I have a website set up for customer management. Each user has a set of customers in various stages. I have queues set up to watch for a new customer to be created. So that the stage that customer is in will be checked, and the tally for that stage will be changed.
The problem I am having, is that I am attempting to import several thousand customers. I would like to have a way to check to see if the customer is being created with an artisan command, to not fire the job.
Alternatively, if there was a way to tell Laravel to stop listening at the beginning of the import script, then start it back up at the end, telling it to re-tally everything.
Are either of these possible? I'm not very familiar with queues.
I have a Dockerized Django application which have a number of CRON-jobs that need to be executed.
Right now I'm running it with the package Supercronic (which is recommended for running cron-jobs inside containers). This will be deployed on a two servers for redunancy-purposes, i.e. If one goes down the other one need to take over and execute the cron-jobs.
However, the issue is that without any configuration this will result in duplicate cron-jobs being executed, one for each server. I've read that you can set up something called a "lease" for the cron-jobs to retrieve, to avoid duplicates from different servers, but I haven't found any instructions on how to set this up.
Can someone maybe point me in the right direction here?
If you are running Supercron in two different instance, Supercron doesn't know about whether the job gets triggered, Its up to the application to handle the consistency.
You can do it in many ways either controlling the state with File or DB entries or any better way where your docker application can check the status before it start executing the actual process.
In docker we have used deploy: replicas: 3 for our microservice. We have some Cronjob & the problem is the system in running all cronjob is getting called 3 times which is not what we want. We want to run it only one time. Sample of cron in nest.js :
async runBiEventProcessor() {
const calculationDate = new Date()
Logger.log(`Bi Event Processor started at ${calculationDate}`)
How can I run this cron only once without changing the replicas to 1?
This is quite a generic problem when cron or background job is part of the application having multiple instances running concurrently.
There are multiple ways to deal with this kind of scenario. Following are some of the workaround if you don't have a concrete solution:
Create a separate service only for the background processing and ensure only one instance is running at a time.
Expose the cron job as an API and trigger the API to start background processing. In this scenario, the load balancer will hand over the request to only one instance. This approach will ensure that only one instance will handle the job. You will still need an external entity to hit the API, which can be in-house or third-party.
Use repeatable jobs feature from Bull Queue or any other tool or library that provides similar features.
Bull will hand over the job to any active processor. That way, it ensures the job is processed only once by only one active processor.
Nest.js has wrapper for the same. Read more about the Bull queue repeatable job here.
Implement a custom locking mechanism
It is not difficult as it sounds. Many other schedulers in other frameworks work on similar principles to handle concurrency.
If you are using RDBMS, make use of transactions and locking. Create cron records in the database. Acquire the lock as soon as the first cron enters and processes. Other concurrent jobs will either fail or timeout as they will not be able to acquire the lock. But you will need to handle a few cases in this approach to make it bug-free and flawless.
If you are using MongoDB or any similar database that supports TTL (Time-to-live) setting and unique index. Insert the document in the database where one of the fields from the document has unique constraints that ensure another job will not be able to insert one more document as it will fail due to database-level unique constraints. Also, ensure TTL(Time-to-live index) on the document; this way document will be deleted after a configured time.
These are workaround if you don't have any other concrete options.
There are quite some options here on how you could solve this, but I would suggest to create a NestJS microservice (or plain nodeJS) to run only the cronjob and store it in a shared db for example to store the result in Redis.
Your microservice that runs the cronjob does not expose anything, it only starts your cronjob:
const app = await NestFactory.create(
await app.init();
Your WorkerModule imports the scheduler and configures the scheduler there. The result of the cronjob you can write to a shared db like Redis.
Now you can still use 3 replica's but prevent registering cron jobs in all replica's.
I have a few processes on my machine that I would like to have constantly running. I like however, how Jenkins organizes the jobs logging and I can go and see a build executing and see its STDOUT in realtime.
Would it be an issue to have a job that never finishes? I've heard after time there would be interruptions. Is there a better tool for something like this? Would basically love to be able to see the output from a web based perspective of the tool (and add hooks on failures)
For example if I were hosting a Node.js site, and wanted to be able to see the output of people connecting to the website or whatever is logged by the site. Ideally as long as you want to run the server, the process would be running constantly
I have a requirement in my MVC app.
I had an export to excel functionality that is taking 3 mins of time (user clicks on a export button and waits on).
This export downloads an excel that has multiple worksheets after applying certain rules on the data.
These rules are datamanipulations plus applying colors on the cells belonging to certain columns.
Inorder to avoid the wait time, I was asked to develop a code with in the MVC app that can run like a scheduled job.
This job has to export the excel to a dedicated folder with in the network on the scheduled time (daily once).
Also i was asked to develop a web page within the app which has links to download these excels.
Quesions here (Any help would be appreciated) :
I have chosen Quartz.NET to implement this requirement. This is an open source (to my little knowledge) that can
provide the facility to schedule a job (class developed in .NET). Is it the right choice or would there be any implications in future?
Is it really needed to develop a job like code or any other way of coding can address this?
I'm not very familiar with Quartz.net, but I do know that trying to run background/scheduled tasks from within the same process as the MVC application can be problematic.
Ref 1: http://haacked.com/archive/2011/10/16/the-dangers-of-implementing-recurring-background-tasks-in-asp-net.aspx/
Ref 2: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/HowToRunBackgroundTasksInASPNET.aspx
Essentially, you can't guarantee that the process will complete correctly when running it due to how IIS handles app pools (which is where you MVC process runs: assuming hosting on IIS anyway).
You mention running a scheduled task within your MVC app. Again, this is incorrect. Why can't you just slap a console app project into the solution and drive the code from there, then put it on the server and use the Windows Task Scheduler?
In terms of background tasks, the "correct" way to do this is to send a command from your MVC app to some sort of message queue, which can then ensure that the command doesn't get dropped. I've used RabbitMQ in the past (a middleware message broker). Perhaps this is the aim of Quartz.net.
This setup typically involves another app (for me, usually a console app run on the server) that receives the command message from the message queue and runs in it's own process, entirely separate from MVC and thus the issues inherent with IIS AppPools and background tasks.
A lot of work, really... one would think it'd be easier, but that's the surefire way to do it and maintain the integrity of the task to be run.
I'm very happy with By so far, only I have this one issue:
When one process takes 1 or 2 hours to complete, all other jobs in the queue seem to wait for that one job to finish. Worse still is when uploading to a server which time's out regularly.
My question: is Bj running jobs in parallel or one after another?
Thank you,
BackgroundJob will only allow one worker to run per webserver instance. This is by design to keep things simple. Here is a quote from Bj's README:
If one ignores platform specific details the design of Bj is quite simple: the
main Rails application submits jobs to table, stored in the database. The act
of submitting triggers exactly one of two things to occur:
1) a new long running background runner to be started
2) an existing background runner to be signaled
The background runner refuses to run two copies of itself for a given
hostname/rails_env combination. For example you may only have one background
runner processing jobs on localhost in development mode.
The background runner, under normal circumstances, is managed by Bj itself -
you need do nothing to start, monitor, or stop it - it just works. However,
some people will prefer manage their own background process, see 'External
Runner' section below for more on this.
The runner simply processes each job in a highest priority oldest-in fashion,
capturing stdout, stderr, exit_status, etc. and storing the information back
into the database while logging it's actions. When there are no jobs to run
the runner goes to sleep for 42 seconds; however this sleep is interuptable,
such as when the runner is signaled that a new job has been submitted so,
under normal circumstances there will be zero lag between job submission and
job running for an empty queue.
You can learn more on the github page: Here