Disable caching of input text in EditText without disabling dictionary autosuggestion - android-edittext

I want to disable caching of entered text in EditText in Soft keyboard with autosuggestion of keyboard functionality on.I tried below code
But it disabled the keyboard suggestion itself.I tried android:inputType="textFilter"mentioned on link Turn off autosuggest for EditText But it didn't solved my purpose (I just want to disable caching not keyboard suggestion). Please help.


What is the best way for the user to close numerical keyboard in iOS in Flutter app?

I am working on a Flutter app. A problem I encountered is that there is no default "Done"- or "Close" button for the numerical keyboard on iOS.
I made an ok solution where the user can close the keyboard by tapping outside the keyboard or swiping downwards. But the ideal solution would be to have a "Done" button in the bottom right corner of the keyboard like Android does right?
I tried the following package keyboard_actions. But it was very buggy in my app. When the keyboard appeared it pushed up the text in the text field.
Why didn't Apple add a default "Done" button for the numerical keyboard? How do you solve this in the simplest and best way?

TextField.inputView opens custom keyboard in app

I am building keyboard app, and I am wondering if there is a possibility to open my custom keyboard when user pressing on textField within my app. Keyboard is built using storyboard.
I know that I can force textField to open number Pad, Phone pad and other Apple's keyboard options but can I open my own keyboard without going to settings and adding my 3rd party keyboard.
Thanks in advance.
No, it's not possible, You have to add keyboard once from settings and then automatically your keyboard will pop up.
if you really want your own keyboard without adding settings then you need to develop your own custom inputView.
Additional notes I have just go through better approach which might be helpful for you check here and about your second question to detect keyboard please visit here
Note: Apple will not allow you to forcefully active your own keyboard at anycast because of its policy violation.

Detect iOS 8 Quicktype suggestion paste

For rich text editing I have a UIWebView where I load a local html content with some contenteditable div.
When user is pressing some keys on keyboard I want to detect content changes within that div, resize it accordingly and scroll properly to position cursor above the keyboard.
I'm able to do this using onkeyup event handler:
<div id="contents" onkeyup="keyup()" onpaste="paste()" contenteditable="true">...</div>
In iOS 8 keyboard now has the Quicktype panel with some suggestion words to quickly paste into editable area. How to detect the action of pasting the suggestion text into div?
Event handler like onkeyup doesn't help as the text is pasted without pressing keyboard buttons, onpaste event is not get called.
I also tried to implement MutationObserver to detect DOM changes when something is pasted - doesn't help too.
I'm struggling trying to find the working solution. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
In Mobile Safari the iOS 8 Quicktype words fire two (maybe identical?) input events.
Try this in the developer console:
$('input[type=text]').on("input", console.log.bind(console, "input!"));
In UIWebView I have not tried...

Disable iOS keyboard (don't show it at all) in phonegap

If I were writing a native app I would try the solution given here which says:
"Try to implement the following method in text view's delegate:"
- (BOOL)textViewShouldBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView{
return NO;
Unfortunately I need to use phonegap, so I don't have a text view to manipulate. It would be great if I could permanently suppress the keyboard in this app. We've got some custom on screen keyboard that people are supposed to use instead. So, any idea how to disable the popup keyboard completely?
Just put a transparent div over the input field, so the the click will be on that div and not on the input field. Now you can activate your own keyboard by click and fill in the characters with javascript.
The following solution works:
The keyboard is directly linked to the focus on the input field. when you use readonly="true", you can get the click event and then you should be able to chamge the value. in jQuery something like this: $('myinputfield').click(function(){$(this).val(newinput);});

Safari for iPad: How to hide the Autofill Bar above the keyboard?

I'm coding an iPad application that uses a UIWebView which contains an <input> tag. It doesn't make sense in the context of the app to use AutoFill, but when editing the field, a bar appears above the keyboard with "AutoFill" and "Previous / Next".
Is there a way to tag/style the <input> so that this bar does not appear? Adding autocomplete="off" doesn't do it. Barring that, is there a way to bypass Safari's keyboard, and call out to iOS APIs to handle the text input instead? Thanks!
As far as I know, this is a feature of Mobile Safari which is under the control of the end user, and cannot be enabled/disabled by your application.
