Implementing Ruby on website [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So as I learn about Ruby I see nothing about using it on a website or how to connect to a database that's not local. Any help is appreciated. I'm learning Ruby for use on the web. Thanks.

There's a lot of content on google about deploying and developing a Ruby On Rails website, I would recommend searching Ruby docs, youtube and google.
Here are a few resources that may answer your question:
Setting up Ruby On Rails Database
Ruby on Rails Deploy
Rails - Deplying to DigitalOcean
Writing web applications with Ruby On Rails
this may also help:
how to ask a good question on Stack Overflow


property web builder app [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been working on the Propertywebbuilder app on Heroku.
I am looking for help on how to:
edit the html, so i can add an item to the footer.
I would also like to know how i can add more functionality to the app.
it is built with Ruby on rails.
here is the link to the app: PropertywebBuilder
I have deployed it on Heroku and have been playing around, but would like to learn how to improve and add things to it.
many thanks
You need to learn about Rails no one is just going to code for you, unless you're paying them some serious money at least.
The two best resources that helped me learn Ruby on Rails are below. The first is a free book by Michael Hartl he also has some screencasts but you have to buy those.
the second resource was a company called the Pragmatic Studio that I actually learned about from reading Hartl's book. they offer a low cost Rails I and Rails II course that is extremely good. It got me up and building web apps quickly.

How should I learn Ruby on Rails? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm a Java developer and I really want to get into Rails. What have you found to be the best way to learn RoR?
Seriously, any tips/tricks/rants would be awesome.
I'd definitely recommend using Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial book. I've also found Daniel Kehoe's Learn Ruby on Rails e-book super helpful as well.
On a personal level, finding a project I actually wanted to build, as opposed to just pacing through a tutorial, is what really helped get me off the ground though.

I want to write Ruby on Rails [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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but i dont know where to start! Which version of Ruby and Rails are the best?
And all documentations I can find are for Mac users. And im on Linux( ubuntu ).
I can allready write in C++
I hope you can help me!
To install Ruby language interpreter and the Rails framework itself you can visit website and download an installer for windows.
Speaking about applications development in Ruby on Rails, there is good tutorial written by Michael Hartl in link, that is highly recommended way to start development with Rails. This tutorial introduces to Ruby language and Rails framework and by following it you will build Twitter clone.

Ruby on Rails for developing Real Time Application? or Node.js? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can Ruby on Rails be used for developing Real Time Application (similar to like Facebook, twitter, geekList ) ? What sort of database (NoSql), REST API is required ? Node.js seems to be popular for RTA. Any insight will be greatly appreciated?
You can try with Faye, but if you want development real time application, I think Node.js is the best. :)...Sorry, I'm only beginner developer :)
Ruby and Rails can definitely be used for that (twitter was originally a Rails app). What kind of db you need will depend on the specifics of your application. I am guessing from your question that you are a beginner. In that case, I would guess this is one of your first applications and you are trying to figure out which technology to you. I suggest you pick whichever one you are most interested in. You can do the kind of application you are talking about in most modern web frameworks.

web server installation before ruby on rails [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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it might be a trivial question, nevertheless... Is it supposed that a web server (say, Apache) should be installed in order to make Ruby on Rails installation? What about database?
If yes, could you advice specific programs? I'm using Ubuntu 12.10, Ruby is 1.9.3.p392 and Rails is 3.2.12.
It depends on your task. You can use Rails with Webrick as HTTP-server (for development), which is installed with Rails and you can use Sqlite as database which you need install separately.
Here is a guide which can helps you.
