iOS Simulator Screen Recording with indicator - ios

Is there a way to record the screen of the iOS simulator and some sort of indicator? I basically want to replicate what Robinhood has done here:

Please download the Jing software from here. By this you will be able to capture screencast of iOS Simulator.


How do you remove the iOS Simulator Label?

This article explained how to take a screenshot:
How to remove iOS Simulator device label
However, I need to record a video of the simulator using an application. How can I remove this label above the simulator?
I don't think you can hide that with the latest Xcode 11.4 update.
You can screen record with QuickTime and a real device using a lightning cable.
From File > New Movie Recording > Select Device next to Record button), and then add the video to a tool like Rotato
I'd recommend a static angle if you're playing a video.
See Sean Allen's device render video on how to use Rotato.

Can I change iOS Screen wallpaper programmatically In Swift 5 and IOS 12

I want to change Home Screen and lock screen wallpaper of iOS 12
Short answer:
In one word it is not possible. In Apple devices, There is no provision for the change iOS Screen wallpaper programmatically. The user has to do that manually through the settings or
photos app. For things like changing wallpapers, you'd need to jailbreak your device.
Long answer:
Before iOS 9.0, There is some hack which is worked perfectly. Unfortunately, from iOS > 9.0 there is no alternative.
Refer CMFWallpaper. Maybe it will help you.
Set the wallpaper (lock and/or home screen) on iOS using Apple's
private API. Please be aware that including this code in an App Store
submission will result in a rejection.

I need iOS screenshots for devices I don't have

I'm making a sticker pack for iOS, and before I can submit it to the App Store, I need to include at least one screenshot of the app from a 5.5" iPhone, and a 12.9" iPad Pro. These are both devices that I don't have.
I'm also not that well versed in photoshop, but I could learn it as I have read that that's a way to make screenshots to use for the App Store.
Thank You for your help!
You could use simulator. With your app opened in simulator press cmd+S or from menu: File -> Save Screen Shot. Screen shot will appear on your desktop.
UPD: as opposed to you'll get ready to use screen shot with size exactly as in simulator without further work like cropping it
Note: Screenshots resolution is independend of your monitor resolution. So this even works when your monitor has lower resolution than what you need for the screenshot.
use the Xcode simulator to run your app on any device you don't have. Then take screenshots using Mac OS X built-in screenshot functionality :)
P.S. make sure the simulator runs at 1:1 scale (set it in the view menu)
#Fydor's apple+s tip sounds way better
The simulator for each device is one option. However, I prefer to use a service for this. I will not plug any services, but google "iOS screenshot service" and take your pick to automate away this process. It should now be part of your app release workflow.

Use User Wallpaper as Background in App iOS 7

So, I was using the Harmony Link app for iPhone with iOS 7, and a very cool visual effect occurred, my background showed up as the background to the window and it even had parallax motion. I noticed a similar occurrence in the Newsstand app.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to import the user's background into an iOS app? (Possibly even with parallax motion?)
I have seen other posts which do not address this question directly.
You can make your application's window transparent as described in this post: iOS 7 transparency but be careful as this is a non-public API.

How to launch app into background on iOS simulator?

Events like location changes launch concerning app into background if it is not launched yet. But I don't see how to simulate such scenarios on simulator. Is it possible? How?
It's not possible with iOS Simulator found in current public SDK.
I know this is borderline breaking NDA, but you should take a look at Hardware menu item of new iOS Simulator that comes with Xcode 4.2 beta.
