What happened to »grails doc« in grails3? - grails

The grails 2.x doc feature looks really helpful/promising:
It says that the command »grails doc« - »Generates a user guide and Javadoc + Groovydoc API documentation for the current Grails project.
However, this section of the manual is gone in Grails 3.0.10. I could not find related info in the changelog and the grails interactive console does not know anything about a doc command. I used google but could not find anything about this. (I know about groovydoc and I use it now, but it does not know about the grails innards out-of-the-box, so my question stands)
Where did it go? Why was it removed? Will it come back?

I know this is old but... You now use gradle groovydoc to generate documentation..
You can also config it in your build.gradle
groovydoc {
destinationDir = new File("${project.docsDir}${File.separator}javadoc")
check out more here:


Modx plugin manual installation

I was looking for an AMP plugin in Modx but since now there's no official packages, but I found this
I dunno how to install it, I read the official documentation but is not so clear and it's a bit outdated. I tryed to put in core/packages and install thru the panel without success. Any helps?
I guess you should create a new plugin within the MODX-backend and paste the content of this file in it:
But I don't know on which event you want the plugin to get triggered (maybe on "OnWebPagePrerender"?)
The other files should be in your "core/components"-folder.

wso2 esb console localization

I'd like to translate the management console to localized language. I've try to follow the instructions from http://wso2.com/library/knowledge-base/2011/11/playing-around-carbon-product-themes/ as a starting point, cause I think that should be in the same theory. But this didn't work, and cause an exception when entering the site.
I see the document is pretty old (2011), is this not work anymore? or the procedure has been changed?
sorry, forgot to mention, I'm using WSO2 ESB 4.8.1.
Yes as you have mentioned, above link is outdated. However, the concept is same in new versions as well. Keeping an extracted jar file in the plugins directory will no longer work since we have disabled that along the way as a security fix.
Herewith I have given [1]. the latest documentation of "Customizing the Management Console" of the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus. You can use it as a starting point.
If you need further help regarding this issue, please let me know.
[1]. https://docs.wso2.com/display/ESB481/Customizing+the+Management+Console

grails database-migration plugin: is jndi support on its way?

I have 1.3.2 installed. My investigations found this in scripts/DbmDiff.groovy:
// TODO this will fail with JNDI or encryption codec
buildOtherDatabase = { String otherEnv ->
Searching the web lead me to this:
which is code for DbmDiff.groovy, but in spite of the same TODO comment, appears to handle jndi.
Does this mean that a 1.3.3 is coming soon with jndi support? If so, then I can work around for a while using a temporary env using urls etc.
Regards, John
I'm not sure when 1.3.3 will be released since this is the only fix so far. It shouldn't be too soon though. Until then you can copy the current script to your application's scripts folder. Then you run grails dbm-diff Grails will ask you which of the two scripts to run.

Running grails test-app command from grails web console plugin

I have installed the grails web plugin. I can now browse to :
And I can see the console displayed over there. I have bunch of test-cases written for application. I wish I can test my app from this web console.
Is it possible to do so? I'm very new to grails.
Thanks in advance.
Short answer no. The grails console is meant to write groovy code that interacts with your running application. Your running application does not include your test cases or the grails command line by default.
Long answer sort of. Provided you have all of your projects source code available somewhere in the file system where your application is running, you could call an external process to run test-app and return the result to the user. Here are some docs on running external processes in groovy: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Executing+External+Processes+From+Groovy. I suppose you could also package you application somehow to make this work, but I think doing that would be fairly complex.
I am not sure this is a good use case for the console plugin over all. Hope this helps

Spring Roo RooEntity and RooJpaActiveRecord

I am a novice with Spring.
I am looking to resolve conflicts between #RooEntity and #RooJpaActiveRecord. I have used the typicalsecurity addon to an existing project which used more recent versions of Roo (#RooJpaActiveRecord). I was wondering if there's a workaround or a specific way to address this issue. I am not able to run the project on the internal web browser. I receive the HTTP Status 404 error.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
#RooEntity is no longer the annotation that you have to use.
Replace it with #RooJpaActiveRecord and run the Roo shell again.
Regarding the web project, the annotations belongs to the spring-roo-annotations.jar (or something like that) that maven puts in your WEB-INF/lib folder when deploying the war application.
You need to have the appropriate jar dependency (I mean, the correct version) depending on the annotation that you have in your code.
In order to see more explanation, maybe you can provide your server stack trace.
