Modx plugin manual installation - modx-revolution

I was looking for an AMP plugin in Modx but since now there's no official packages, but I found this
I dunno how to install it, I read the official documentation but is not so clear and it's a bit outdated. I tryed to put in core/packages and install thru the panel without success. Any helps?

I guess you should create a new plugin within the MODX-backend and paste the content of this file in it:
But I don't know on which event you want the plugin to get triggered (maybe on "OnWebPagePrerender"?)
The other files should be in your "core/components"-folder.


Bloodhound html file changes are not affecting in ui

I am working on ui bloodhound changes. I have to remove logo of apache bloodhound and header tabs in the dashboard. I made the changes in bloodhound_theme-> bhtheme-> templates-> bloodhound_theme.html, this location file but no changes have been made in ui. after running the server. I checked in the google i didnt get any material regarding it. If anyone knows the way to make a changes in bloodhound ui manually please guide me.
Bloodhound is built on Trac, so most of the Trac documentation applies.
You can modify aspects of the header using configuration options, so modifying a template may not be necessary. See also this documentation.
To modify templates you should follow the instructions TracInterfaceCustomization. In short, you should put a copy of the template in the Environment templates directory.
Keep in mind for any modifications to js and css files, particularly if you followed the installation instructions to install Bloodhound: you'll need to re-run the deploy command to extract static assets to the location from which they are served.
$ trac-admin /opt/bloodhound/environments/main/ deploy /opt/bloodhound/environments/main/site

How to get Swagger UI to work based on documentation guide? (even the example)

I am trying to use Swagger UI to document our node.js API, so I went to, down to Swagger UI Documentation -> Usage, to find this
Now, this is not the only place that provides these instructions, there are dozens of blogs & tutorials saying the same thing, so that's exactly what I did.
Cloned the repo, went into /dist/ and ran the /dist/index.html and all I get is an empty page with an error:
I'm slowly going crazy now as I can't find anything about it and literally every place I looked just has the same, copied, instructions with nothing else provided (like what could go wrong? you just open a file...)
Any help or explanations are much appreciated!
P.S. for some reason opening the /public/index.html works (mentioned nowhere on the www)
I think this is bug in new version of swagger-UI. This is fresh release and they are still modifying and fixing bugs.
Look here: Swagger-ui cannot access JS scripts. This seems to be similar problem, maybe it will help you.

What happened to »grails doc« in grails3?

The grails 2.x doc feature looks really helpful/promising:
It says that the command »grails doc« - »Generates a user guide and Javadoc + Groovydoc API documentation for the current Grails project.
However, this section of the manual is gone in Grails 3.0.10. I could not find related info in the changelog and the grails interactive console does not know anything about a doc command. I used google but could not find anything about this. (I know about groovydoc and I use it now, but it does not know about the grails innards out-of-the-box, so my question stands)
Where did it go? Why was it removed? Will it come back?
I know this is old but... You now use gradle groovydoc to generate documentation..
You can also config it in your build.gradle
groovydoc {
destinationDir = new File("${project.docsDir}${File.separator}javadoc")
check out more here:

How to configure JIRA_HOME?

How to configure JIRA_HOME? I'm getting an error:
Configured jira.home '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone' must not be a parent directory of the webapp servlet path '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira'
Changed it and now I get this:
Configured jira.home '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira' must not be the same as the webapp servlet path '/Users/codedroid/Downloads/atlassian-jira-5.1-standalone/atlassian-jira'
Have a look in here, if you're still having troubles please write what did you set JIRA_HOME to be and where did you defined it, thanks.
Yea, that documentation is more of 'how to' instead of 'what'. A better explanation of what the JIRA_HOME should be is writen in more details here.
Anyway, if you feel that the documentation are confusing or just bad, you could do everyone a favour and write it at the bottom of the page, under comments, so other could see it easily.
The JIRA documentation does NOT! make it clear even to a seasoned programmer that this JIRA_HOME directory is referring to a data directory and not the installation directory. If there are any JIRA folks out there please fix this outragious misunderstanding in your documentation. JAVA_HOME refers to you guessed it the installation location of java. Its called a 'convention' if you want to invent some other meaning please say so it your documentation and don't wast valuable developer time on installing your productivity tool. Think its not a problem? Google 'must not be the same as the webapp servlet path' and see what you get back. Thanks for wasting my afternoon, and no doubt the time of many others.
(warning) However, avoid locating the JIRA Home Directory inside the JIRA Installation Directory.
This appears in only documentation point and is not the first place people look as noted above
Just create a folder named JIRA, then set the environment variable JIRA_HOME as D:\JIRA, as well as the application properties file.
jira.home = D:\\JIRA
Don't be confused with the JAVA_HOME, JIRA_HOME has absolutely nothing to do with the folder of your zip ball downloaded from official website.
JIRA_HOME is an empty folder where JIRA will create everything it needs in a RUNTIME.
It is NOT a folder where your unpacked JIRA distribution resides.
P.S. yes it is confusing still in 2021

I cannot find the searchableController or the view for the Searchable plugin in Grails

I installed the searchable plugin on Grails and when I run my application I can browse to it and the searchable function works fine.
The only problem is that I cannot find the searchableController or even the view of it in my project. So I'm not able to edit anything or rewire the code to fit in another controller or view.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Kind regards.
The SearchableController and its views are located inside the searchable plugin, see $HOME/.grails/<version>/projects/<projectname>/plugins/searchable.
Be warned: it's a really bad idea to modify anything in $HOME/.grails manually unless you're sure what you're doing.
Instead you could either:
download the plugin from svn/git and reference it as 'inplace' plugin. If you don't know about inplace plugins, just google for it.
copy the SearchableController from $HOME/.grails to your project and modify it.
