Verification code always invalid Swift Parse - ios

Im using SMS verification to verify users. My problem is that when I enter a code to verify I get invalid code. I can't for the life of me figure out why.
Calling cloud code function:
#IBAction func verifyCodeButtonTapped(sender: AnyObject) {
var verificationCode: String = verificationCodeTextField.text!
let textFieldText = verificationCodeTextField.text ?? ""
if verificationCode.utf16.count < 4 || verificationCode.utf16.count > 4 {
displayAlert("Error", message: "You must entert the 4 digit verification code sent yo your phone")
} else {
let params = ["verificationCode" : textFieldText]
PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("verifyPhoneNumber", withParameters: params, block: { (object: AnyObject?, error) -> Void in
if error == nil {
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("showVerifyCodeView", sender: self)
} else {
self.displayAlert("Sorry", message: "We couldnt verify you. Please check that you enterd the correct 4 digit code sent to your phone")
Cloud code to verify code:
Parse.Cloud.define("verifyPhoneNumber", function(request, response) {
var user = Parse.User.current();
var verificationCode = user.get("phoneVerificationCode");
if (verificationCode == request.params.phoneVerificationCode) {
user.set("phoneNumber", request.params.phoneNumber);;
} else {
response.error("Invalid verification code.");

Your parameter names are mismatched between the iOS and JS code.
verificationCode vs phoneVerificationCode
let params = ["verificationCode" : textFieldText]
To use the same parameter name:
let params = ["phoneVerificationCode" : textFieldText]
Other issues I see with the code:
The first two lines of the iOS code create a variable and a constant from the textField's text value. Get rid of the verificationCode variable and just use the textFieldText constant.
I would add some more error states to the Cloud Code before you check if the codes are equivalent. First check if the parameter exists and the expected type and length:
var requestCode = request.params.phoneVerificationCode;
if ((typeof requestCode !== "string") || (requestCode.length !== 4)) {
// The verification code did not come through from the client
Then perform the same checks on the value from the user object:
else if ((typeof verificationCode !== "string) || (verificationCode.length !== 4)) {
// There is not a verification code on the Parse User
Then you can continue to checking if requestCode and verificationCode are equivalent.


Firebase HTTPs Callable iOS Swift

I've create a workable Cloud Function using Firebase in which works using my browser. Now, I'm working with my iOS Swift code, and have successfully installed all dependencies.
However, I'm new to iOS/Swift and try to figure out where to call the URL from the Cloud Function? Here is the code Firebase provides to call from within an iOS App:
functions.httpsCallable("addMessage").call(["text": "test"]) { (result, error) in
if let error = error as NSError? {
if error.domain == FunctionsErrorDomain {
let code = FunctionsErrorCode(rawValue: error.code)
let message = error.localizedDescription
let details = error.userInfo[FunctionsErrorDetailsKey]
// ...
if let text = (result?.data as? [String: Any])?["text"] as? String {
Here's the callable Cloud Function (which is deployed):
exports.addMessage = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const text = data.text;
return {
firstNumber: 1,
secondNumber: 2,
operator: '+',
operationResult: 1 + 2,
As of now, I see nothing printed in my XCode console, expect the callable function. Thank you!
It sounds like you may be using an HTTP request Cloud Function. HTTP callable Cloud Functionss are not the same thing as HTTP request Cloud Functions.
Notice the signature of HTTP callable Cloud Functions:
exports.addMessage = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
// ...
versus HTTP request Cloud Functions: = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
// ...
If you're using onRequest, you will have to make an HTTP request from the client. If you're using a callable function, then you just pass the function name and data as shown in the sample. Judging from the link you showed, it would be something like
functions.httpsCallable("testFunction").call(["foo": "bar"]) { (result, error) in
I figured about the problem. I had to update my Cloud Function return key to match my Swift function. Here is TypeScript code:
exports.addMessage = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const text = data.text;
return {
text: "100"
Hope this works. Make sure to add a 'text' element on the return part of your callable Cloud Function, for example:
exports.addMessage = functions.https.onCall((data,
context) => {
const text = data.text;
return {
text: text
firstNumber: 1,
secondNumber: 2,
operator: '+',
operationResult: 1 + 2,
In your code, you're returning variables which you're not using, such as 'firstNumber', 'secondNumber', 'operator', and 'operationResult', and your forgetting to add the important variable, which is 'text'.
instead of (result?.data as? [String: Any])?["text"] as? String
use result?.data
finally it look something like this
if let text = (result?.data) {

Convert any object to boolean in swift?

I am getting a dictionary as JSON response from server.From that dictionary there is a key "error" now i want to get the value of "error" key.I know that error always will be either 0 or 1.So i tried to get it as boolean but it did not work for me.Please suggest how can i convert its value to boolean.
let error=jsonResult.objectForKey("error")
//this does not work for me
//proceed ahead
Bool does not contain an initializer that can convert Int to Bool. So, to convert Int into Bool, you can create an extension, i.e.
extension Bool
init(_ intValue: Int)
switch intValue
case 0:
Now you can get the value of key error using:
if let error = jsonResult["error"] as? Int, Bool(error)
// error is true
// error does not exist/ false.
Very Simple Way: [Updated Swift 5]
Create a function:
func getBoolFromAny(paramAny: Any)->Bool {
let result = "\(paramAny)"
return result == "1"
Use the function:
if let anyData = jsonResult["error"] {
if getBoolFromAny(anyData) {
// error is true
} else {
// error is false
Also, if you want one line condition, then above function can be reduced like:
if let anyData = jsonResult["error"], getBoolFromAny(anyData) {
// error is true
} else {
// error is false
Considering jsonResult as NSDictionary and error value is Bool. you can check it by following way.
guard let error = jsonResult.object(forKey: "error") as? Bool else{
// error key does not exist / as boolean
if !error {
// not error
else {
// error
Your error is neither 0 or 1. It is an optional object. It is nil if there was no key "error" in your JSON, otherwise it's probably an NSNumber.
It is most likely that nil means "no error" and if it's not nil and contains a zero it means "no error" and if it's not nil and contains a one it means "error" and if it's not nil and contains anything else then something is badly wrong with your json.
Try this:
let errorObject = jsonResult ["error"]
if errorObject == nil or errorObject as? NSInteger == 0
When I say "try", I mean "try". You're the responsible developer here. Check if it works as wanted with a dictionary containing no error, with a dictionary containing an error 0 or 1, and a dictionary containing for example error = "This is bad".
Check equality between error and 0 instead:
let error = jsonResult.objectForKey("error")
if error == 0 {
// proceed
Another Important point here is, you're using Swift and parsing the repsonse as NSDictionary. I can say that because you're using objectForKey method. Best practice would be to parse it as Swift Dictionary.
It may look like Dictionary<String:AnyObject> or [String:AnyObject]
Then you can check for the error as :
if let error = jsonResult["error"] where error == 0 {
//your code
Below code worked for me
if let error = jsonResult["error"] as? Int where Bool(error)
// error is true
print("error is true")
// error does not exist/ false.
print("error is false")

Synch SMS Verification with 6 digits instead of 4

The Synch SMS verification I get is only 4 digits. How do I make it 6 digits?
Below is the code I am using. This code just seems to send 4 digits for verification whereas I would like it to be 6 digits.
var verification: Verification! // this is defined in the class
private func initiateVerification() {
verification = SMSVerification(applicationKey: SinchConstants.applicationKey, phoneNumber: phoneNumber)
verification.initiate { (success, error) in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
if success {
} else {
if let error = error where error.code == -1001 {
} else {
you cant control it in the dashboard, but I am happy to change it for you if you mail in your appkey and that you want to 6 digits to

PubNub message text returning nil?

When I send a message using iOS to a PubNub channel, I can use the didReceiveMessage function to get that message and put it in my tableView. However, if I send a message via a client in the Dev Dashboard, returns nil after I try to cast it as a String. Here's the function in question:
func client(client: PubNub, didReceiveMessage message: PNMessageResult) {
print("Received: %",
let newMessage:String? = as? String
print(newMessage) // returns nil
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
I get the following response in console from print("Received: %",
Received: % Optional({
text = test;
However, print(newMessage) is returning nil. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I'm getting the same thing when I try to get messages from the historyForChannel function.
//get history
pubNub.historyForChannel("channelname" as String, withCompletion: { (result, status) -> Void in
if status == nil {
if result!.data.messages.count > 0 {
let historyMessages = result!.data.messages.description as? [String]
for item in historyMessages!{
historyMessages is nil, even though result prints:
Operation = History;
Request = {
Authorization = "not set";
Method = GET;
Origin = "";
"POST Body size" = 0;
Secure = YES;
URL = "...redacted";
UUID = "...redacted";
Response = {
"Processed data" = {
end = 14609023551682481;
messages = (
"technically ",
text = "Well..ok then";
"really ",
text = "Well..ok then";
How do I get the text from these returned messages?
From behaviour and fact what history fetch printed out status object means what you probably configured your client with cipherKey. That status object which you receive probably has category set to decryption error.
If you want to use encryption - you should use same key for all clients, or they won't be able to decrypt sent messages. If cipherKey is set, client automatically try to decrypt data and it will fail if regular text has been received.
Make sure both (console and iOS client) configured with same cipherKey or if you don't need it, make sure what it not set on any of clients.
Best regards,

PFUser not unwrapped - swift

I'm beginning to learn swift with parse and i've run into this error:
"Value of optional type 'PFUser?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'
I can't seem to get it to work...
"user_about_me", "user_birthday"], block: {
user, error in
if user == nil {
println("the user canceled fb login")
//add uialert
//new user
else if user.isNew {
println("user singed up through FB")
//get information from fb then save to parse
FBRequestConnection.startWithGraphPath("/me?fields=picture,first_name,birthday,gender", completionHandler: {
connection, result, error in
//print results
//result dictionary about user
var r = result as NSDictionary
//prnt dictionary
//match parse column with what fb sends
user["firstName"] = r["first_name"]
user["gender"] = r["gender"]
//r = result, then key into using picture. Then key into url using the data
let pictureURL = ((r["picture"] as NSDictionary)["data"] as NSDictionary) ["url"] as String
Instead of using if user == nil {... you should really use
if let user = user {
// Login succeeded...
else {
// Login failed
The variable user will then be unwrapped inside the if let and you can continue using user the same way you are.
Here is explanation: What is an "unwrapped value" in Swift?
"user_about_me", "user_birthday"], block: {
user, error in
if user == nil {
println("the user canceled fb login")
//add uialert
//new user
else if user!.isNew {
println("user singed up through FB")
//get information from fb then save to parse
FBRequestConnection.startWithGraphPath("/me?fields=picture,first_name,birthday,gender", completionHandler: {
connection, result, error in
//print results
//result dictionary about user
var r = result as NSDictionary
//prnt dictionary
//match parse column with what fb sends
user["firstName"] = r["first_name"]
user["gender"] = r["gender"]
//r = result, then key into using picture. Then key into url using the data
let pictureURL = ((r["picture"] as NSDictionary)["data"] as NSDictionary) ["url"] as String
