Is it alright to enforce users to update an ios application on their devices? [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was just wondering what are the guidlines and policies about updating an app on app store? Are we allowed to enforce the users to upgrade their applications programatically?

I'd like to give you some key-points, that might be useful in yours app-update strategies.
Non forced update: (1.X.X) You can use this strategy when you updated your app slightly and updating to it will provide user more delight product. Then you might use simple UIAlertView with notification about new version update and it's features and OK|Cancel buttons, that lead to appStore. This notification can be shown, for example, every time user launches the app. Every applicationDidBecomeActive call can ask your server for actual information about new version
Forced update (2.x.x) you might find it useful, when you made breaking changes on your server-side or you decided to stop supporting some old versions of the app. Then after server-call and retrieving information about app deprecation a modal viewcontroller can be shown with only button, that leads to AppStore and text, that informs about new version available.
Both of these scenarios are used in my apps, and I've never had any troubles with Apple's policies.


App submission with coming soon alert [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am new in ios development. I have created one app, in this app some features are not available right now. So my question is can i submit my app to app store with same design by giving coming soon alert for those features. Thanks in advance.
It is likely that your app will be rejected if you include such an alert. Refer to section 2.1 of the App Review Guidelines:
2.1 App Completeness
Submissions to App Review should be final versions with all necessary metadata and fully functional URLs included; placeholder text, empty websites, and other temporary content should be scrubbed before submission. Make sure your app has been tested on-device for bugs and stability before you submit it, and include demo account info (and turn on your back-end service!) if your app includes a login. If you offer in-app purchases in your app, make sure they are complete, up-to-date, and visible to the reviewer, or that you explain why not in your review notes. Please don’t treat App Review as a software testing service. We will reject incomplete app bundles and binaries that crash or exhibit obvious technical problems.
2.2 Beta Testing
Demos, betas, and trial versions of your app don’t belong on the App Store...
You should remove all reference to "future functions" and put it back in when the function is available.
Yeah, as per my knowledge you can submit but it must not crash on iphone or ipad and must follow all the guidelines of apple. Because coming soon is on kind of UI of your app so i don't think that it will be rejected due to this kind of stuff.
You should refer App Store Review Guidelines for more details.

App Update doesn't show up under 'App Store Updates' [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Apple just approved my update for my app but it doesn't show under the updates page of the app store. You have to manually go to the app page on the store and there is a cloud icon that appears that will download the update.
I named the first version of my app 6.1 for some reason, don't know why. And my update is version 2.0. Is this the reason? And if so, can i change the version number of the first to 1.0.
Apple never publishes the updates / new apps right after ready for sale. You have to be a bit patient and wait for about a day or something.
Also, it does not matter how you name your app versions. It can be whatever number you want it to be. Apple just recommends using numbers that make sense but they won't do anything about it.
Hope that helps :)

Removing an IOS app from the app store- from an existing user's perspective [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We are "Removing From Sale" an iOS App currently available on the AppStore. I am curious how this works from the perspective of people who have downloaded the app. I assume the previously downloaded App will keep working but is there a way (e.g., via an Upgrade) that we can let people know that App is no longer support and give them the option to remove it? Are there any best practices when removing an App so you don't piss off people who already use it (given that at some point it will break).
Your best bet is to release one more update to the app, notifying the user of the pending removal from sale. You could do this using a UIAlertView on launch, or in any number of ways. You could also update the App Store description to call users' attention to the pending deletion. If you simply remove the app from sale, existing users will keep their copy but will not be notified that it has been removed from sale.

Is it possible to share a deamon between multiple app on iphone? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We developing a SDK communicating with a bluetooth device. We would like to share that SDK among multiple apps, is it possible to do that on iOS ?
I know that it is not possible with iOS 6.x and below but what about iOS 7.0 ?
iOS apps are sandboxed, so it is not possible to implement something that shares a resource like that between the apps. The only way you could technically pass data between apps would be using custom URL schemes, but this requires bringing the app into the foreground.
For example, if you wanted an app to pass data to a second app, but wanted the first app to continue executing, you would use a custom URL scheme ("app2://somethinghere") that would invoke the second app while passing some parameter, then it would return to the first app by using another custom URL scheme ("app1://"). But this would be very jarring to the user, and would be very limited in what it could accomplish. Plus this still wouldn't allow the sharing of an active communication channel with a bluetooth device.
My suggestion, if you expect to have different apps running that all want to communicate with the device, is to be sure that your SDK properly closes the connection to the device upon backgrounding so that the next app can properly connect, since I assume there might be issues with the second one if the first one still has a connection.
No, you cannot have a daemon that is shared amongst multiple apps.

How much native functionality is required for Apple app store approval? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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We've made an application that embeds some web content, which has been approved before. Recently Apple has begun rejecting these app's stating that they're plain content-aggregators and that they lack native functionality, even though they have native functionality such as push notifications and reachability checks.
We now considered splitting the web views up and make a native UITabBar.
The question now is—does any of you have any experience whether or not this sort of app would be approved?
I think it will also depend on the reviewer. I once got an application accepted, and the update wasn't accepted because I did not gave an access account (although when I first submitted, the reviewer, did created one to test). Try adding the UITabBar so you can have a more native look, but perhaps, they do have a check a list, at least as a guide line to see if an application does have a native look.
they're plain content-aggregators and that they lack native
By this apple means that if you can easily show your data using a mobile website then don't create a native app for this.
Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
see here -
