How can I connect multiple iPhone screens to make a larger display? - ios

I want to connect multiple iPhone/iPad display to have a larger display. This large display will be able to display a single photo or video in that screen. Mosaic app is doing so and is on the app store. They also provide SDK for the same. Here is the link for that SDK - Can anyone help me out with this? Is there any SDK available which can fulfill my requirements.


How to show app in a small size on home screen in iOS?

I am using swift to build a mobile app. I see some Android apps support showing in a smaller size on top-right on the home screen. I wonder how I can acheive this on iOS. Does it require any kind of permission?
Below is a screenshot about YouTube app show on the top-right of the homescreen.
The only comparable thing in iOS is for videos on an iPad — not every iPad supports it. It's called Picture In Picture.

How to take screenshot of a foreground appllication (like music) when screen is locked?

I am fairly new to iOS. I need your help.
Is is possible to take screenshot of an application (lets say Music) which is running in the foreground and when iOS device's screen is locked using a program? If so, can you please let me know the code correspondingly. (This is for personal work only)
The iOS APIs for taking screenshots are private, which means that you cannot programmatically take a screen shot of the phone. Also, since iOS apps are sandboxed, you do not have access to the Music app (or any other app), so you cannot capture an image of the view being presented.
However, if the user takes a screenshot, you can access that screen shot using PhotoKit by getting the latest image in the Screenshots smart album.

How do screenshots work in the app store?

I'm coming from Android development with Google Play where every screenshot you upload (for small res to high res to tablets) were available for viewing regardless of which device/platform you're viewing the app listing page from.
I just launched my first iOS App Store app and it seems this is not the case.
If I view the App Store listing on my desktop, I only see the iPhone
4-inch screenshot I uploaded.
If I view the App Store listing on my iPhone 5s I also only see the
iPhone 4-inch screenshot.
I was assuming it was going to be like Google Play where I can see all of the available screenshots regardless of which device/platform I was on.
Anyway, this is bad for me since I uploaded different screenshots for each device size/type and uploaded 4 very important screenshots only to the iPhone 4.7-inch category.
Here are my questions:
Is the iPhone 4-inch the "default" screenshots to show, for example - when viewing the app listing on a desktop computer?
Is it good practice to upload the same bunch of screenshots to every single size category? This is what I feel I need to do.
Is the iPhone 4-inch the "default" screenshots to show, for example - when viewing the app listing on a desktop computer?
Is it good practice to upload the same bunch of screenshots to every single size category? This is what I feel I need to do.
The screenshots required should only reflect what the app can support.
Here is Apple's docs regarding the screenshots and requirements:
I've spent way too time in that document lately :)

iTunes App store screenshots for applications that require hardware the simulator doesn't provide

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions here. I have an app that requires bluetooth. I own a few Apple devices, but, I certainly don't have all of them. The usual suggestion is 'use the simulator', but since the simulator doesn't simulate bluetooth, all I get is a big 'Bluetooth unavailable', which is unattractive for the store.
Will Apple accept it if I resize them in Photoshop? I can either use the 6 or the iPad mini, but they will need to be upscaled to iPhone 6+ (potentially losing quality).
Thoughts? Will I need to hunt down users with each device and then walk them through screenshots (seems so impractical)?
Many popular apps' screenshots are heavily doctored and Photoshopped. If your screenshots are not openly deceptive, you should be fine.
e.g. one of the first apps I checked in the App Store has screenshots which are cropped, framed with custom art, and extra blurbs added on the periphery:
This one crops the image, adds a blurb on top, and even has a photograph of a phone in a user's hand:
These are both featured apps receiving prominent placement on the App Store.

licence of iOS simulator device background image

iOS Simulator comes with these nicely polished background images for various devices. If possible I'd like to use those for promotional purposes for my app. I couldn't find any informations about their license terms and whether Apple allows such usage (after all it's promotion for their Appstore too). Does anyone here have any info on this?
Marketing images are available from
(Required sign in using your developer account)
This has images for all devices, as well as the App Store badges etc.
You can get screenshots without the simulator bezel by using the menu for the iOS simulator - that prevents you having to crop out to use the marketing images.
