modify scrum template in TFS 2010 after project is created - tfs

I have created a new team project using sfts v3.0 project template. Later I have realized that we need to customize scrum template (add some new status). How can I upgrade the scrum template once team project has been created. Can I modify the template and overwrite files to location where it is on TFS 2010 server?
The new project I have created is entirely blank and I am running migration tool to migrate source code from tfs 2008 to tfs 2010 and I don't want to interrupt that process.

Use the Process Editor of the TFS Power Tools.
Here's a guide how to use it.


Change Default options for TFS 2017 New Team Project in Web portal?

Is it possible to change the settingd for TFS 2017 to only have Team foundation Server version control available (disable git) and only have CMMI available for the work item process? I am using the web interface.
You can delete the process templates from within Visual Studio.
You can't disable Git support, but you can easily create a new TFVC repository in an existing team project if someone chooses incorrectly.
Unfortunately, it's not able to customize the Create team project process. You could not directly disable the options both for Process template and Version Control.
You could create a uservoice, TFS PM will kindly review your suggestion.

TFS migration - configure features - stream error

Doing the upgrade from TFS 2010 to TFS 2012 (to go after at TFS 2015). No problem during the migration. I'm now at the step to configure features for each project and the verify button give me this error:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: stream
Information that can help figure out the problem. We are using the template "EMC - Scrum for team system" and that template was changed a little for our need. Only have 3 work items for that project.
How can I know what to look for to fix this error?
We want to change the template and use the new Agile template from TFS 2015 at the upgrade is done from TFS 2012 to 2015. How can I change from one template to another one inside a TFS project?
The configure features wizard is not going to be able to do its magic on a customised SfTS3 process template so you're going to be configuring features manually.
Add Features Using a Manual Update Process
It will be a reasonable amount of work but can be done. However, if you plan to migrate to the Agile process (I prefer to use the Scrum process, personally) then you may as well get busy doing that.
Create a new project with the Agile template and migrate your Work Items/Code (Excel/Integration Platform/etc.)
Start bending the SfTS template into the shape of the Agile template
Migrating Scrum for Team System 3.x to MS Scrum 2.0 /
Migrate a TFS project to another process template

TFS 2015.1: new process templates missing

Recently we upgraded from TFS 2013.2 (german) to TFS 2015.1 (english). Now if I create a new project collection and a new team project I can only select the old german process templates
"Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2013.2"
"MSF for Agile Software Development 2013.2"
"MSF for CMMI Process Improvement 2013.2"
The description below the templates is in german, consequently I believe I have only the old process templates installed on our TFS.
I found the correct templates here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 14.0\Tools\Deploy\ProcessTemplateManagerFiles\1033
How can I re-install the original current process templates from TFS 2015.1 in english?
Where are the active templates stored? In the database? Can I "inject" the correct ones somehow?
Deleting and re-importing the templates is not possible because TFS locks the default templates now. Unfortunately the wrong default templates...
You can upload these project templates in Visual Studio under Team -> Team Project Collection Settings -> Process Template Manager and there is an upload button.
The problem that you are going to face is that any projects currently using one of the older templates will not be transferable to the new ones.
You should be able to remove the old ones from this window also provided that there are no projects using them.

Confusion over 'BuildProcessTemplates' in TFS 2013 and 2012 Agile Project templates - wrt Migration

We are migrating a TFS 2012 project to TFS 2013 (project only has work items and no source code) and have a few questions about the agile project template.
In TFS 2012 if we want to create an Agile project then we have to choose: MSF for Agile Software Development 6.2
In TFS 2013 if we want to create an Agile project then we have to choose: MSF for Agile Software Development 2013.3
I want to know the following:
Why is it that the TFS 2012 project with above template has a folder under it called 'BuildProcessTemplates', whereas the TFS 2013 project has no such folder?
What is significance of the 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder, does the workitems data get stored in it? Can we get rid of it without affecting the workitem data?
We are migrating a TFS 2012 project into TFS 2013 so we are wondering if we can delete the 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder after migrating to TFS 2013 without affecting the WorkItems.
It's confusing terminology.
"Process Templates" and "Build Process Templates" are totally different things with no overlap.
A Process Template controls what work items you have available, how they interact, and the reports you get.
A Build Process Template controls how the TFS build system works. They are orthogonal to work items. You could delete the BuildProcessTemplates folder and it would have no impact on your work items, but I don't recommend doing so -- the folder contain the workflows that TFS can use to build your software for continuous integration or continuous delivery.
As of TFS2013, the folder isn't created because the built-in templates are stored internally. You only need to create a folder for the build process templates if you want to use custom templates, or modify the existing templates.

Possible to upgrade TFS 2008 database to existing TFS2010?

There are a lot of questions about upgrading here, but I have another, very specific one, that I don't see asked.
When installing TFS 2010, on the first run, you get a wizard, which lets you choose a database (which you presumably backed up, and restored onto the new instance) to use, and it allows you to upgrade that instance in-place.
If I'm performing a dry-run, during the course of which I do not want to disable access to the OLD tfs, is it possible for me to do this upgrade a second time without reinstalling TFS?
IE: can I create a new team project collection and point it to a tfs 2008 database and have it upgrade that?
I dont think it is possible to point to a TFS 2008 database from TFS 2010.
We have migrated our TFS 2005/2008 too.
We installed a fresh new TFS 2010 and migrated the old projects into the new TFS 2010.
All files of the projects in TFS2005/2008 are set to read only, workitem history and changesets are migrated into the new TFS2010.
We decide to switch the process template too so we created another team project with the Scrum Template.
Afterwards the source and all needed files are copied to the new Scrum team project.
Now if I let me show the history of a item under source control, it shows the history till the beginning of each item (points to the "old"/first migrated team project in TFS 2010).
I did it an upgrade test on a dummy machine and when i get to the real thing I had to uninstall and remove all leftover db's (tfs_configuration) you can see migrate data from TFS 2008 to an already working TFS 2012
