Integrate Twitter posts from specific person on iOS app on table view - ios

I have to implement all Twitter posts of one person to my table view and automatically update when that person publishes a new one. also, second part would be mentions(#person) of the person. How can I do it? Is there a very easy way, or I have to do it manually?

One of the ways you can do this, is by using Twitters built in service called Fabric.
Go check out for more information on how to use it, specifically this documentation for timeline related stuff.
If you want a step by step tutorial on how to add a specific person's timeline, I made a video on how to do this here. :)
Here is the documentation needed to display everyone that mentions the user. :)
Hope that helps you!


How to create Photo like comment same as Facebook in IOS

I have created timeline same as Facebook. My timeline data fetch by JSON, and reload in tableview. but how to add comment and likes functionality. I tried many times but not able to do. how to create design (UI) in which flow. I am totally confused. Please find the attachment, My Project File Please download and see. and tell me how can i do ,Please help, Thank you

Method of integrating a certain persons Twitter account into iOS App

In my app so far, I have to implement all the Twitter posts from a certain individual into a table view, and it automatically updates when the person tweets a certain post. Is it possible to mention a certain individual e.g. #John.. If it is possible, how can I do it? If not just let me know and I will delete this question as it could be too ambitious. Thanks!
I don't quite understand what you mean. I do a little!
There is a quick and easy way of doing this! One easy way is to use Twitters own SDK called Fabric. See Here
See this link for the timeline stuff and integration to your app Documentation
This should help you out!
P.S. Let me know how you get on!

Xcode 6 - iOS8: Allow Master User To Update Information

I was wondering if anyone could point me to any useful tutorials on allowing a master user to update information for their app. I am looking into creating an application for a local restaurant and I want the owner to be able to update information like the soup of the day and such by themselves.
I have been looking into JSON and CMS for this, but I am unable to find any useful information regarding iOS 8 or xCode 6. If anyone could provide me with this information, or any other suggestions on how to achieve this I would be very grateful!
(I am using Swift not Objective-C)
This is not a code issue, rather it is a development concept issue. You have many choices including making an API that is updated by the restaurant. The app then connects to the API and gets the recipes. If you feel you need to do this via the App make a special username that is allowed access to modify the menu. This can be accomplished via matching username exactly or via using a regex. It all really depends on the structure of your app platform.

how to get twitter feeds in shopify

I am trying to get twitter feeds in to my shopify site. I want to get the feeds and style them as I want and thus cant use a app.
I know how to do it using PHP but can not use that code in shopify and looking for a way I can use OAuth in shopify and get the feeds. I tried the shopify docs but without an example its kinda hard to actually get my head around it.
Thats the link I am using as a guide. If anyone can direct me to an example which might be similar that would be awesome. (google didnt seem to be that helpful this time either)
I know you said you didn't want to use an app, but can I suggest taking a look at Twitify? You can use custom CSS to style your tweets. Also see discussions about Twitify here and here.
Twitter changed their display guidelines and policies on embedding of tweets on websites in June 2013. One of the themes I used for a client earlier in the year had custom styling of tweets, and they have now changed it to use the official Twitter widget to meet the new guidelines. In fact, the images on the Shopify theme store show how it used to look before Twitter changed things:
And after:
I think using an app like Twitify would be the easiest way to deal with these changes to embedding tweets.
Thanx for the suggestion. I did take a look at that before I posted this question. This is a project for a client and I dont think getting a plug in is a viable option. Anyways I found a work around.
Hosted the file on a server and then accessed it. So that resolved the problem. :)
I used node.js to write the script and get the posts as required.
you can use the app for that Twitify or you can Embed a Twitter feed in your online store
Go to your Twitter settings.
Click Widgets to open the widgets menu.
Create a new widget, following Twitter's instructions.
Copy the embed code.

iOS discussion board / comments board API or sample?

I'm trying to find examples of code libraries or sample code for adding a commenting functionality in my apps. I've successfully implemented the Disquser iOS wrapper ( in a couple of my apps but find it difficult to manage. I've seen other apps that incorporate a commenting feature that's cool, including theCHIVE Lite app, that looks like its using Facebook maybe?? Any hints or suggestions?
Look at QuickBlox Custom Objects code sample. I think it's what you need.
It represents user's notes, which he can create & comment. So, you can implement this comments logic into your apps and comment any item you want
There's a good tutorial for building a chat app that may help you get started, you can find it here:
