Neo4j - set node captions to labels in web interface - neo4j

When I created my graph database in Neo4j, I thought the node label was the same thing as what the node caption would be in the web browser visualizer. Instead, the node captions are set to the first property of the node by default. Is there a way to set the node captions to be the same string as the node labels? I see that there is the graph style sheet where I can change the node captions manually, but I don't know how to set the caption variable equal to the label.

There is a way to use a node label as a caption in the neo4j browser, but there is a caveat (see below).
You can modify the Graph Style Sheet to hard-code the caption for the node. (Click the star in the leftmost vertical panel, click the "Graph Style Sheet" button to see the sheet in a pop-up window, export the sheet to a file, make your changes, and drag-and-drop your edited file onto the "Drop a grass-file here to import" line at the bottom of the pop-up window).
For example, if your node label of interest is Person and its caption is currently the name property, then your style sheet may currently contain something like this:
node.Person {
color: #FFD86E;
border-color: #EDBA39;
text-color-internal: #604A0E;
caption: '{name}';
You can change the caption to hardcode the label to "Person", as in:
node.Person {
color: #FFD86E;
border-color: #EDBA39;
text-color-internal: #604A0E;
caption: 'Person';
That is all fine; but, in general, a node can have multiple labels -- and the above approach will only display one of those labels for a node. Doing a little experimentation, it seems like the label displayed is the first label that was added to the node.


Neo4j label wont work if the label is "Tag"

I am creating a set of nodes and would like to incorporate the concept of a Tag in Neo4j. When I create a node and use the specific word "Tag" for the label, it never shows up with "Tag" as the label. I can create the node exactly the same, but use a different word other than "Tag" and it will work. This only happens with the word "Tag", "tag", "TAG"
create (a:Product{name:'VirusScan Enterprise'})
create (b:Product{name:'Norton'})
create (c:Vendor{name:'Clam'})
create (d:Vendor{name:'McAfee'})
create (e:Vendor{name:'Symantec'})
create (n:Tag{name:'Antivirus'})
To point out, the "Tag" label is right there, in gray in the lower left of your screenshot.
But if you're talking about the caption instead, there's nothing that enforces what property should be used as a default caption in the graph result view, and sometimes no property is chosen as a caption by default.
To choose it yourself, click on the "Tag" label (the labels are shown in the upper-left of the graph results view), and that should reveal some options at the bottom of the results view for the color and size of the nodes, and which property to use as a caption.
A node's label won't be an option for the caption, so if you want the caption to be the label, add a property whose value is the string of the label, and select that as the caption.

Why can't I see node names in neo4j?

In the visualization, a lot of nodes don't show their node names. They look blank. Is that because for the node, I didn't create a 'name' attribute for it? In another words, in order to show the node with a text, must I create a 'name' property for that node?
By default neo4j looks for a name property to show as the node caption. But you can change it. In the admin console, write your cypher to get a graph back. Then at the top click on the label of the nodes you want to change caption for. Then at the bottom of the UI, next to the color pallet, there is a Caption section where you can choose a property to be shown as the caption for all the nodes of the selected label.

Create node in Cypher

I have a query I am working on neo4j making my first queries in Cypher, I noticed that when the graph is generated, when establishing the names of the properties, the generated graph only shows the id, to save this difficulty I noticed that for example for a person node instead of placing the property nom (with this name the problem already mentioned is presented) I put name and in that case if I can see the node, attached image. Why does this happen?
CREATE (Peter:Persona {nombre:'Peter Sagan', fechanac:'26-01-1990', pais:'Slovaquia'})
CREATE (Peter:Person {name:'Peter Sagan', fechanac:'26-01-1990', pais:'Slovaquia'})
I want to be able to establish my own names of nodes and properties and that in the graph view the textual value of the first property appears. How do I do it?
I hope you understand my query from now thank you very much :slight_smile:
The Neo4j Browser UI Guide should be helpful in learning how to use the neo4j browser.
The neo4j browser allows you to change the caption for each node label. If you click the red Persona(1) button at the top of the result panel, you will see several options appear at the bottom, including the available Captions. You can then select the caption you want to use for all Persona nodes.
Click on a node for which node you want to change the view.
Go to the top as shown in the image and click the label
Then you can select the color, size and the caption listed.

Node color in the graph view when multiple labels apply

Have some nodes with multiple labels. Labels are assigned colors for the graph output of a Match Result.
Is there a way to force a node to show a specific label color? Am able to select the property to show on the node. The correct (more specific label) would make the graph display much more readable.
using Neo4j CE 3.0.6 on Win10
Probably best achieved using an external style sheet (GRASS) .
To create this click on the 'star' in the left-hand pane of the Neo4J browser.
At the bottom there is a button labeled 'Graph Style Sheet' which you can click on and then download to edit.
Once finished drop the CSS file onto the grey bar at the bottom of the Graph Style Sheet dialog at 2).
In terms of controlling the appearance when multiple labels apply this is determined by the order in which the styles are defined.
Neo4j 2.0.1 graphstyle.grass for multiple labels
GitHub: Better grass (graph styling) engine
When the graph is displayed :
In this graph, there are 4 User nodes, two of them having the Organization label (domain is Github).
You can click on the specific label, for example Organization on the top, next to *(4) , once clicked, colors will appear on the bottom of the frame, click one of them to apply this color to the chosen label :

What is the label order in nodes with multiple labels?

I have a node with multiple labels (node:one:two:three) . When i choose the color for this node I want it to be in :onecolor (which is red). But it only gives me the :threecolor. Why?
The neo4j Browser stores the node label colors in a "Graph Style Sheet", and it is the order of the node labels in that file that determines the color used. The color used is the one for the last applicable label in that file.
Click on the star in the Browser's left panel, and then click the "Graph Style Sheet" button. It will display the stylesheet in a window that has an icon on top that allows you to export to a file. You can edit the file so that the entry is last in the file, and that should give you the color you want for that node. Drop the edited file to the special line at the bottom of the Graph Style Sheet window to import it back into the Browser.
