Informational text for rails runners - ruby-on-rails

I have a script like do |opts|
opt.on("-h","--help","help") do
puts opts
But whenever I call rails runner my_script.rb --help it shows me help for the rails runner and not my script. Is there a way that I can prevent rails runner from swallowing up this option?

I am afraid you cannot do this with runner - runner first searches for its own options and in case of --help or -h it prints the help and exits before even checking whether your script exists or not:
# Railites: lib/rails/commands/runner
opts.on("-h", "--help",
"Show this help message.") { $stdout.puts opts; exit }
You can however get around this by simply not using runner at all and writing pure ruby script:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'optparse'
environment = 'development' do |opts|
opt.on("-e", "--environment") do |v|
environment = v
opt.on("-h","--help","help") do
puts opts
# RAILS_ENV is used by environment.rb file to load correct configuration
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = environment
# Load your rails application
require_relative "../config/environment.rb"
puts User.count # Your code here


Disable rest-client output on minitest

I've searched for this, but without success.
I have some tests (minitest) that use RestClient and Webmock. When passing for those tests I always have the request logged, polluting the test ouput:
[$] rake
Run options: --seed 60435
.........................................................RestClient.get "", "Accept"=>"*/*", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client/2.0.0 (darwin14.1.0 x86_64) ruby/2.2.1p85" # => 200 OK | 4 bytes
Is there a way to disable this ?
Just to add, if I call the same address using ruby URL I have nothing logged (even using webmock) so it really is something related with Rest-client.
I already tried to set the ENV['RESTCLIENT_LOG'] variable, but without success.
What about:
RestClient.stub :log, '' do
# Your test code here
You have many other options to redirect the log output:
In your test_helper.rb:
RestClient.log = 'tmp/test.log'
From the command line:
RESTCLIENT_LOG=tmp/restclient.log bundle exec rails test
In last resort you could monkey patch:
# test_helper.rb
RestClient.class_eval do
def self.log

rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'sandbox'

I'm trying to add the sandbox to my rails spree application and have run into this error
(using windows 8/powershell with Rails 4.1.6). I'm going by this manual:
This link Use older version of Rake
seems to have a similar issue but I am not sure how to take the necessary steps to achieve it.
When I try:
C:\Ruby193\openUpShop> bundle exec rake sandbox
I get:
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'sandbox'
I'm am new to rails and am still not sure how everything works so a throughout explanation
with step by step instructions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
you can use a file sandbox.rb
# use example: rake task:sub_task -- --sandbox
if ARGV.any? {|arg| arg == '--sandbox' }
puts "** << USING SANDBOX!! >> **"
# beginning
$sandbox = -> do
# end
at_exit do
then only you need add at the beginning of your task.rake file
require_relative 'path_to_your/sandbox.rb'
..and add at the beggining of your task code
desc "description task"
task example_task: :environment do
$ if $sandbox.present?

Rails clockwork display on log

I'm trying to learn how to use the gem clockwork. I'm just trying to test on my Mac and putting a line onto the development log. I have it set at 3 minutes just for testing.
I have the following in lib/clock.rb :
require 'clockwork'
module Clockwork
handler do |job|
puts "Running #{job} =================================="
Clockwork.every(3.minutes, 'dailyjob')
Then I have lib/tasks/dailyjob.rb
class DailyJob
def perform "Daily Job ========================================="
I then start Clockworks via the console $ clockwork clock.rb. It starts up and every 3 minutes the console says:
Running dailyjob ==================================
I, [2014-03-04T11:03:32.084240 #66442] INFO -- : Triggering 'dailyjob'
But, nothing shows up in the development.log file.
Thanks for the help!
Per docs, Clockwork will only write to STDOUT unless you configure it otherwise:
By default Clockwork logs to STDOUT. In case you prefer your own
logger implementation you have to specify the logger configuration
option. See example below.
Example from the docs is this:
module Clockwork
configure do |config|
config[:sleep_timeout] = 5
config[:logger] =
config[:tz] = 'EST'
config[:max_threads] = 15
config[:thread] = true

run rake task inside rails application

I want to run asset precompile task inside the rails application,As I had many dependencies who will change the code,in that case all the time whenever they change i need to run the script as I cant give server access to them so I am providing the GUI for them from that they alone can run the script,so,I have built UI to run the task with some parameter like
system("Template='#{params[:template]}' Theme='#{params[:theme]}' rake assets:precompile)
I am getting two values from UI(params[:template],params[:theme]).Another thing i want to run this task in another path(site path) means Admin side UI is there that task should execute in Site directory,
if(params[:theme_script] == "true")
template=Template.where(:name => params[:template]).first
if template
theme = template.themes.where(:name => params[:theme]).first
if theme
# Dir.chdir "#{THEMEPATH}"do
# `Template="#{}" Theme="#{}" rake assets:precompile`
# end
# sleep 10
# system("#{Rails.root.to_s}/lib/")
# RunRake.run_rake(,
# Dir.chdir "#{THEMEPATH}"do
# Rake::Task['assets:precompile'].invoke
# end
ENV["Template"] =
ENV["Theme"] =
precompile_task = "bundle exec rake assets:precompile --trace 2>&1"
output = Dir.chdir(THEMEPATH) { %x[ #{precompile_task} ] }
flash[:notice] = "Asset created successfully"
flash[:notice] = "U have enter invalid data"
flash[:notice] = "U have enter invalid data"
This is my code am checking multiple condition and am allowing to execute the task.
I have tried this code by putting in controller and lib, but this is not working.
I have tried with shell script also.
Could please anyone can help me.
You can just setup an environment variable for rails, and then issue #invoke method from a controller. So, prepare the files:
gem 'rake'
Rake.load_rakefile Rails.root.join( 'Rakefile' )
ENV["Template"] =
ENV["Theme"] =
Rake::Task[ 'assets:precompile' ].invoke
Issue bundle install, then run console rails c, and type: 'assets:precompile'
# => ["assets:precompile"]
As you can see, the task assets:precompile is loaded successfully. Then just issue the action for the controller.
To run the task for an other rails app you shell run also the other ruby instance, similar to as you had done:
system( " '#{}' '${}'" )
source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
cd /other/app/path
export Template="$1"
export Theme="$2"
rake assets:precompile

How can I tell if Rails code is being run via rake or script/generate?

I've got a plugin that is a bit heavy-weight. (Bullet, configured with Growl notifications.) I'd like to not enable it if I'm just running a rake task or a generator, since it's not useful in those situations. Is there any way to tell if that's the case?
It's as simple as that:
if $rails_rake_task
puts 'Guess what, I`m running from Rake'
puts 'No; this is not a Rake task'
Rails 4+
Instead of $rails_rake_task, use:
File.basename($0) == 'rake'
I like NickMervin's answer better, because it does not depend on the internal implementation of Rake (e.g. on Rake's global variable).
This is even better - no regexp needed
File.split($0).last == 'rake'
File.split() is needed, because somebody could start rake with it's full path, e.g.:
/usr/local/bin/rake taskname
$0 holds the current ruby program being run, so this should work:
$0 =~ /rake$/
It appears that running rake will define a global variable $rakefile, but in my case it gets set to nil; so you're better off just checking if $rakefile has been defined... seeing as __FILE__ and $FILENAME don't get defined to anything special.
$ cat test.rb
puts(global_variables.include? "$rakefile")
puts __FILE__
$ cat Rakefile
task :default do
load 'test.rb'
$ ruby test.rb
$ rake
(in /tmp)
Not sure about script/generator, though.
The most stable option is to add $is_rake = true at the beginning of Rakefile and use it from your code.
Use of $0 or $PROGRAM_NAME sometimes will fail, for example when using spring and checking variables from config/initializers
You can disable the plugin using environment variable:
$ DISABLE_BULLET= 1 rake some:task
And then in your code:
We could ask this
In a rails application, this is an empty array, whereas in a Rake task, the array has the task name in it.
top_level_tasks probably isn't a public API, so it's subject to changes. But this is the only thing I have found.
