Is it possible to share a deamon between multiple app on iphone? [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We developing a SDK communicating with a bluetooth device. We would like to share that SDK among multiple apps, is it possible to do that on iOS ?
I know that it is not possible with iOS 6.x and below but what about iOS 7.0 ?

iOS apps are sandboxed, so it is not possible to implement something that shares a resource like that between the apps. The only way you could technically pass data between apps would be using custom URL schemes, but this requires bringing the app into the foreground.
For example, if you wanted an app to pass data to a second app, but wanted the first app to continue executing, you would use a custom URL scheme ("app2://somethinghere") that would invoke the second app while passing some parameter, then it would return to the first app by using another custom URL scheme ("app1://"). But this would be very jarring to the user, and would be very limited in what it could accomplish. Plus this still wouldn't allow the sharing of an active communication channel with a bluetooth device.
My suggestion, if you expect to have different apps running that all want to communicate with the device, is to be sure that your SDK properly closes the connection to the device upon backgrounding so that the next app can properly connect, since I assume there might be issues with the second one if the first one still has a connection.

No, you cannot have a daemon that is shared amongst multiple apps.


Tracking Installed App on enterprise iOS device [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am developing an iOS Enterprise application. It is same as Apple app store containing couple of my company applications. I want to know which application the users has downloaded from the app so that i can keep a track of his downloaded installations and the current installed versions on his device. I am using Swift 3.0. How should I approach for acheiving this funcationality..
Any suggestion will really help!
You cannot do this from your code out of the box. Device management is more complex in it's accessibility rights of the devices.
You need to use some kind of Mobile Device Management (MDM) software for that case. There are several services out there. Apple also has one on its own:
There are several other service providers available.
The link below might help you, find what you want:
As it is not really best practise posting links. If the link was broken, look for "List of Mobile Device Management Services" and you will find a bunch of alternatives to Apple's software.
A short side note: I made experience with AirWatch and XenMobile so far. Get a Trial Account on their pages and check out, whether this fits your purpose and is worth the time spent to maintain the devices. Well, at last your purpose seems to me very limited to a certain request, which you could request from your user group in a different way?

How Facetime app launches automatically even if the app is killed? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to know how iOS Facetime app launches automatically on call from other device even if the app is killed?I want to achieve the same for my app.
You should never assume that a feature of an Apple app is available to 3rd-party apps. In this case, there is no way to launch your app into the foreground on demand. The best you can do is use Push Kit and send a notification which launches your app into the background to generate a local notification.

Is it alright to enforce users to update an ios application on their devices? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was just wondering what are the guidlines and policies about updating an app on app store? Are we allowed to enforce the users to upgrade their applications programatically?
I'd like to give you some key-points, that might be useful in yours app-update strategies.
Non forced update: (1.X.X) You can use this strategy when you updated your app slightly and updating to it will provide user more delight product. Then you might use simple UIAlertView with notification about new version update and it's features and OK|Cancel buttons, that lead to appStore. This notification can be shown, for example, every time user launches the app. Every applicationDidBecomeActive call can ask your server for actual information about new version
Forced update (2.x.x) you might find it useful, when you made breaking changes on your server-side or you decided to stop supporting some old versions of the app. Then after server-call and retrieving information about app deprecation a modal viewcontroller can be shown with only button, that leads to AppStore and text, that informs about new version available.
Both of these scenarios are used in my apps, and I've never had any troubles with Apple's policies.

Is Capability only available to iOS developers? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to have my container app talk to my extension however I was told that in order to do so I must enable App Groups found within the Capabilities tab. When I attempt to enable it I get prompted to add enrolled apple id to Xcode. Does this mean that I cannot properly develop extensions without paying $99 first?
You only need App Groups if you are sharing data via user preferences or a shared container. You can still share data through the web (via a common server), without an App Group.
There's no way to simulate an App Group. You'll need a developer account.

How much native functionality is required for Apple app store approval? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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We've made an application that embeds some web content, which has been approved before. Recently Apple has begun rejecting these app's stating that they're plain content-aggregators and that they lack native functionality, even though they have native functionality such as push notifications and reachability checks.
We now considered splitting the web views up and make a native UITabBar.
The question now is—does any of you have any experience whether or not this sort of app would be approved?
I think it will also depend on the reviewer. I once got an application accepted, and the update wasn't accepted because I did not gave an access account (although when I first submitted, the reviewer, did created one to test). Try adding the UITabBar so you can have a more native look, but perhaps, they do have a check a list, at least as a guide line to see if an application does have a native look.
they're plain content-aggregators and that they lack native
By this apple means that if you can easily show your data using a mobile website then don't create a native app for this.
Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
see here -
