.
I suggest filing a bug at
