TFS migration - configure features - stream error - tfs

Doing the upgrade from TFS 2010 to TFS 2012 (to go after at TFS 2015). No problem during the migration. I'm now at the step to configure features for each project and the verify button give me this error:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: stream
Information that can help figure out the problem. We are using the template "EMC - Scrum for team system" and that template was changed a little for our need. Only have 3 work items for that project.
How can I know what to look for to fix this error?
We want to change the template and use the new Agile template from TFS 2015 at the upgrade is done from TFS 2012 to 2015. How can I change from one template to another one inside a TFS project?

The configure features wizard is not going to be able to do its magic on a customised SfTS3 process template so you're going to be configuring features manually.
Add Features Using a Manual Update Process
It will be a reasonable amount of work but can be done. However, if you plan to migrate to the Agile process (I prefer to use the Scrum process, personally) then you may as well get busy doing that.
Create a new project with the Agile template and migrate your Work Items/Code (Excel/Integration Platform/etc.)
Start bending the SfTS template into the shape of the Agile template
Migrating Scrum for Team System 3.x to MS Scrum 2.0 /
Migrate a TFS project to another process template


How to upgrade process template for team project in TFS 2018?

I have been responsible for administrate our TFS projects and have started to investigate the current configurations. I found the following link for determining which process our team projects are connected to: How to determine what Process template an existing TFS 2012 project is configured with?
When using the rest API described in the article above, it seems like the projects depend on a process template called "Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2013". When reading this article: Scrum process it seems to me that the process is outdated and should be upgraded to use the "Scrum" template.
I have searched the internet for knowledge on how to upgrade the project to use the new Scrum process but had no luck of finding an answer. Does anyone have an idea of how to update the projects to depend on a newer process? Maybe the whole question is wrongly put as I may lack some obvious knowledge about how these things are meant to work. All I want is to ensure our projects are updated to use the latest TFS technology.
We use Visual Studio 2017 and did recently upgrade our TFS server to TFS 2018.
In general, some new features will be introduced when upgrade from old to new version of TFS.
Generally if you haven't made any changes to the original process template, upgrading is quite easy. Just enable new features by running the Configure Features Wizard in your team projects configuration page.
If it can’t upgrade automatically, you need to apply updates manually. See Add updates to team projects manually.
If you customized the process template, then you can follow the steps mentioned in this link to Update a customized process template to access new features.
To update the existing projects, a not so nice but easy way is to remove all work items and process data from your project and then add the newest items. Martin Hinshelwood has some great guidance on how to do this.

Confusion over 'BuildProcessTemplates' in TFS 2013 and 2012 Agile Project templates - wrt Migration

We are migrating a TFS 2012 project to TFS 2013 (project only has work items and no source code) and have a few questions about the agile project template.
In TFS 2012 if we want to create an Agile project then we have to choose: MSF for Agile Software Development 6.2
In TFS 2013 if we want to create an Agile project then we have to choose: MSF for Agile Software Development 2013.3
I want to know the following:
Why is it that the TFS 2012 project with above template has a folder under it called 'BuildProcessTemplates', whereas the TFS 2013 project has no such folder?
What is significance of the 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder, does the workitems data get stored in it? Can we get rid of it without affecting the workitem data?
We are migrating a TFS 2012 project into TFS 2013 so we are wondering if we can delete the 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder after migrating to TFS 2013 without affecting the WorkItems.
It's confusing terminology.
"Process Templates" and "Build Process Templates" are totally different things with no overlap.
A Process Template controls what work items you have available, how they interact, and the reports you get.
A Build Process Template controls how the TFS build system works. They are orthogonal to work items. You could delete the BuildProcessTemplates folder and it would have no impact on your work items, but I don't recommend doing so -- the folder contain the workflows that TFS can use to build your software for continuous integration or continuous delivery.
As of TFS2013, the folder isn't created because the built-in templates are stored internally. You only need to create a folder for the build process templates if you want to use custom templates, or modify the existing templates.

Check current process template in TFS

I have a project that I don't remember the process template version I'm using because I didn't pay attention to the version on creation. How can I check the process template version of a project hosted on Team Foundation Service (
I was able to find the differences between the process templates themselves:
But I was unable to find a comparison of the individual process template versions. Can someone point the diferences between Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum from version 1 through version 3 for example?
The process template is automatically upgraded to latest. So whatever version you started with, the current process template is latest. Currently,
If Scrum, 3.0
If MSF for Agile, 7.0
If MSF for CMMI, 7.0
btw, IF you don't know the process template then, It can be known by observation.
The ProcessGuidance option works only if you have integration with Sharepoint.
So if you don't have the integration you can use the sql query in this link to find out the process template. You need to run it against the TFS db.
Under Documents/ProcessGuidance there is a document called ProcessGuidance.html click on it and it will say what type it is.

modify scrum template in TFS 2010 after project is created

I have created a new team project using sfts v3.0 project template. Later I have realized that we need to customize scrum template (add some new status). How can I upgrade the scrum template once team project has been created. Can I modify the template and overwrite files to location where it is on TFS 2010 server?
The new project I have created is entirely blank and I am running migration tool to migrate source code from tfs 2008 to tfs 2010 and I don't want to interrupt that process.
Use the Process Editor of the TFS Power Tools.
Here's a guide how to use it.

Conchango Scrum for Team System 2008 to MSF Agile 2010

We currently use Scrum for Team System on TFS 2008. As I'm about to start upgrading our TFS server to 2010 I'd like to also remove the need for any of the Conchango templates in favour of native agile support.
Is there any way of doing this while preserving current data or is it safest to just start again using the new templates?
You can attempt a migration of the Scrum for Team System 2008 workitems to the MSF Agile 2010 by using the TFS Integration Tools and creating mappings from the old templates to the new ones.
I had exactly the same challenge more than a year ago and made an attempt to do the mapping. This is a massive job, because for each attribute of each type of workitem you need to find a proper mapping, often also converting data types. After having achieved this partially for the user story workitem, we decided to just start over all new with the MSF template.
Some people have attempted migration with Excel in between, which might be working for some simple items.
So IMHO, if you have a lot of items that must be migrated from 2008 to 2010 between different templates, you might try to get the most essential attributes (title/description/etc) over by migration either using the TFS Integration tools or Excel. In case the bold sections do not apply, do not bother the effort and start over new.
