Type 'Int' has no subscript members - ios

I wrote a function:
func rms16(buffer: Int, bufferSize: Int) -> Float
let sum: Float = 0.0
let mySize: Int = bufferSize / sizeof(CShort)
var buffer_short: Int = buffer
for var i = 0; i < mySize; i++ {
sum += buffer_short[i] * 2
let sqrt1: Float = sqrtf(sum / Float(mySize))
return (sqrt1) / Float(mySize)
Above function in a for loop it show me error like this:
Type Int has no subscript members
Anyone tell me how can i fix it?

The buffer_short is an integer variable not an array of integer.
You need to change the first argument of your function to an array of integer, like:
func rms16(buffer: [Int], bufferSize: Int) -> Float
let sum: Float = 0.0
let mySize: Int = bufferSize / sizeof(CShort)
var buffer_short = buffer
for var i = 0; i < mySize; i++
sum += buffer_short[i] * 2
let sqrt1: Float = sqrtf(sum / Float(mySize))
return (sqrt1) / Float(mySize)

Your comments indicate that the first parameter should be a pointer to a character buffer. The corresponding Swift type is UnsafePointer<CChar>. Note also that you are multiplying by 2
instead of squaring in your Swift code, and that sum must be
declared as a variable.
So your Swift function would be
func rms16(buffer: UnsafePointer<CChar>, bufferSize: Int) -> Float
var sum: Float = 0.0
let mySize = bufferSize / sizeof(CShort)
// Create a pointer to a buffer of `CShort` elements from the given pointer:
let buffer_short = UnsafeBufferPointer<CShort>(start: UnsafePointer(buffer), count: mySize)
for var i = 0; i < mySize; i++ {
sum += pow(Float(buffer_short[i]), 2)
let sqrt1 = sqrtf(sum / Float(mySize))
return (sqrt1) / Float(mySize)
The summation loop can be reduced (!) to:
let sum = buffer_short.reduce(0.0, combine: { $0 + pow(Float($1), 2)} )


swift function to return array index based on name

I have the below code in android java, that randomly return array index based on username. I tried writing same function in swift but no luck.
Android array xml
<array name="username_colors">
Working example in android
private final int[] mUsernameColors = context.getResources().getIntArray(R.array.username_colors);
private int getUsernameColor(String username) {
int hash = 7;
for (int i = 0, len = username.length(); i < len; i++) {
hash = username.codePointAt(i) + (hash << 5) - hash;
int index = Math.abs(hash % mUsernameColors.length);
return mUsernameColors[index];
My attempt in swift
func getUsernameColor(username: String) -> String{
let colors = [
var hash = 7
let len = colors.count
//let len = username.count
for i in (0..<len) {
//let scalars = colors[i].unicodeScalars
let scalars = username.unicodeScalars
let firstScalar = scalars[scalars.startIndex]
hash = Int(firstScalar.value) + (hash << 5) - hash
let index = abs(hash % colors.count)
return colors[index]
Try this
func getUsernameColor(username: String) -> String{
let colors = [
var hash: UInt32 = 7
for char in username {
let hashAddition = char.unicodeScalars.first!.value.addingReportingOverflow((hash << 5))
hash = hashAddition.partialValue.subtractingReportingOverflow(hash).partialValue
let index = abs(Int(hash) % colors.count)
return colors[index]

Different results and codes for the discrete cosine transform... what is going on?

I need to do a Discreet Cosine Transform of the following data:
If I use the Accelerate functions provided by Apple, I get these results:
If I use a code I call dctA I get this:
and if I use another code I have found on the web, that I call dctB I get this:
These are the 3 codes in order:
let DCTSetupForward = vDSP_DCT_CreateSetup(nil,
var output = Array<Float>(repeating:0.0,
count: numberSamples)
vDSP_DCT_Execute(DCTSetupForward!, data, &output)
func dctA (_ data:[Float] = []) -> Array<Float> {
let numberSamples = data.count
var c = [Float](repeating: 0,
count: numberSamples)
for i in 0..< numberSamples {
var sum : Float = 0
let s : Float = (i == 0) ? sqrt(0.5) : 1
for j in 0..< numberSamples {
sum = sum + s * data[j] * cos(Float.pi * (numberSamples + 0.5) * Float(i) / numberSamples)
c[i] = sum * sqrt(2.0 / numberSamples)
return c;
func dctB (_ data:[Float] = []) -> Array<Float> {
var angle : Float
var c :[Float] = []
let numberSamples = data.count
for i in 0..<numberSamples {
for j in 0..< numberSamples {
let fk = Float(2*j + 1)
let y = Float.pi * Float(i) * fk
let fky = fk * y
let x = Float(2 * numberSamples)
angle = fky / x
c[i] = c[i] + cos ( angle ) * data[j];
c[i] = c[i] * sqrt (2.0/Float(numberSamples));
return c;
I have noticed the difference in the two last codes. So, I have 3 questions:
Why am I having 3 different results for the DCT of this data?
Can someone with mathlab check which is the right one?
why the difference in the last two codes?
Searching through Wikipedia and the formula of the above are different for typeII.
If you following the corrected one below, the error mainly comes from rounding during multiplying and summation.
let DCTSetupForward = vDSP_DCT_CreateSetup(nil,
var output = Array<Float>(repeating:0.0,
count: numberSamples)
vDSP_DCT_Execute(DCTSetupForward!, data, &output)
func dctA (_ data:[Float] = []) -> Array<Float> {
let numberSample = data.count
var c = [Float](repeating: 0,
count: numberSample)
for i in 0..<numberSample {
var sum : Float = 0
let s : Float = (i == 0) ? 1 : 1
for j in 0..<numberSample {
sum = sum + s * data[j] * cos(Float.pi * (Float(j) + 0.5) * Float(i) / Float(numberSample))
c[i] = sum
return c;
func dctB (_ data:[Float] = []) -> Array<Float> {
var angle : Float
var c :[Float] = []
let numberSampl = data.count
for i in 0..<numberSampl {
for j in 0..<numberSampl {
let fk = Float(2*j + 1)
let y = Float.pi * Float(i) * fk
// let fky = fk * y
let x = Float(2 * numberSampl)
angle = y / x
c[i] = c[i] + cos ( angle ) * data[j];
return c;

Concatenate Int like String in Swift?

I need Something like
var a = 1
var b = 2
var c = a + b should be 12 (Int) instead of 3.
var a = 12
var b = 34
var c = a + b should be 1234 (Int) instead of 46.
I am not figuring out how can we do this for any number?
One way is to convert two both Int to String, concatenate and covert it again that String to Int, but I don't think it's efficient.
Thank you in advance if you have a solution.
You can do it with simple conversion like below:
var a = 1
var b = 2
var c = Int("\(a)\(b)") // Result 12
var a1 = 12
var b1 = 34
var c1 = Int("\(a1)\(b1)") // Result 1234
var a2 = 122344
var b2 = 9022
var c2 = Int("\(a2)\(b2)") // Result 1223449022
12+34 = 12*10^2 + 34 = 1200+34 = 1234
func logC(val: Double, forBase base: Double) -> Double {
return log(val)/log(base)
var a = 10
var b = 0
let x = b == 10 ? 2 : b == 0 ? 1 : ceil(logC(val: Double(b), forBase: 10))
var c = Int(Double(a) * pow(10, x) + Double(b))
You can write something like this:
extension Int {
func concatenateDecimalDigits(in other: Int) -> Int {
let scale: Int
switch other {
case 0...9:
scale = 10
case 10...99:
scale = 100
case 100...999:
scale = 1000
case 1000...9999:
scale = 10000
case 10000...99999:
scale = 100000
case 100000...999999:
scale = 1000000
//You need to add more cases if you need...
scale = 0 //ignore invalid values
return self * scale + other
var a = 1
var b = 2
print( a.concatenateDecimalDigits(in: b) ) //->12
a = 12
b = 34
print( a.concatenateDecimalDigits(in: b) ) //->1234
a = 122344
b = 9022
print( a.concatenateDecimalDigits(in: b) ) //->1223449022
You can write some logic to calculate scale without switch, but that does not make much difference.
General solution for any two Int:
You will need to calculate number of digits for calculate multiplier as:
func numberOfDigits(_ num: Int) -> Int {
var count = 0
var number = num
while number > 0 {
number = number / 10
count += 1
return count
Use it as:
let a = 11
let b = 24
let noOfDigit = numberOfDigits(b)
let multiplier = pow(Double(10), Double(noOfDigit))
let c = a * Int(multiplier) + b
And, in one line as:
let c = a * Int(pow(Double(10), Double(numberOfDigits(b)))) + b

Int array to Int standard method

I am trying to convert an Int array to an Int number. What I am now
doing is converting it to a String array and then use the joined() function. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
let sortedIntArray = String(number).characters.map{Int(String($0)) ?? 0}.sorted(by: { $0 > $1 })
let desOrder = Int(sortedIntArray.map{String($0)}.joined())!
In your case, sortedIntArray is an array of single-digit numbers,
and then you can combine them without any conversion to strings:
let sortedIntArray = [4, 2, 1]
let result = sortedIntArray.reduce(0) { 10 * $0 + $1 }
print(result) // 421
Combined with the dfri's elegant solution to split the number
into an integer array:
let number = 1439
let descDigits = sequence(state: number, next: { (num: inout Int) -> Int? in
return num > 0 ? (num % 10, num /= 10).0 : nil
}).sorted(by: >)
print(descDigits) // [9, 4, 3, 1]
let descNumber = descDigits.reduce(0) { 10 * $0 + $1 }
print(descNumber) // 9431
Use the reduce method instead of map and joined
let desOrder = Int(sortedIntArray.reduce("") { $0 + String($1) })
reduce(intialResult: Result, (Result, Any) throws -> Result) rethrows
You asked about efficiency, as to this answer by Martin R, my guess is that is the most efficient answer
var number = 1992843
var arr = [Int]()
while number > 0 {
arr.append(number % 10)
number = number / 10
for n in arr {
number = number * 10
number += n

Swift 1.2 "Cannot express tuple conversion" error

This method was working fine in the last stable version of Swift, but it won't compile in Swift 1.2:
final func rotateBlocks(orientation: Orientation) {
if let blockRowColumnTranslation:Array<(columnDiff: Int, rowDiff: Int)> = blockRowColumnPositions[orientation] {
for (idx, (columnDiff:Int, rowDiff:Int)) in enumerate(blockRowColumnTranslation) {
blocks[idx].column = column + columnDiff
blocks[idx].row = row + rowDiff
This line:
for (idx, (columnDiff:Int, rowDiff:Int)) in enumerate(blockRowColumnTranslation) {
Throws the following error:
"Cannot express tuple conversion "(index:Int, element:(columnDiff:Int,rowDiff:Int)) to "(Int, (Int, Int))"
Any ideas about what's going on here, and how to fix it?
I would use typealias to simplify, but the following compiles without error for me.
var row: Int = 0
var column: Int = 1
struct block {
var column: Int
var row: Int
var blocks = [block]()
enum Orientation { case Up; case Down; }
typealias Diff = (columnDiff: Int, rowDiff: Int)
typealias DiffArray = Array<Diff>
typealias DiffArrayDict = [Orientation: DiffArray]
var blockRowColumnPositions = DiffArrayDict();
func rotateBlocks(orientation: Orientation) {
if let blockRowColumnTranslation: DiffArray = blockRowColumnPositions[orientation] {
for (idx, diff) in enumerate(blockRowColumnTranslation) {
blocks[idx].column = column + diff.columnDiff
blocks[idx].row = row + diff.rowDiff
I ran into the same thing and was able to get this working by adding an element: label for the tuple:
for (idx, element: (columnDiff: Int, rowDiff: Int)) in enumerate(blockRowColumnTranslation) {
blocks[idx].column = column + element.columnDiff
blocks[idx].row = row + element.rowDiff
Looks like a Swift bug to me. More generally, this is busted:
let pair = (a: 1, b: 2)
// normally those named elements don't matter, this is fine:
let (x,y) = pair
// but add a bit of nesting:
let indexed = (index: 1, pair)
// and, error:
let (i, (x,y)) = indexed
// cannot express tuple conversion '(index: Int, (a: Int, b: Int))' to '(Int, (Int, Int))'
I'd try removing the type names from the array's tuple declaration (i.e. Array<(Int,Int)> instead of Array<(columnDiff: Int, rowDiff: Int)>), see if that helps.
In other, perhaps related, news, this appears to crash the 1.2 compiler:
let a: Array<(Int,Int)> = [(x: 1,y: 2)]
Thanks guys! I wound up just rewriting it as a for-loop.. it's not exciting but it seems to work okay:
final func rotateBlocks(orientation: Orientation) {
if let blockRowColumnTranslation:Array<(columnDiff: Int, rowDiff: Int)> = blockRowColumnPositions[orientation] {
for var idx = 0; idx < blockRowColumnTranslation.count; idx++
let tuple = blockRowColumnTranslation[idx]
blocks[idx].column = column + tuple.columnDiff
blocks[idx].row = row + tuple.rowDiff
final func rotateBlocks(orientation: Orientation) {
if let blockRowColumnTranslation = blockRowColumnPositions[orientation] {
for (idx, diff) in enumerate(blockRowColumnTranslation) {
blocks[idx].column = column + diff.colunmDiff
blocks[idx].row = row + diff.rowDiff
