How to construct a subring of a polynomial ring in Magma - symbolic-computation

This question is about the computer algebra system Magma (not the linear algebra library), and is crossposted from scicomp.SE.
Please forgive if this is off-topic; I am a regular user of the StackExchange network but this is my first post on StackOverflow. I am looking for the right home for this kind of question. (In principle it seems to me to be scicomp.SE but it hasn't gotten an answer in 4 days so I wanted to know if StackOverflow yielded a different result.)
Suppose one has constructed a polynomial algebra A over a ring R in Magma. How does one construct the sub-R-algebra of A generated by a given list of elements of A?
This seems to me to be a very basic operation so I can't believe there isn't a way to do it, but I haven't so far found it in the handbook. (I see functionality to construct subalgebras of matrix algebras and of endomorphism rings of abelian varieties, but not polynomial rings.)


Supervised learning linear regression

I am confused about how linear regression works in supervised learning. Now I want to generate a evaluation function for a board game using linear regression, so I need both the input data and output data. Input data is my board condition, and I need the corresponding value for this condition, right? But how can I get this expected value? Do I need to write an evaluation function first by myself? But I thought I need to generate an evluation function by using linear regression, so I'm a little confused about this.
It's supervised-learning after all, meaning: you will need input and output.
Now the question is: how to obtain these? And this is not trivial!
Candidates are:
historical-data (e.g. online-play history)
some form or self-play / reinforcement-learning (more complex)
But then a new problem arises: which output is available and what kind of input will you use.
If there would be some a-priori implemented AI, you could just take the scores of this one. But with historical-data for example you only got -1,0,1 (A wins, draw, B wins) which makes learning harder (and this touches the Credit Assignment problem: there might be one play which made someone lose; it's hard to understand which of 30 moves lead to the result of 1). This is also related to the input. Take chess for example and take a random position from some online game: there is the possibility that this position is unique over 10 million games (or at least not happening often) which conflicts with the expected performance of your approach. I assumed here, that the input is the full board-position. This changes for other inputs, e.g. chess-material, where the input is just a histogram of pieces (3 of these, 2 of these). Now there are much less unique inputs and learning will be easier.
Long story short: it's a complex task with a lot of different approaches and most of this is somewhat bound by your exact task! A linear evaluation-function is not super-uncommon in reinforcement-learning approaches. You might want to read some literature on these (this function is a core-component: e.g. table-lookup vs. linear-regression vs. neural-network to approximate the value- or policy-function).
I might add, that your task indicates the self-learning approach to AI, which is very hard and it's a topic which somewhat gained additional (there was success before: see Backgammon AI) popularity in the last years. But all of these approaches are highly complex and a good understanding of RL and the mathematical-basics like Markov-Decision-Processes are important then.
For more classic hand-made evaluation-function based AIs, a lot of people used an additional regressor for tuning / weighting already implemented components. Some overview at chessprogramming wiki. (the chess-material example from above might be a good one: assumption is: more pieces better than less; but it's hard to give them values)

what actually the sigmoid derivative purpose?

Honestly im learning the neural network but i have a question in the activation part.
I know that the question is general and a lot of explanation around the internet. But i still don't understand clearly.
Why we need to derivate the sigmoid function? why do not we just use
It will be good if you give the clear explanation. Thankyou.
I've seen many videos on youtube, i've read many article about it but still don't get it.
Thanks for your help.
Your question is not entirely clear, but I assume you are asking: "Why don't we just use the Sigmoid function without having to calculate its derivative?".
Your question is also very broad, so my answer is very broad and wordy, you will need to read more to understand all the details, for which I'll try to provide links.
Activation function: as the name suggests, we are wanting to know if a given node is "on" or "off", for which the sigmoid function provides an easy way to turn continuous variables (X) into a range of {0,1}.
Use cases can vary and this function has certain properties, and so that is why there are many alternative "activation" functions, like tanh, ReLU, etc. Read more here:
Differentiate (derivate): most models we want to find the best-fit beta parameters for all our activation functions. To do this we, we typically want to minimise a "cost" function that describes how good our model is at predicting observed data. One way to solve this optimisation problem is Gradient Descent. Each step of gradient descent updates the parameters by following the multi-dimensional cost-function space. To do this, it needs the gradient of the activation function. This is important for back propagation that uses gradient descent to optimise the network, it requires that the activation functions you use (in most cases) to be differentiateable.
Read more here:
I suggest if you have a deeper question that you take it to one of the machine learning stackexchange sites.

What is multiobjective clustering?

I don't understand what is the multiobjective clustering is it using multiple variables for clustering or what?
I know that stack overflow might not be the best for this kind of questions, but
I've asked it on other website and I did not got a response.
Multiobjective optimization in general means that you have multiple criterions which you are interested in, which cannot be simply converted to something comparable. For example consider problem when you try to have very fast model and very accurate one. Time is measured in s, accuracy in %. How do you compare (1s, 90%) and (10days, 92%)? Which one is better? In general there is no answer. Thus what people usually do - they look for pareto front, so you test K models and selec M <= K of them such that, none of them is clearly "beaten" by any else. For example if we add (1s, 91%) to the previous example, Pareto front will be {(1s, 91%), (10days, 92%)} (as (1s, 90%) < (1s, 91%), and remaining ones are impossible to compare).
And now you can apply the same problem in clustering setting. Say for example that you want to build a model which is fast to classify new instances, minimizes avg. distance inside each cluster, and does not put into each cluster too many special instances labeled with X. Then again you will get models (clusterings) which are now characterized by 3, not comparable, measures, and in Multiobjective Clustering you try to deal with these problems (like for example finding Pareto front of such clusterings).

Objective-C Quadratic/Polynomial regression (Linest function in excel)

The objective-c math library seems pretty basic.
I'm looking for some statistics analysis functions like the Excel function "linest" to retrieve the quadratic or polynomial regressions of a data set with a given order.
Is there any function similar to the "linest" function for objective-c? Or a known statistics library/framework?
I have a hard time to believe I'm the first person to stumble upon this problem in iOS.
I spend several days getting through the math and getting it in code because I couldn't find a math library for iOS with the function I needed. I wouldn't recommend anyone do to that again, it wasn't a walk in the park, so I published my solution on my github. You can find it here:
It's easy to use, just give the x values and y values of the data and the order of polynomial you want to get and voila, you got it.
Hope this might help some people. Feel free to improve if you can. I'm just happy it finally worked.
The standard math library in general only gives you an interface to the elementary mathematical operations that are implemented in the FPU part of a CPU.
For linear regression you need either your own algorithm, it is not that complicated to implement in a handful of loops, or a dedicated (most likely) statistics library.
Writing your own algorithm for higher order or general regression is simple if a QR decomposition algorithm is available, for instance via bindings for LAPACK or similar. Then to solve
minimize sum (b[0]*f[0](x[k])+...+b[n]*f[n](x[k])-y[k])^2
one has just to construct the matrix [X|Y] where X[k,j]=f[j](x[k]) is the matrix of the values of the ansatz functions and Y[k]=y[k] is the column vector of the values to approximate. Apply the QR algorithm to [X|Y], identify or extract the R factor from its result and solve for b in
via back-substitution.

Curve reconstruction implementation

Last couple of days I spent on searching for curve reconstruction implementations, and found none - not as a library nor as a tool.
To describe my problem.
My main concern are contours with gaps:
From papers I've read in the meantime, I guess solution will require usage of Delaunay triangulation, and the method referenced most seems to be described in 1997 paper "The Crust and the β-Skeleton: Combinatorial Curve Reconstruction
Can someone point me to a curve reconstruction implementation, that can help me solve this problem?
Algorithm is implemented in CGAL. Example implementation can be seen in C++ in CGAL ipelets demo package. Even more compiling the demo allows user applying the algorithm in ipe GUI application:
In above example I selected just part of my image, as bottom lines did not meet necessary requirements, so crust can't be applied on that part until corrected. Further, image has to be sampled, as can be noticed.
If no one provides another implementation example, I'll mark my answer as correct after couple of days.
Delaunay triangulation uses discretized curve, and with that loses information. That can cause strange problems where you don't expect them. In your example, probably middle part on lower boundary would cause a problem.
In this situations maybe it is good to collect relevant information from model and try to make a matching.
Something like, for each end point collect contour derivative in a neighbourhood. Than find all end points to which that end point can be connected, with approximative derivative direction and that joint doesn't cross other line. It is possible to give weight to possible connection by joint distance and deviation from local derivative. Giving weight defines weighted graph with possible end point connections. Maximal edge matching in that graph would be good solution to a problem.
There are quite a few ways to solve this;
You could simply write a worm that follows the curves and when you reach the end of one, you take your current direction vector along with gradient and extrapolate it forward. Find all the other endpoints that would best fit and then score them; Reconnect up with the one with the highest score. Simple, and prone to problems if its more than a simple break up.
A hierarchical waterfall method might be interesting
There are threshold methods in waterfall (and level-set methods) that can be used to detect these gaps and fill them in.
