Disable Npm warnings as Errors: build definition tfs - tfs

I am getting npm warnings as errors during build using build definition.
I then added following property in MSBuild Arguments in Build Definition:
but it is not working yet.
I also cross-checked by right-clicking each project and none of them has the option "Treat Warnings as Errors" checked.
I am calling npm install command from post-build script.
I also restarted build controller and build agent after changes that I tried but no success.
Any help in this direction is appreciated.

It's possible to use the loglevel option so that warnings simply don't appear at all. This avoids the problem of having warnings show in standard error thus halting builds or writing errors for warnings.
I typically use npm install --loglevel=error --no-update-notifier. I've noticed that update-checks also can interrupt the build process for npm.

MSBuild arguments won't help you here... the post-build script runs after MSBuild has finished executing.
The problem is that npm is writing its warnings to the stderr stream, which TFS detects and reports as a an error. You can suppress this by redirecting the error stream to stdout like so:
npm install 2>&1
However, this will suppress errors as well as warnings, which may or may not be acceptable in your case. In our case, we call npm install from a PowerShell script during the pre-build script. We redirect the output, but then we also scan the output looking for the string ERR! like so:
& npm install *>&1 | ForEach-Object {
$obj = $_
if ( $obj -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] ) {
$s = $obj.Exception.Message
else {
$s = $obj.ToString()
if ( $s.Contains('ERR!') ) {
Write-Error $s
else {
Write-Output $s
Note that we also set $LASTEXITCODE to zero so that PowerShell doesn't pass the exit code from npm back to TFS.

Within the CI Server, This is a very common issue that pipeline gets failed whenever we run 'npm build'
We receive some warnings and the CI server considers them as errors and the pipeline gets terminated.
To remove this error just add environment variables within the pipeline as mentioned below:
CI: false

You can silence npm during the install process with the --silent argument:
npm install --silent
You don't need any msbuild argument this way.

Please try to use the correct syntax instead of yours


npm install failing when it tries to download dependencies from bitbucket server

When i tried to run npm install command from freestyle job in jenkins It is failing with below error
npm ERR! command-line line 0: unsupported option "accept-new"
I found it is a bug -
[BUG] StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new causes install failure on OpenSSH <7.6 #31 as per https://github.com/npm/git/issues/31
As a workaround they have mentioned to add
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh" npm install
But after that i'm getting the below error
From detailed log
Could you please suggest how to fix this
freestyle job command as below
From the error code - EMFILE - hitting ulimit conditions. After increased ulimit using ulimit -n issue got fixed.

Run Newman in jenkins

this is my first time using Jenkins for automated test.I've tried to run a test by integrate Newman with Jenkins but I always get the
Console Error
"Newman : command not found"
as a result,it's make my test failed.
I have looking for some answers on the Internet and some tell me to add a value for Environment variables, but I don't know how to get the exact value to add to this. Please show me where can I get this.I'm using MacOS High Sierra
Install https://plugins.jenkins.io/nodejs in jenkins
In Global Tool Configuration add Nodejs and in "Global npm packages to install" add newman
In Build Environment use "Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH"
In Build add "execute shell" if you are using linux or use "execute windows batch command" if you are on windows and add your newman command
For example:
newman run
the html extra reporter only worked for me once enabling 'locate executor' and flag "with ant" as well, under the provide node & npm option.
I had the similar problem. I had several lines of the text in the Command field. According to advice I used backslashes to make it look pretier and I couldn't create a report with Newman. I got a report only after deleteing the backslashes and writing all information in one line

How to resolve grunt not recognizable error on jenkins whereas Grunt is running in command prompt?

How to resolve grunt not recognizable error on jenkins whereas Grunt is running in command prompt?
Jenkins output:
test cases will be executed
'grunt' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
Most probably if the grunt-cli package is installed globally, you do not have the executable path added to system's PATH variable.
Or in the case when you do not have the package installed, npm install -g grunt-cli in windows shell.
Issue was related to path,basically my user's path variable had npm and grunt paths but was missing from system path variable.So i added npm path to system path variable and it worked for jenkins!
In my case the path was defined correctly. It worked when I execute it on CMD, but not from Jenkins. Turns out it was due to Jenkins using its own managed path, as defined in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Global Properties.
Define Environment variable named "Path" there, and add the location of your npm directory to it, such as: "C:\Users\your-user-name\AppData\Roaming\npm;"

Custom command in npm tfs 2015

I'm creating vNext builds using tfs 2015 and I want to run custom command in npm task. The command - npm lint. During build I have error that this command is unknow.
this is how looks my step:
If it's a command like start/stop/install then everything is ok.
How I can customize this step?
Just as error described, npm lint is not a cli commands. The detail list of cli commands please refer npm docs.
It's not support to run it with npm build task in TFS build definition.
The only one what I added it's command "run" before lint. So final command will be "run lint".

Grunt integration with Jenkins on windows issue

I am running Jenkins on Tomcat7 - Windows 7. I have provided the node bin path in my jenkins configuration. Then running a shell script as follows:
echo $PATH
node --version
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
grunt cssmin
As suggested in other post Jenkins integration with Grunt, I have restarted my jenkins several times, and tried to work on all the answers written in that post, but still it shows error, grunt: command not found.
Error stack trace from jenkins console output:
/c/apache-maven-3.2.5/bin:/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_79/bin:/c/Program Files/nodejs/bin:/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_79/bin:/c/Program Files/nodejs/:
+ node --version
+ npm install -g grunt-cli
C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\npm\grunt -> C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\grunt-cli\bin\grunt
grunt-cli#0.1.13 C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\grunt-cli
├── resolve#0.3.1
├── nopt#1.0.10 (abbrev#1.0.7)
└── findup-sync#0.1.3 (lodash#2.4.2, glob#3.2.11)
+ npm install
npm WARN package.json Trademust#1.0.0 No repository field.
+ grunt cssmin
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\temp\hudson2968878175697925824.sh: line 6: grunt: command not found
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I have also followed the steps mentioned on this site grunt-on-jenkins
package.json and Gruntfile.js are in root directory the very first time when I executed the jenkins build, grunt installed all modules from my gruntfile.js, and after that in all other build's its showing the above output.
Can anyone please check what's going on wrong here.
After searching a lot, I found where my grunt is installed. As far as jenkins build is concerned it installs in drive:/.jenkins....../workspace/node_modules/.bin.
After providing this path in jenkins using shell script export path=$PATH:drive:/.jenkins....../workspace/node_modules/.bin, grunt started executing.
Also what I learnt in this process was checking where the executable's are available on system path or which path jenkins refers to is using which "executable_name" without qoutes. you can use this command both on windows as well as linux. Ex: which grunt will show the path where grunt executable file is present.
From the error message it seems, sheel is not able to find grunt. Could you please check if it is present in the $PATH variable. On which node this shell script is running? You cab check the $PATH of the particular node. You can also add grunt installation path to $PATH variable during the shell script.
export PATH=${PATH}:${grunt_path}
