What is the label order in nodes with multiple labels? - neo4j

I have a node with multiple labels (node:one:two:three) . When i choose the color for this node I want it to be in :onecolor (which is red). But it only gives me the :threecolor. Why?

The neo4j Browser stores the node label colors in a "Graph Style Sheet", and it is the order of the node labels in that file that determines the color used. The color used is the one for the last applicable label in that file.
Click on the star in the Browser's left panel, and then click the "Graph Style Sheet" button. It will display the stylesheet in a window that has an icon on top that allows you to export to a file. You can edit the file so that the node.one entry is last in the file, and that should give you the color you want for that node. Drop the edited file to the special line at the bottom of the Graph Style Sheet window to import it back into the Browser.


Can the text description at the lower left of the configurator be changed to show nothing?

At the lower left hand side of the Configurator screen there is Text that is driven from the Catalogue name and the name of the ROOT component, is there anyway of removing the text that appears from the ROOT Component? Ideally I want this is only show the Catalogue name
There is no native way of doing this in the standard implementation. You could delete the database label using CSV import (RuAd won't accept empty label field via UI):
I also tried using whitespace as a database label - see https://emptycharacter.com/, which works, but the catalogue label is not "promoted" to the place of the component label. Also it might not work as expected when pricing is used.
There is a pending update on 2021-03-20 on this article, should you have interest in more details on how this works: https://docs.roomle.com/scripting/resources/200_110_advancedpartlist.html#where-are-component-labels-used

Node color in the graph view when multiple labels apply

Have some nodes with multiple labels. Labels are assigned colors for the graph output of a Match Result.
Is there a way to force a node to show a specific label color? Am able to select the property to show on the node. The correct (more specific label) would make the graph display much more readable.
using Neo4j CE 3.0.6 on Win10
Probably best achieved using an external style sheet (GRASS) .
To create this click on the 'star' in the left-hand pane of the Neo4J browser.
At the bottom there is a button labeled 'Graph Style Sheet' which you can click on and then download to edit.
Once finished drop the CSS file onto the grey bar at the bottom of the Graph Style Sheet dialog at 2).
In terms of controlling the appearance when multiple labels apply this is determined by the order in which the styles are defined.
Neo4j 2.0.1 graphstyle.grass for multiple labels
GitHub: Better grass (graph styling) engine
When the graph is displayed :
In this graph, there are 4 User nodes, two of them having the Organization label (domain is Github).
You can click on the specific label, for example Organization on the top, next to *(4) , once clicked, colors will appear on the bottom of the frame, click one of them to apply this color to the chosen label :

Neo4j - set node captions to labels in web interface

When I created my graph database in Neo4j, I thought the node label was the same thing as what the node caption would be in the web browser visualizer. Instead, the node captions are set to the first property of the node by default. Is there a way to set the node captions to be the same string as the node labels? I see that there is the graph style sheet where I can change the node captions manually, but I don't know how to set the caption variable equal to the label.
There is a way to use a node label as a caption in the neo4j browser, but there is a caveat (see below).
You can modify the Graph Style Sheet to hard-code the caption for the node. (Click the star in the leftmost vertical panel, click the "Graph Style Sheet" button to see the sheet in a pop-up window, export the sheet to a file, make your changes, and drag-and-drop your edited file onto the "Drop a grass-file here to import" line at the bottom of the pop-up window).
For example, if your node label of interest is Person and its caption is currently the name property, then your style sheet may currently contain something like this:
node.Person {
color: #FFD86E;
border-color: #EDBA39;
text-color-internal: #604A0E;
caption: '{name}';
You can change the caption to hardcode the label to "Person", as in:
node.Person {
color: #FFD86E;
border-color: #EDBA39;
text-color-internal: #604A0E;
caption: 'Person';
That is all fine; but, in general, a node can have multiple labels -- and the above approach will only display one of those labels for a node. Doing a little experimentation, it seems like the label displayed is the first label that was added to the node.

Set default text size/color for text boxes in Master Slide PowerPoint 2013

I'm working with a PowerPoint document which annoyingly sets all newly inserted text boxes' color to Red and uses Century Gothic. I believe this is due to the Master Slide being used by the document.
I would like to remove this automatic setting from text boxes in the Master Slide but I cannot figure out how?
I have gone into the Master Slide view and found that there are no text physical text boxes, there are however "Text Placeholders" but no text boxes. I find it strange and wonder:
how are these newly inserted text boxes contain pre-set font type and color?
If you aren't trying to do this in code, StackOverflow isn't really the right place for the question; you want SuperUser for "How do I ..." questions that don't involve code.
But what you want to do is select a text box that's formatted the way you want default text to be, then right click it and choose Set As Default Text Box. You won't get that option if you've clicked WITHIN the text box and have an insertion cursor; in that case press ESC, then rightclick.
If you're trying to do this in code, select a text box formatted to taste then do something like this:
Sub SetMeAsDefault()
Dim oSh As Shape
Set oSh = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
With oSh
End With
End Sub
The shape and text box defaults are independent of master formatting, which controls only the formatting of placeholders and text within placeholders. Text/shapes inserted via the Insert ribbon/menu follow the defaults set for the presentation as I've described above. Each presentation (and template) can have its own set of defaults.

Set Labels in Gephi from Neo4j Database

I've got a Neo4j database I imported into Gephi, but when I click "show labels", it doesn't show any text, and when I look at a node property, the label is blank.
How do I get Gephi to set the label to one of my node properties?
These steps should do the trick:
1) In the Overview tab in Gephi, click the options toggle button in the lower right (the little square icon with a pointy hat)
2) Select the Labels tab
3) Click the Configure button to edit label text settings
4) You can now select any imported Neo4j node/edge attributes to be displayed instead of the blank Label value.
5) For bonus points, check out Label adjust to fix overlapping: https://gephi.org/2008/label-adjust/
