Most effective, secure way to delete Postgres column data - ruby-on-rails

I have a column in my Postgres table that I want to remove for expired rows. What's the best way to do this securely? It's my understanding that simply writing 0's for those columns is ineffective because Postgres creates a new row upon Updates and marks the old row as dead.
Is the best way to set the column to null and manually vacuum to clean up the old records?

I will first say that it is bad practice to alter data like this - you are changing history. Also the below is only ONE way to do this (a quick and dirty way and not to be recommended):
1 Backup your database first.
2 Open PgAdmin, select the database, open the Query Editor and run a query.
3 It would be something like this
UPDATE <table_name> SET <column_name>=<new value (eg null)>
WHERE <record is dead>
The WHERE part is for you to figure out based on you are identifying which rows are dead (eg. is_removed=true, is_deleted=true are common for identifying soft deleted records).
Obviously you would have to run this script regularly. The better way would be to update your application to do this job instead.


Merging without rewriting one table

I'm wondering about something that doesn't seem efficient to me.
I have 2 tables, one very large table DATA (millions of rows and hundreds of cols), with an id as primary key.
I then have another table, NEW_COL, with variable rows (1 to millions) but alwas 2 cols : id, and new_col_name.
I want to update the first table, adding the new_data to it.
Of course, i know how to do it with a proc sql/left join, or a data step/merge.
Yet, it seems inefficient, as far as I see with time executing, (which may be wrong), these 2 ways of doing rewrite the huge table completly, even when NEW_DATA is only 1 row (almost 1 min).
I tried doing 2 sql, with alter table add column then update, but it's waaaaaaaay too slow as update with joining doesn't seem efficient at all.
So, is there an efficient way to "add a column" to an existing table WITHOUT rewriting this huge table ?
SAS datasets are row stores and not columnar stores like tables in other databases. As such, adding rows is far easier and efficient than adding columns. A key joined view could be argued as the most 'efficient' way to add a column to a data rectangle.
If you are adding columns so often that the 1 min resource incursion is a problem you may need to upgrade hardware with faster drives, less contentious operating environment, or more memory and SASFILE if the new columns are often yet temporary in nature.
#Richard answer is perfect. If you are adding columns on regular basis then there is problem with your design. You either need to give more details on what you are doing and someone can suggest you.
I would try hash join. you can find code for simple hash join. This is efficient way of joining because in your case you have one large table and one small table if it fit into memory, it much better than a left join. I have done various joins using and query run times was considerably less( to order of 10)
By Altering table approach you are rewriting the table and also it causes lock on your table and nobody can use the table.
You should perform this joins when workload is less, which means during not during office and you may need to schedule the jobs in night, when more SAS resources are available
Thanks for your answers guys.
To add information, i don't have any constraint about table locking, balance load or anything as it's a "projet tool" script I use.
The goal is, in data prep step 'starting point data generator', to recompute an already existing data, or add a new one (less often but still quite regularly). Thus, i just don't want to "lose" time to wait for the whole table to rewrite while i only need to update one data for specific rows.
When i monitor the servor, the computation of the data and the joining step are very fast. But when I want tu update only 1 row, i see the whole table rewriting. Seems a waste of ressource to me.
But it seems it's a mandatory step, so can't do much about it.
Too bad.

Find changes quickly in larger SQL database?

There is a Java Swing application which uses an Informix database. I have user rights granted for the Swing application (i.e. no source code), and read only access to a mirror of the database.
Sometimes I need to find a database column, which is backing a GUI element (TextBox, TableField, Label...). What would be best approach to find out which database column and table is holding the data shown e.g. in a TextBox?
My general approach is to capture the state of the database. Commit a change using the GUI and then capture the state of the database again. Then I need to examine the difference. I've already tried:
Use the nrows field of systables: Didn't work, because the number in nrows does not seem to be a realtime representation of the row count.
Create a script with SELECT COUNT(*) ... for all tables: didn't work because too many tables (> 5000). Also tried to optimize by removing empty tables, but there are still too many left.
Is there a simple solution that I'm missing?
Please look at the Change Data Capture API and check if this suits your needs
There probably isn't a simple solution.
You probably need to build yourself a map of the database, or a data dictionary for it. It sounds as though you can eliminate many of the tables from consideration since they're empty — at least for a preliminary pass. If you're dealing with information in a text box, the chances are it is some sort of character data; you can analyze which (non-empty) tables which contain longer character strings, and they'd be the primary targets of your searches. If the schema is badly designed with lots of VARCHAR(255) columns even though the columns normally only hold short strings, life is more difficult. Over time, you can begin to classify tables and columns so that you end up knowing where to look for parts of the application.
One problem to beware of: the tabid in informix.systables isn't necessarily as stable as you'd like. Your data dictionary needs to record its own dd_tabid for the table it describes, and can store the last known tabid from informix.systables, but it needs to be ready to find a new tabid value on occasion. You should probably only mark data in your dictionary for logical deletion.
To some extent, this assumes you can create a database in which to record this information. If you can't create an Informix database, you may have to use something else (MySQL, or SQLite, perhaps) to store the data dictionary. Alternatively, go to your DBA team and ask them for the information. Unless you're trying something self-evidently untoward, they're likely to help (but politics can get in the way — I've no idea how collegial your teams are).

Is is possible in ruby to set a specific active record call to read dirty

I am looking at a rather large database.. Lets say I have an exported flag on the product records.
If I want an estimate of how many products I have with the flag set to false, I can do a call something like this
Product.where(:exported => false).count.. .
The problem I have is even the count takes a long time, because the table of 1 million products is being written to. More specifically exports are happening, and the value I'm interested in counting is ever changing.
So I'd like to do a dirty read on the table... Not a dirty read always. And I 100% don't want all subsequent calls to the database on this connection to be dirty.
But for this one call, dirty is what I'd like.
Oh.. I should mention ruby 1.9.3 heroku and postgresql.
Now.. if I'm missing another way to get the count, I'd be excited to try that.
OH SNOT one last thing.. this example is contrived.
PostgreSQL doesn't support dirty reads.
You might want to use triggers to maintain a materialized view of the count - but doing so will mean that only one transaction at a time can insert a product, because they'll contend for the lock on the product count in the summary table.
Alternately, use system statistics to get a fast approximation.
Or, on PostgreSQL 9.2 and above, ensure there's a primary key (and thus a unique index) and make sure vacuum runs regularly. Then you should be able to do quite a fast count, as PostgreSQL should choose an index-only scan on the primary key.
Note that even if Pg did support dirty reads, the read would still not return perfectly up to date results because rows would sometimes inserted behind the read pointer in a sequential scan. The only way to get a perfectly up to date count is to prevent concurrent inserts: LOCK TABLE thetable IN EXCLUSIVE MODE.
As soon as a query begins to execute it's against a frozen read-only state because that's what MVCC is all about. The values are not changing in that snapshot, only in subsequent amendments to that state. It doesn't matter if your query takes an hour to run, it is operating on data that's locked in time.
If your queries are taking a very long time it sounds like you need an index on your exported column, or whatever values you use in your conditions, as a COUNT against an indexed an column is usually very fast.

Are there any extensions to TADOQuery that include client indexes

Quick question (hopefully)
I have a large dataset (>100,000 records) that I would like to use as a lookup to determine existence or non-existence of multiple keys. The purpose of this is to find FK violations before trying to commit them to the database to try and avoid the resultant EDatabaseError messing up my transaction.
I had been using TClientDataSet/TDatasetProvider with the FindKey method, as this allowed a client-side index to be set up and was faster (2s to scan each key rather than 10s for ADO). However, moving to large datasets the population of the CDS is starting to take far more time than the local index is saving.
I see that I have a few options for alternatives:
client cursor with TADOQuery.locate method
ADO SELECT statements for each check (no client cache)
ADO SEEK method
Extend TADOQuery to mimic FindKey
The Locate method seems easiest and doesn't spam the server with the SELECT/SEEK methods. I like the idea of extending the TADOQuery, but was wondering whether anyone knew of any ready-made solutions for this rather than having to create my own?
I would create a temporary table in the database server. Insert all 100,000 records into this temp table. Do bulk inserts of say 3000 records at a time, to minimise round trips to the server. Then run select statements on this temp table to check for foreign key violations etc. If all okay, do an insert SQL from the temp table to the main table.

Can one rely on the auto-incrementing primary key in your database?

In my present Rails application, I am resolving scheduling conflicts by sorting the models by the "created_at" field. However, I realized that when inserting multiple models from a form that allows this, all of the created_at times are exactly the same!
This is more a question of best programming practices: Can your application rely on your ID column in your database to increment greater and greater with each INSERT to get their order of creation? To put it another way, can I sort a group of rows I pull out of my database by their ID column and be assured this is an accurate sort based on creation order? And is this a good practice in my application?
The generated identification numbers will be unique.
Regardless of whether you use Sequences, like in PostgreSQL and Oracle or if you use another mechanism like auto-increment of MySQL.
However, Sequences are most often acquired in bulks of, for example 20 numbers.
So with PostgreSQL you can not determine which field was inserted first. There might even be gaps in the id's of inserted records.
Therefore you shouldn't use a generated id field for a task like that in order to not rely on database implementation details.
Generating a created or updated field during command execution is much better for sorting by creation-, or update-time later on.
For example:
INSERT INTO A (data, created) VALUES (smething, DATE())
UPDATE A SET data=something, updated=DATE()
That depends on your database vendor.
MySQL I believe absolutely orders auto increment keys. SQL Server I don't know for sure that it does or not but I believe that it does.
Where you'll run into problems is with databases that don't support this functionality, most notably Oracle that uses sequences, which are roughly but not absolutely ordered.
An alternative might be to go for created time and then ID.
I believe the answer to your question is yes...if I read between the lines, I think you are concerned that the system may re-use ID's numbers that are 'missing' in the sequence, and therefore if you had used 1,2,3,5,6,7 as ID numbers, in all the implementations I know of, the next ID number will always be 8 (or possibly higher), but I don't know of any DB that would try and figure out that record Id #4 is missing, so attempt to re-use that ID number.
Though I am most familiar with SQL Server, I don't know why any vendor who try and fill the gaps in a sequence - think of the overhead of keeping that list of unused ID's, as opposed to just always keeping track of the last I number used, and adding 1.
I'd say you could safely rely on the next ID assigned number always being higher than the last - not just unique.
Yes the id will be unique and no, you can not and should not rely on it for sorting - it is there to guarantee row uniqueness only. The best approach is, as emktas indicated, to use a separate "updated" or "created" field for just this information.
For setting the creation time, you can just use a default value like this
updated TIMESTAMP;
) engine=InnoDB; ## whatever :P
Now, that takes care of creation time. with update time I would suggest an AFTER UPDATE trigger like this one (of course you can do it in a separate query, but the trigger, in my opinion, is a better solution - more transparent):
SET NEW.updated = NOW();
And that should do it.
Woe is me. Foolishly I've not specified, that this is for mysql, there might be some differences in the function names (namely, 'NOW') and other subtle itty-bitty.
One caveat to EJB's answer:
SQL does not give any guarantee of ordering if you don't specify an order by column. E.g. if you delete some early rows, then insert 'em, the new ones may end up living in the same place in the db the old ones did (albeit with new IDs), and that's what it may use as its default sort.
FWIW, I typically use order by ID as an effective version of order by created_at. It's cheaper in that it doesn't require adding an index to a datetime field (which is bigger and therefore slower than a simple integer primary key index), guaranteed to be different, and I don't really care if a few rows that were added at about the same time sort in some slightly different order.
This is probably DB engine depended. I would check how your DB implements sequences and if there are no documented problems then I would decide to rely on ID.
E.g. Postgresql sequence is OK unless you play with the sequence cache parameters.
There is a possibility that other programmer will manually create or copy records from different DB with wrong ID column. However I would simplify the problem. Do not bother with low probability cases where someone will manually destroy data integrity. You cannot protect against everything.
My advice is to rely on sequence generated IDs and move your project forward.
In theory yes the highest id number is the last created. Remember though that databases do have the ability to temporaily turn off the insert of the autogenerated value , insert some records manaully and then turn it back on. These inserts are no typically used on a production system but can happen occasionally when moving a large chunk of data from another system.
