Ant: how to remove the first and last lines of files in a folder and concatenate them all together? - ant

I wrote sth. like this:
<concat destfile="myDir/concat_file.txt" append="true">
<fileset dir="myDir">
<include name="**/*.txt" />
<exclude name="**/concat_file.txt” />
<headfilter lines="-1" skip="1" />
<tailfilter lines="-1" skip="1" />
I can concatenate all the files in the folder, but the filterchain part works only for the first file. How can I make it iteratively for all the files in the folder and then do the concatenation?


Find the number of occurrences of a particular character like comma in a string using ant script?

<target name="test">
<property name="src.dir" value="src" />
<property name="search4" value=","/>
<fileset id="existing" dir="${src.dir}/src">
<patternset id="files">
<include name="*.txt"/>
<resourcecount property="count">
<fileset id="matches" dir="../src">
<patternset refid="files" />
<contains text="${search4}" />
<echo message="Found '${search4}' in files : '${count}'"/>
I used this, but this only prints the first occurrence. I would like to print the total count.
For eg - abc,xyz,pg--> The number of occurrences of commas(,) is 2.
Here's one way. Copies the file to another file, with a filter to remove all non-commas, then gets the size of the output, which is the number of commas in the input file.
<delete file="out.txt" />
<copy file="in.txt" tofile="out.txt">
<striplinebreaks />
<replaceregex pattern="[^,]" replace="" flags="gm" />
<length file="out.txt" property="out.size" />
<echo message="Commas found: ${out.size}" />
On your follow up question: how to restrict this to just the first line of the file: add this before the "striplinebreaks" line:
<headfilter lines="1" />
That will count commas in just the first line of the file.

how to use<MacroDef> for recourcecount of all file in folder with different extension

While going through the scenario what i got is that folder collection of different extension file i have use resource count for all extension if i have 3 different extension file than try to get resource count of all file differ with extension
<resourcecount property="firstfile">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="*.xml" />
<echo message="There are ${firstfile} xml in This Folder ${basedir}" />
<resourcecount property="SecondFile">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="*.jar" />
<echo message="There are ${SecondFile} xml in This Folder ${basedir}" />
How can i use the macrodef for this condition which help in count all file with it
You can do this in many ways, including using plugins, such as ant-contrib, or using ant language extensions. But all of them are overkill compared to this simple build script:
<target name="count">
<countresources type="xml" />
<countresources type="java" />
<countresources type="cpp" />
<macrodef name="countresources">
<attribute name="type" />
<resourcecount property="#{type}.count">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="*.#{type}" />
<echo message="There are ${#{type}.count} #{type} files in folder ${basedir}" />
Hope this helps.

How to preserve file order in Ant concat?

How to preserve file order in Ant concat?
Simple concat with fileset & includesfile produces rather "random" order, as order is not guaranteed:
<concat destfile="C:/targetdir/concatenated.file">
<fileset dir="C:/sourcedir/">
<includesfile name="C:/targetdir/includes.file" />
What I need is concatenation in specific order that the files are listed in the includes file.
So far I've found resourcelist, which should preserve order, but I can't seem to be able to produce any concatenated file with it. :/
<concat destfile="C:/targetdir/concatenated.file">
<file file="C:/targetdir/includes.file"/>
<comment value="#"/>
<prefixlines prefix="C:/sourcedir/"/>
Plus, the resourcelist can't seem to handle rows like
Instead the row just produces a ".../Morestuff/* does not exist." -error
Includes file has list of relative paths:
I was able to get a filelist working pretty easily:
<concat destfile="C:/targetdir/concatenated.file">
<filelist dir="C:/sourcedir/">
<file name="i.txt" />
<file name="n.txt" />
<file name="o.txt" />
<file name="r.txt" />
<file name="d.txt" />
<file name="e.txt" />
<file name="r.txt" />
Hope that helps!
If you are using Ant 1.7+, you can use the sort command
<concat destfile="C:/targetdir/concatenated.file">
<fileset dir="C:/sourcedir/">
<include name="C:/targetdir/*.file" />
You can find the documentation of sort here
[On Ant 1.8.2+] You can also pass the fileset via a sort, and sort on filename, like below:
<concat destfile="./${dir.publish}/${dir.js}/b.main-${build.number}.debug.js">
<sort xmlns:rcmp="">
<fileset dir="./${dir.publish}/">
<include name="**/${dir.js.main}/**/*.js"/>
<exclude name="**/${dir.js.main}/**/*.min.js"/>
<rcmp:name />
Couple of things to watch out for:
Directories are sorted before files
Capitals come before lowercase
UPDATE: Another alternative if you need to manually specify order:
<!-- create a ordered list of all the build files so that CIAPI & CIAPI.widget are built first
(can't find a smarter way to do this, since ant filesets are unordered) -->
<fileset id="a" dir="."><include name="CIAPI/build.project.xml"/></fileset>
<fileset id="b" dir="."><include name="CIAPI.widget/build.project.xml"/></fileset>
<fileset id="c" dir=".">
<include name="**/build.project.xml"/>
<exclude name="CIAPI/build.project.xml" />
<exclude name="CIAPI.widget/build.project.xml" />
<union id="all_build_files">
<fileset refid="a"/>
<fileset refid="b"/>
<fileset refid="c"/>
Ugly, but, erm, this is ant?
try this, put in alphabetical order
<project name="concatPath" default="full">
<target name="full">
<fileset id="fs" dir="./files" />
<pathconvert refid="fs" property="concatList" pathsep=";" targetos="unix"/>
this can be used with hierarchical structure of directories, and the order will be the exposed by David.
Remember that XML is not order-dependent, by definition.
To concatenate files in a sorted order, consider using <replace> instead.
Create an order file that defines the order. Then, in your build file:
Copy the order file to the destination file with <copy>
Concatenate your files together into a temporary file with <concat>
Load the files into properties with <loadfile>
Insert the text from those files into the destination file with <replace>
Example order file order_file.txt:
Example ant build file build.xml:
<copy file="order_file.txt" tofile="destination.txt" overwrite="yes">
<concat destfile="tempfile.txt">
<fileset dir="includes/">
<include name="*.txt">
<exclude name="fileA.txt">
<loadfile property="fileA" srcFile="includes/fileA.txt" />
<loadfile property="concatFile" srcFile="tempfile.txt" />
<replace file="destination.txt" token="FILE_A_HERE" value="fileA" />
<replace file="destination.txt" token="CONCAT_FILES_HERE" value="concatFile" />

Build war with filtered/modified web.xml

At build time, I am updating some variables that are stored in the web.xml file using variables in a properties file, Is there a way to simplify what I am doing here:
<target name="war-test" depends="compile">
<mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
<mkdir dir="${dist}/tmp"/>
<copy file="WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml.templ" tofile="${dist}/tmp/web.xml">
<token key="smtp.hostname" value="${test.smtp.hostname}"/>
<token key="smtp.port" value="${test.smtp.port}"/>
<war destfile="${dist}/mywarfile-test.war" webxml="${dist}/tmp/web.xml">
<fileset dir="WebContent">
<exclude name="META-INF/**"/>
<exclude name="META-INF"/>
<exclude name="WEB-INF/**"/>
<exclude name="WEB-INF"/>
<lib dir="lib">
<exclude name="somelibrary.jar"/>
<classes dir="${build}"/>
<delete dir="${dist}/tmp"/>
<antcall target="clean"/>
Do I need to make the tmp directory?
You need to put the web.xml in a temporary location if you do not want to copy it directly to WebContent/WEB-INF and remove the exclude for that folder.
There is no subelement for <war> that lets you create it on the fly, as there is for the manifest.
As oers says there seems to be something strange, typo or similar.
You create "${dist}/metainf/web.xml but include "${dist}/tmp/web.xml.
If you want less lines you can replace the filter chain with:
<filter token="smtp.hostname" value="${test.smtp.hostname}" />
<filter token="smtp.port" value="${test.smtp.port}" />

How can I print a fileset to a file, one file name per line?

I have a populated fileset and I need to print the matching filenames into a text file.
I tried this:
<fileset id="myfileset" dir="../sounds">
<include name="*.wav" />
<include name="*.ogg" />
<property name="sounds" refid="myfileset" />
<echo file="sounds.txt">${sounds}</echo>
which prints all the files on a single line, separated by semicolons. I need to have one file per line. How can I do this without resorting to calling OS commands or writing Java code?
Ah, should have been more specific - the list must not contain directories. I'm marking ChssPly76's as the accepted answer anyway, since the pathconvert command was exactly what I was missing. To strip the directories and list only the filenames, I used the "flatten" mapper.
Here is the script that I ended up with:
<fileset id="sounds_fileset" dir="../sound">
<include name="*.wav" />
<include name="*.ogg" />
<pathconvert pathsep="
" property="sounds" refid="sounds_fileset">
<mapper type="flatten" />
<echo file="sounds.txt">${sounds}</echo>
Use the PathConvert task:
<fileset id="myfileset" dir="../sounds">
<include name="*.wav" />
<include name="*.ogg" />
<pathconvert pathsep="${line.separator}" property="sounds" refid="myfileset">
<!-- Add this if you want the path stripped -->
<flattenmapper />
<echo file="sounds.txt">${sounds}</echo>
Since Ant 1.6 you can use toString:
<echo file="sounds.txt">${toString:myfileset}</echo>
