BeagleBone Black ADC Freezes - beagleboneblack

I am using the BeagleBone Black SBC flashed with the July 2015 debian image and attempting to utilize the on board ADC to measure voltage values. I am aware of there are issues with the sysfs adc kernel drivers that cause the virtual files containing the ADC values for each been to lock resulting in a "resource temporarily unavailable" error. To circumvent this I am attempting to make use of libpruio and the PRU's to read the ADC values. However a similar issue occurs. The ADC value freezes and will not update. Closing the program and re-running it causes the program to also freeze (sort of). The only solution being a reboot.
So the question is Two-fold:
1) Has anyone with experience using the PRU's with libpruio and the BeagleBone Black ever encountered this issue and if so what was your solution?
2) Does anyone know a way to actually USE the on board ADC on the BeagleBone black (including a different PRU library)? So far as I can tell its is barely functional.. All methods I have seen to use it are riddled with completely breaking errors. It seems that the BeagleBone as is is just completely in capable of useful ADC.
Basic code to access ADC w/ libpruio:
system("echo PRUSSDRV > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.9/slots");
PruIo *io = pruio_new(0, 0x98, 0, 1);
if (io->Errr)
printf("Initialisation failed (%s)\n", io->Errr);
if(pruio_config(io, 0, 0x1FE, 0, 4, 0))
printf("Config failed (%s)\n", io->Errr);
adc_raw = io->Value[6];
Further code can be provided as requested. In addition the problem is more prevalent when reading from an external device rather than having a voltage divider trim pot circuit using VDD_ADC, GND_ADC and AIN#.
The external source does not exceed 1.8v (ADC in pins are tolerant up to 1.8v).
Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
EDIT: Upon further experimentation I believe part of the issue is attempting to output a PWM signal while simultaneously reading ADC values. The program seems to fail only when PWM signal is being output.
Has anyone encountered this issue? Solutions? Thanks again in advance.
UPDATE: I am trying to use the PWM to drive a motor system and the ADC to read output voltage. The issue seems to occur only when the motors themselves are running regardless of whether the output is connected to the board or not. Not just when the PWM signal is output.
If I cut power to the motors and the board still outputs PWM it works fine.
If I power the motors and do NOT have the output motor connected to the ADC, but instead have the ADC pins connected to a separate trim pot using VDD_ADC the ADC freezes.
If I power the motors and do have the ADC connected to the output motor the ADC also freezes.
So it seems to be an issue with the motors actually running... Anyone have any thoughts?


Enforce use of independent flip mode with DXGI FLIP SwapChain

I currently face a problem with DXGI Swapchains (DirectX 11). My C++ application shows (live) video and my goal is to minimize latency. I have no user input to process.
In order to decrease latency I switched to a DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD swapchain (I used BitBlt before - see For best performance, use DXGI flip model for further details). I use the following flags:
//Swapchain Init:
On one computer the swapchain (windowed) goes into the "Hardware: Independent Flip" mode and I have perfectly low latency, as long as I have no other windows in front. On all other computers I tried, I am stuck in the "Composed: Flip" mode with higher latency (~ 25-30 ms more). The software (binary) is exactly the same. I am checking this with PresentMon.
What I find interesting is that on the computer where the independent flip mode works, it is also active without the ALLOW_TEARING flags - from what I understood they should be required for it. I btw also see tearing in this case, but that is a different problem.
I already tried to compare Windows 10 versions, graphic drivers and driver settings. GPU is a Quadro RTX 4000 for all systems. I couldn't spot any difference between the systems.
I would really appreciate any hints on additional preconditions for the independent flip mode I might have missed in the docs. Thanks for your help!
Update1: I updated the "working" system from Nvidia driver 511.09 to 473.47 (latest stable). After that I got the same behavior like on the other systems (no ind. flip). After going back to 511.09 it worked again. So the driver seems to have influence. The other systems also had 511.09 for my original tests though.
Update2: After dealing with all DirectX debug outputs, it still does not work as desired. I manage to get into independent flip mode only in real full screen mode or in windowed mode where the window has no decorations and actually covers the whole screen. Unfortunately, using the Graphics Tools for VS I never enter the independent flip and cannot do further analysis here. But it is interesting that when using the Graphics Tools debug, PresentMon shows Composed Flip, but the Graphics Analyzer from the Graphics Tools shows only DISCARD as SwapEffect for the SwapChain. I would have expected FLIP_DISCARD as I explicitly used DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD.

Xilinx - Vivado Project: VGA IO not working

I'm new to Xilinx-Vivado. So at the moment we just need to look and see how Vivado and SDK work using Zybo Zynq-7000 Board. I searched on the internet, and found a project with VGA IO. The mysterious thing is that I actually made it to work when I was at school, but due to the current situation, we are not able to get much help, I am now alone with it at home.
This is the project.
Firstly I'd like to ask what does the console below tell me?
I generated the bitstream, and then exported the hardware included the bitstream, lastly I launch SDK. On SDK i programmed the FPGA and then ran the project as Launch as Hardware (System debugger and GDB).
That's how I did it:
And the configuartions:
And the output I am getting through the console is:
To my main problem, it is that I have connected all the cables to the Zybo Board that is required; USB cable from my laptop to the FPGA and VGA cable from the FPGA up to my monitor screen. The problem is that I am not getting any output on my monitor, do I have to enable something so that my VGA cable from FPGA to monitor is working?
This ultimately boils down to standard debugging. I can only give a couple suggestions.
First, confirm that your design is working in simulation; check that your outputs, especially your sync signals, are working as expected.
Next confirm that your IO constraints are set up correctly and that you are using the right IO pins on the board.
If those all seem correct, ideally you'd have access to a signal analyzer, but that sounds unlikely in current circumstances. As an alternative, you can look at using an ILA, like chipscope, to probe the signals and see monitor them in hardware.
Last, and obviously, make sure all of the cables are connected correctly.
Good luck with the design.

IR receiver powered by AndroidThings

Is it possible to implement IR receiver on android-things?
1st idea:
Use GPIO as input and try to buffer changes and then parse the buffer to decode a message.
GPIO listener mechanism is too slow to observe IR signal.
Another way is to read GPIO infinite loop. But all IR protocols strongly depend on time and java(dalvik) in this case is to less accurate.
2nd idea
It seems to be possible to adjust baud rate to observe all bits of a message but UART API require to setup quantity of start bits etc. and this is a problem because IR protocols do not fit that schema.
IMHO at the moment, UART is the only path but it would be a huge workaround.
The overarching problem (as you've discovered) is that any non-realtime system will have difficulty parsing this input directly because of the timing constraints. This is a job best suited to a microcontroller where you can access a timer interrupt. Grab an inexpensive tinyAVR or PIC to manage the sensor for you.
You will also want to use a dedicated receiver sensor (you might already be doing this) to simplify parsing the signal. These sensors include a demodulator, which means you don't have to deal with 38kHz pulse signal and the input is converted into a more standard PWM wave.
I believe you can't process the IR signal in Java because the reading pulses would be quicker than the reading resolution-at least in a raspberry pi. To get faster gpio readings I'm confident you can do in c++ with ndk with the raspberry. Though it's not officially supported there's some tricks to enable it. See How to do GPIO on Android Things bypassing Java on how to write to gpio in c. From there it should be trivial to read in a tight loop. Though I would still try to hook the trigger from Java since so far I have no clear easy idea on how to write/install interrupts in c.

Microcontroller communication tasks in background

I'm using an ARM Cortex M4 and I want to ask if it's possible to unload main routine form communication tasks and let them run in background.
For example I'm using on ARM MCU this peripherals:
When adc_start(ADC); is called, ADC start conversion in background so I don't need to wait until ADC has finished conversion and I can go to the next istruction and later read the ADC result.
I want to ask if it's possible to do the same with communication periphericals. I2C and SPI can be fast, but since this MCU types can reach 50Mhz and more, it's a waste of MCU speed if I need to wait until I2C have finished to trasmit at 400kHz or SPI at 20Mhz or worst with UART. Also, if I perform some tasks and I don't want to interrupt them, I need to be able to unload MCU from any interrupts from peripherals and let them recive packets, buffer them and when I need to read them.
Something like this is possible?
If I've understood the question correctly, you're looking for automatic interrupt based handling of fast communication peripherals such as the I2C and SPI. As far as I know, YES! its achievable, at least on the Texas Instruments TIVA based ARM CORTEX M4 series MCUs. It's quite a nifty little feature to have around when you're working on computationally intensive algorithms and not have the CPU bogged down on waiting for the SPI to finish its task.
For a good reference on programming the CORTEX M4 peripherals, I recommend keeping this book handy:
Table 6-7 in chapter 6 of the book details the interrupt vector table on the TM4C123G MCU (the one shipped with the TIVA launchpad). Interrupts 50 and 53 are assignments for the SSI/SPI and I2C peripherals respectively. Process should be fairly straight forward once you unmask the right interrupts.

Fastest way to get frames from webcam

I have a little wee of a problem developing one of my programs in C++ (Visual studio) - Right now im struggling with connection of multiple webcams (connected via usb cables), creating for each of them separate thread to capture frames, and separate frame for processing image.
I use OpenCV to process frames, but the problem is that i dont get a peak of webcam possibilities (it supports 25 fps, i get only 18) is there some library that i could use to get frames, than process them with OpenCV that would made frames be captured faster?
I was researching a bit and the most popular way is to use directshow to get frames and OpenCV to process them.
Do You agree? Or do You have another solution?
I wouldn't be offended by some links :)
DirectShow is only used, if you open your capture using the
CV_CAP_DSHOW flag, like:
VideoCapture capture( CV_CAP_DSHOW + 0 ); // 0,1,2, your cam id there
(without it, it defaults to vfw )
the capture already runs in a separate thread, so wrapping it with more threads won't give you any gain.
another obstacle with multiple cams is the usb bandwidth, so if you got ports on the back & the front of your machine, dont plug all your cams into the same port/controller else you just saturate it
OpenCV uses DirectShow. Using DirectShow (primary video capture API in Windows) directly will obviously get you par or better performance (and even more likely so if OpenCV is set to use Video for Windows). USB cams typically hit USB bandwidth and hence frame rate limit, using DirectShow to capture in compressed formats or in formats with less bits/pixel is the way to reach higher frame rates within the same USB bandwidth limit.
Another typical problem causing low frame rates is slow synchronous processing delaying the capture. You typically identify this by putting trivial processing into the same capture loop and seeing higher FPS compared to processing-enabled operation.
