How should I learn Ruby on Rails? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm a Java developer and I really want to get into Rails. What have you found to be the best way to learn RoR?
Seriously, any tips/tricks/rants would be awesome.

I'd definitely recommend using Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial book. I've also found Daniel Kehoe's Learn Ruby on Rails e-book super helpful as well.
On a personal level, finding a project I actually wanted to build, as opposed to just pacing through a tutorial, is what really helped get me off the ground though.


Ruby Rails - Where to start my understanding [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to learn code and currently running through the exercises within codecademy for Rails.
Though I find this a good learning resource, i'm struggling to understand the relevance of the commands etc to "real life", so I can relate to it.
Can anyone recommend "real life" projects to work through on line re. rails, so I can piece all the fundamental pieces together, whilst seeing what my actions do to the outcome project.
Thank you in advance.
Have a look at they seem to have some good foundation tutorials on ruby on rails.
I can recommend you the Ruby on Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl. It focuses on stuff that matters by developing a Twitter-like app step by step. Also, it is free to read online..

Implementing Ruby on website [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So as I learn about Ruby I see nothing about using it on a website or how to connect to a database that's not local. Any help is appreciated. I'm learning Ruby for use on the web. Thanks.
There's a lot of content on google about deploying and developing a Ruby On Rails website, I would recommend searching Ruby docs, youtube and google.
Here are a few resources that may answer your question:
Setting up Ruby On Rails Database
Ruby on Rails Deploy
Rails - Deplying to DigitalOcean
Writing web applications with Ruby On Rails
this may also help:
how to ask a good question on Stack Overflow

Where to begin when developing a Rails app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am a beginner at web development and wanted to know where to begin when developing a web application. More specifically I am using RoR and wanted to know is there a particular stack developers start with for instance would it be better to start developing models or views? Or do I have the wrong approach all together.
This will guide you through installation and 'hello world' in rails.
And I highly recommend this book, if you are serious about rails. Finish it completely. It would give you insights which might take months to comprehend if you are searching only in web.
Book link:
Rails sort of has two "default" stacks, as this blog post helpfully explains:
You'll see that mr. Klabnik also has some thoughts about the difficulty this creates for new developers. I'd recommend not worrying too much about all the different tools that are available to you at first. Wait until you have a problem or are experiencing some pain and then find a tool to solve that problem. Before that, just jump in and learn as you go. Or at least, that's how I'd approach it, but people learn differently!

Authentication for Rails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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For those of you familiar with M. Hartl's RoR Tutorial, do you know if the latest authentication system taught in the book is full proof for a large scale application or would you recommend going in with a ready made authentication systems like Devise or OAuth.
I find the system taught in the book very easy to follow as compared to the ready made systems. I am just not sure if there are any security loopholes in it.
Go with Devise.
Rolling out your own authentication system is great for practice, but many minds beats one, especially when it comes to security.

conventions for rails app documentation? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I known that it's more a state of art than a technical question, but I'm looking for some good templates to document model relation, validations, method for the models and controllers of my rails app.
Are there any conventions/best practice/examples to do that ?
Thanks all for your help
You can use RDoc to self-document your code. It'll take your code comments and make documentation for your project.
It's pretty neat.
I'm not sure there's much use in documenting validations and relations... Your Ruby source code is already incredibly readable in that regard.
