Reinstalling Windows without re-registering Delphi - delphi

I'll be reinstalling Windows and I wondered if there's a way to backup/restore Delphi license info so I don't "lose" one of my installations for that.
In other words - is there a way to uninstall Delphi, reinstall Windows, reinstall Delphi without that being treated as a "new" installation?
[I want to completely wipe out my computer and start out from scratch. I'll be reinstalling XE5, XE7, and 10 Seattle.]

The .slip files used for registration info are in C:\ProgramData, in either the CodeGear or Embarcadero folders depending on which version of the IDE you're using.
I've successfully copied the files from these folders to a thumb drive and moved them to a new computer. Note that part of the registration information is the local computer name, so in order to work on a different machine (or a clean Windows install on the same machine) the computer name needs to stay the same. Just name the computer the same, copy the .slip files to the same location on the new machine, and then install Delphi/RAD Studio.
To be on the safe side, I always copy the entire folder (including all subfolders and their contents) to make sure I've gotten everything the IDE needs.

I had a similar problem when renaming my Windows 10 computer. Apparently the license is bound to the computer name. I had to re-register Delphi after renaming my computer but failed because of the limit of my license key.
Solution was renaming back my computer and renaming C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero\.cgb_license.corrupted and C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero\.licenses\.cg_license.corrupted to files without the .corrupted as suffix. My licence slip file was C:\ProgramData\Embarcadero\.2016_2.#############.slip.


Can't access to .accdb database when deployed. / MVC app

this is my first post I am having some trouble with an app, in Visual Studio I can run it on Debug without any issue and everything works correctly, but when I deploy it using IIS I can access any page except of the ones where there is an interaction with an access database. If I search through virtual directory I can download the file without an issue.
Do you have any recommendation?
Are you running x32 or x64 iis? (Usually it x64).
Of course on your desktop, then Visual Studio defaults to x32, and that would explain why the Access database engine (ACE) works. You likely should force your project to x32 or x64 (and then ensure that you have a x64 bit version of the ACE (Access) istalled on your developer machie. You then want to ensure that you launching the x64 bit version of IIS.
You don’t need Access installed on your server, but you will need the ACE database engine – and the most easy way to ensure that data engine is installed is simply installing the Access runtime on that server.
Give that the standard ACE database engine download is x32, then I would look into this issue. You could (should) be able to resolve the issue by installing a x64 bit Access runtime on that server – this would also suggest a possible update to your connection strings. And I would check/test the connection string you are using once you resolve the x64 bit version of Access. The path name in your connection string will ALWAYS be a absolute path (not a relative one).

error on run execute file : dbrtl70.bpl missing

I made an application with ADO Component and connect to Oracle with it, I don't have any problem when I run it in another machine.
But, when I use ODAC component and TOraSession and connect with it via Direct Connect and run it in another machine I faced to this error:
The Program Can't Start Because dbrtl70.bpl is missing from your Computer. Try to re installing the Program to fix it
As I investigate, dbrtl70.bpl is Delphi package file in System32 folder.
I want to know how can I solve this problem.
I'm going to take a wild guess and suggest that you have a 64 bit machine. You've copied the .bpl files into the 64 bit system folder (System32) where your 32 bit Delphi 7 program cannot see them. Put them in the 32 bit system folder (SysWOW64) instead and all should be well.
To learn more about the issue, read up on the File System Redirector.
If you don't want runtime packages, and all your dependencies support being built without using runtime packages, then simply uncheck the use runtime packages option.
My app was asking for a .bpl package when run on other machines.
Cancelling 'link with runtime packages' didn't solve it until I deleted the runtime packages listed in 'runtime packages'. Then it was OK.

How do I back up and restore my Delphi settings? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to migrate Delphi or clone Delphi registry settings?
I need to format my PC soon, but I have the IDE and environment settings perfectly set up to just how I want them, along with some components I have installed.
Obviously formatting and reinstalling Windows will wipe all settings and registry entries, so when I do install Delphi again I will have to tweak it all to get it to how it originally was, which will take quite a bit of time that I would rather not use up.
What is the best way to retain Delphi IDE and environment settings and installed components?
Is it just a case of backing up registry entries and user data folders?
How to make a complete backup of delphi XE manually:
backup complete installation folder.
(tip: install your components under the delphi folder so they also get backed up).
export & backup HKLM\Software\Embarcadero registry key
in case of 64 bit os it will be HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Embarcadero
export & backup HKCU\Software\Embarcadero registry key
Some components may write BPL files to your system folder (check C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder)
after OS reinstallation:
reinstall Delphi to the SAME folder and apply same updates
overwrite installation with your backup
reimport registry keys from backup
if you have Delphi plugins/experts, reinstall them
some tips:
install Delphi under the root of your drive (eg c:\DelphiXE), this to prevent troubles with UAC under vista/W7.
Keep your projects under the delphi folder, is very handy if you have to cope with different delphi versions (eg c:\delphi5\projects, c:\delphixe\projects, ...)
make an automated daily backup of your delphi folder (via windows backup or other tool)
You can try CnWizard Backup/Restore tool. If you keep same path for components and delphi install, just make backup, install delphi and cnwizard, copy all components folders and make restore.
I only have problem when migrate from XP to W764b, must to manualy change path in registry for Program Files folder.
Yes, I agree with #Martin, VMWare is great for this VMWare. Not only for Delphi and its settings and component, but the whole O/S, including SPs, KBs, drivers, settings, applications & their settings, Anti virus, Firewalls.
This is what I do with VMWare ver 5 (other/newwer version might be different)
Install VMWare on the Host O/S. The host can be a Windows O/S or a Linux O/S variant. I personally like to use Linux as the host O/S, because, for me, the security is better towards virus, malware etc.
Install a guest O/S. This can be any supported O/S of choice, including any SPs, drivers needed.
Install Delphi and all components you need.
You can backup the guest O/S to a media, DVD-R, for example. If anything major happened, you can just restore it for less than 30 minutes. This is a huge benefit.
You can have as many as guest O/Ses you want (If you have the space). This is great for testing purposes. How many times you hear that your app is breaking on a particular O/S, with a specific SPs/KBs, dll or other specific settings on client PCs? With multiple guest O/Ses, you can test your app with different O/S and/or settings without having to have multiple PCs or multiple partitions with different O/Ses.
Of course VMWare has many other usages, but for me, the above usage scenario is enough.
Other Virtual Machine is from Oracle (Oracle VM) which is free Oracle VM. They claimed to be better than VMWare, but I myself have not tested it.

Packaging a custom DirectX redistributable installer

Following MS' advice we have stripped most files from the DX installer contents for our D3D9 application, getting it down to 5Mb in total.
But now I;d like to package these files into a single installer, like the redistributable installers MS themselves provide... so it can be run as part of our application install process, with /silent switch, without manually having to unpackage the files and delete them.
Is there a simple, standard way to do this so that the packaged DXSetup.exe is run?
Or is all this too complex and we should just unpack the files, run DXSetup.exe and then delete the files after installation?
Its better to use the installers that MS provide, usually is what Apps do, if the problem is space you could always use web installer its 300kb but will require the user to have an internet connection.
On the other and if you're using DirectX SDK
there is a folder "redist"
and in it there are setup's of DX,
you can distribute them with your app,
and your Setup has to call the dxsetup.exe

BlackBerry Code Signing for Multiple OS'es

I wanted to do a couple of things and am wondering if they're possible, and if so, how to do them.
I was going to make a Virtual Machine to run code-signing in. That way if my computer dies I can hopefully minimize downtime by simply running the VM in a new system. I know the code keys are tied to the machine they're run on. If anyone has done code signing in a VM and switched the VM to another physical machine please let me know if the keys continued to work or not.
I also wanted to run more than one JDE in the VM to sign code for different OSes. From what I understand the code signing uses a code signing app located in each JDE's directory. Is it possible to run multiple JDE's on the same system and be able to sign code for a specific OS (I'm planning on having JDE 4.2.1, 4.5, 4.6.1, 4.7, and eventually 5.0 on the code-signing VM). If so, do I need multiple keys - one for each JDE version - or is there some way to use the same keys for the different versions?
Thanks for any help in answering this.
It's certainly possible to migrate the keys between machines - We have a set of keys that have been used on Windows XP, Mac OS X and Linux machines.
If you look in one of your BlackBerry JDE Component Package X.Y.Z\bin directories after you've used the signing tool manually you'll see these files:
These are the files you need. Simply copy them to the equivalent location in the alternate JDE trees and you will be able to use them for 'multiple targets'. I've not done this with 4.7.0, but have with 4.6.0, 4.5.0, 4.3.0, and 4.2.1. We're run the signer using
java -jar bin/SignatureTool.jar
I'm not sure whether other methods would work.
Migrating to UNIX-like build machines introduces a twist, and this is why I think RIM say the keys are not portable - the SignatureTool application seems to not detect the operating system-specific directory path separator character. The upshot is that it looks for the key files in these locations, even on a UNIX machine (note the backslashes):
when you'd think it would look for bin/sigtool.csk for example. A solution for this is simply to create soft links with these names that point to the actual files. In the component package top-level directory we do this:
ln -s bin/sigtool.db bin\\sigtool.db
ln -s bin/sigtool.csk bin\\sigtool.csk
I've only signed in one VM - a Windows XP image. It worked fine.
Another solution is to just fix the problem with SignatureTool (FYI, RAPC has similar issues), as this blog describes:
